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3/7: #2, Raining On Wednesday's Parade

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kkk's Top 103 Posters




Number 2: Dr. Tom


Reporting for duty, General.


Actually, considering the Doctor has been out (of TSM, not the closet) for quite some time, I don’t think it matters much if I show up to polish up the Ann Coulter bazookas.


You might be wondering to yourself how come I have listed in the poop chute some poster who hasn’t posted for years, much like two of the last four posters mentioned on this list? (You could make the case nl-asshole would make it a clean sweep, but fagpants still shows up every now and then.) Well because during his stint as moderator, Dr. Tom was a considerable voice of reason in the CE forums. Sure he was a bit on the Republican side, but at the time he was considered a fair voice in message board matters (He banned someone over THIS back in the day. Although it's interesting to note that my lame jokes haven't changed much in almost six years.) Hell, he even closed threads making fun of JEWS. And even though he was stern with his “keep the fluff out” ideology, he didn’t have a problem with letting his hair down (actually, I don’t think his hair is all that long to begin with) and inviting all of us TSM regulars to a grand ol’ shindig in the DC area. (Speaking of “keep the fluff out,” who can forget the line “Stories about men severing their own penises, fishermen getting anally violated with bananas, and anything else that's similar to that is fluff.")


Even though Tom volunteered to be General of one of the worst message board cliques ever to appear at this place, like many other members of the Conservative Brigade he wasn’t much for the fundies in the GOP. And while we agreed on many issues, there were a few we parted ways with, such as Internet piracy. Now he’s a regular at the other place, much like other exiled brethren.


Let's see how my views have changed over time. This was in a thread about laws you would support or something like that. Bold text is what Tom said. Regular text is my response back in '04. Italic text is updated comments by me today.




Legalize (and tax the sale of) all drugs. Build penalties into the system so that anyone who harms someone else while under the influence gets the book thrown at them, hard.


Mostly agree -- I really don't care about this issue though. If you get busted, don't bitch.


Pretty much have the same attitude.




Legalize prostitution and devise safety controls based on the NV model.




Whatever. It won't be my dick. I pay enough for poon.




Legalize euthenasia.


Works for me


Still works for me.




Repeal McCain-Feingold.




Hell yes. God damnit, John.




Legalize gambling, again using the NV system as a model.








Send the gay marriage issue to the states for referendum.


No because when one state adopts it it'll have to be recognized in every state.


Put a gay marriage vote in front of me and vote it down.




Allow felons convicted of nonviolent crimes the right to vote.


No, only because they'll probably vote democrat.


This was a joke. I really don't care about this issue. If it's on the books as law, then don't commit a felony.




A simple flat tax, with several tiers based on income, to replace the income tax. Build tax breaks into the system for small business owners and families with multiple children.


Disagree only because a flat tax with tiers based on income sounds like an income tax to me.


I still like my national sales tax.




Double aid to Israel and remove the leash.


Don't Jews have enough money? I agree with the leash comment.


This wasn't a joke.




Real commitment to cut spending in the federal government.


No -- I want more pork projects. Of course I agree.


Good thing we had those small government Republicans in office to keep spending in check.




The execution of all lobbyists in DC.


Sure, except for the ones representing my interests.


Still think that.




A complete change to the bill policies of Congress, so that ridiculous pork can't be attached to an existing bill. Anyting proposed must have its own bill, not ride on the coattails of a larger one.


Agree. Never happen though.


Still not going to happen.




Term limits in Congress. 12 years is all you get.


No -- the ballot box solves "term limits," even if that means Ted Kennedy has a job in DC.


I'm actually starting to change my opinion on this one. I think that voters impose term limits at the ballot box, but I also think public service isn't a lifetime job. The exception to this is you spend a term or two as a state rep, then senator, then Congressperson, U.S. Senator, etc. You shouldn't be in office to collect a pension, and if term limits halts this, then I'll support the effort.




Restructure copyright and intellectual property laws so that companies don't have an eternal stranglehold on creations. Things are supposed to go into the public domain at some point. As an addendum, legalize file sharing to make archaic fuckheaded conglomerates like the RIAA devise a working business model for the digital age.


Sorta agree. Don't care about file sharing, but I agree more with the first part.


Still feel the same.




There you have it. Not sure what the pont of this was, but when I was about half-way through this list I figured I might as well finish it -- sorta like swimming halfway across a lake, getting tired and swimming back.


And then there was one. See you in six months...


9 p.m.


• So I heard about this story on the radio and wondered where it was taking place. I'm so proud.


PITTSBURGH -- Some University of Pittsburgh students in Oakland are boycotting a popular campus bar.


The Garage Door Saloon on Atwood Street is catching some flak for a sign advertising its midweek special: "Wetback Wednesday."


The special nets you five Coronitas for $7 and 75-cent tacos.



Some passers-by found the ad hanging in the window of the Garage Door offensive.


"It's a racial slur to Hispanics," said Art Digiacomo. "You wouldn't put the 'N' word up there."


The sign has prompted a group of students to boycott the establishment.


Now here's what I love about the media. The article starts off by saying how SOME students are BOYCOTTING a popular campus bar. Then the article turns to some passers-by who think the ad is OFFENSIVE.


About 260 students, so far, are spreading their message on the social networking site Facebook.


WOW, almost 260 students. Time to mobolize. But wait, what have we here...


But other students said they might be overreacting.


"I don't find it offensive," one student said. "Just advertising Coronas."


"I've seen 'White Trash Wednesdays' and 'Trailer Park Tuesdays,' and they haven't received any kind of hype," said the bar's owner, who said his name was Mark.


Mark said there are more important issues to worry about.


"There's a lot more things going on in the streets of Oakland, like robberies and stuff like that, opposed to a bar running a drink special and 75-cent tacos," he said.


Garage Door employees have since put a new sign up on the building, which reads, "For the easily offended. Now offering Mexican American Wednesdays."


And here's the best part of the story, oddly enough found in the last sentence.


Employees said it doesn’t look like they'll be changing their Wednesday special any time soon, especially since business has picked up since the controversial sign has made headlines.


Keep those web petitions coming, kids. You're making quite a difference there.

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