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4/15: Shock Talk

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8:30 p.m.


• For those that frequent the other place. What that hell happened when I was away?


• So Barack Osama said something "clingy" about certain people...


Obama was at a fundraiser in San Franciso when he spoke about the tough economic times and the frustration he sees in small town America.


“It’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations,” he told the group of donors.


So now Hitlery has pounced on this, and who suffers the most? Me. Because I have to watch shit like this every time my TV is turned on.


What's the difference between Hitlery and Osama on this issue? Osama was dumb enough to say it and have others hear him, even in friendly confines.


• From Smues' neck of the woods. Ever hear of these people?


A radio station suspended two disc jockeys Tuesday over a derogatory remark about Alaska Native women made on their show, a comment that has Alaskans comparing the shock-jock duo to Don Imus.


The Anchorage DJs, known as Woody and Wilcox, were joking about what makes someone a real Alaskan, when one of them said it's somebody who makes love to the Yukon River and urinates in a Native woman. It's a twist on an old saying—also offensive to many—that real Alaskans have urinated in the Yukon River and made love to an Alaska Native woman.


Some Alaska Natives are calling for sanctions against KBFX-FM, the hard rock station that features Woody and Wilcox on its morning show.


Michelle Davis, who is part Tlingit, said she was listening to the show April 9 while stuck in traffic on her way to work when she heard the comment.


"I was horrified," she said Tuesday. "It was a very ugly image."


Natives are likening the remarks to those made last spring by Imus, who called the Rutgers University women's basketball team "nappy- headed hos." CBS Radio fired Imus on April 12, 2007, and pulled the plug on his nationally syndicated show. He returned to the air in December at WABC-AM in New York after a series of public apologies.


9 p.m.


• You know, I generally side with so-called smokers' rights. However, I don't blame people for wanting smoking banned at beaches.


The world's beaches and shores are anything but pristine. Volunteers scoured 33,000 miles of shoreline worldwide and found 6 million pounds of debris from cigarette butts and food wrappers to abandoned fishing lines and plastic bags that threaten seabirds and marine mammals.


The few times I've been to the beach it was disgusting how many cigarette butts were all over the place.


• Man, who did the Rooneys piss off to get a schedule like this?




7 -- Houston, 1 p.m.

14 -- at Cleveland, 8:15 p.m.

21 -- at Philadelphia, 4:15 p.m.

29 -- Baltimore, 8:30 p.m.



5 -- at Jacksonville, 8:15 p.m.

12 -- Off

19 -- at Cincinnati, 1 p.m.

26 -- New York Giants, 4:15 p.m.



3 -- at Washington, 8:30 p.m.

9 -- Indianapolis, 4:15 p.m.

16 -- San Diego, 4:15 p.m.

20 -- Cincinnati, 8:15 p.m.

30 -- at New England, 4:15 p.m.



7 -- Dallas, 4:15 p.m.

14 -- at Baltimore, 1 p.m.

21 -- at Tennessee, 1 p.m.

28 -- Cleveland, 1 p.m.

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Thanks for that link. The guy I share an office with told me about this this morning but we failed to find an article online.


I've listened to Woody & Wilcox a few times and found them to be quite terrible "shock jocks," if you can even call them that. The shitty thing is that they're on a rather good classic rock station, so it's common to be listening to that station in the evening, then turn the radio back on in the morning and get attacked by them.


This whole 'controversy' though is a joke. I love how people bring up the abuse native women take and rape statistics and such as if that has ANY relevance to the joke Woody & asshat made. Was it in bad taste? Probably. Was it funny? Absolutely. Is it worth any kind of a protest or mention in the news? Not really. Native women can be upset about it, but that should be about the end of it. The large amount of rapes in Alaskan villages isn't caused by shitty radio hosts making jokes, it happens because the villages tend to have a lot of people living in a small area, usually have 15-25 people per small house, no one has any money, and they're off the road system as well so they're very isolated. Not only are the women getting raped a lot, it's often by a family member. It's sad, sick, and disgusting, but it doesn't have anything to do with some bias against native women. If it were white women in those situations the same thing would be happening.


The outrage over this is just so stupid. Oh and I haven't yet heard someone be offended by the old saying like the article mentions. Doesn't mean noone is, but I haven't seen it. And the full thing is that you aren't a real Alaskan until you piss in the Yukon river, screw a native lady, AND kill a bear. Nice of everybody to neglect to mention the bear part, RACISTS.


Oh and I had heard originally that what they said was "Piss ON a native lady," so finding out that it was "Piss IN a native lady," made it all the more hilarious.




"Please do not piss in our women."

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