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8/27: Boy Panera Sure Costs Plenty Of Bread

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10 p.m.


• So this is the last week of the better half’s employment and her idiot boss gave her a $30 gift card to Panera Bread. Oh yay. For those that don’t know, Panera is one of those hippie stores that sell overpriced food that doesn’t even come close to filling you up. Because we were going grocery shopping today, we decided to just buy a bunch of shit and get this $30 gift card out of our lives forever.


Now I’ve never been in a Panera store before, but it was no different than the few other times I went into these kind of eateries. Mrs. kkk got a sandwich, cookie and frozen coffee. I got a sandwich, soup and frozen smoothie. Not quite $30 but it was close. However, this is what blew my mind. We got one of those coaster-things that flash when your order is ready. That’s odd, but whatever. As we sat at our booth we heard “kkk, your order is ready.” Well what’s the point of having the coster-thingy if they’re just going to call out our name anyway? I digress. I also went to the stand that called out our order. I noticed that we only had our soup and sandwiches. Figure out what I said and what the Panera employee said:


“Where’s the rest of our order?”


“You have to get the drinks over at that register.” *Points leftward.*


OK, so I went and took the food to our booth and went to pick up the drinks. I then noticed Mrs. kkk’s cookie was nowhere to be found. Figure out what I said and what another Panera employee said:


“Where’s the cookie to this order?”


“You have to get cookies over at that register.” *Points leftward.*


You’re being serious? I had to go to three registers to complete my order. Thank Christ this store was near empty. Damn hippie store. Oh well, at least they didn’t put grass on my food like the Atlanta Bread Company.


• Good thing Osama isn’t Jewish; God knows what Jimmy would be calling him. His stuttering was the best part.


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The Atlanta Bread Company store that was near the test scoring place closed a while ago. It seems the hippies around here prefered Panera. I will say that Panera has/had a melon drink thing that I loved. But I had to break the addiction because I was sick of paying 4 or 5 dollars for it.

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The Atlanta Bread Company store that was near the test scoring place closed a while ago. It seems the hippies around here prefered Panera BUSH ECONOMY HAS SPREAD EVERYWHERE!




Wow, we really the economy going in that part of Ohio, didn't we?

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Well, the Bread Company was replaced by a Mattress company that sells high-end mattresses, including Tempur-pedic. I guess we are bolstered by the shining light of promise that is embodied in the form of Obama.


Oh yeah, and the wasteland directly across the main road from where we worked has been built up into an ultra-hippie "outdoor mall" type thing with all kinds of fancy-schmancy stores, inluding a Birkenstock store.

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