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9/15: 7 p.m.

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7 p.m.


• So the better half had an interview today, and her interviewer was wearing a "Hillary Supporter For Obama" button. Nice. You know what was better? The feminazi's first question being about a place Mrs. kkk worked at 4+ years ago, which was a Catholic hospital. The interviewer was trying to find out if she was Catholic. (Mrs. kkk is, but that's not the reason she worked at said hospital.) Of course, never mind the fact that the better half only lasted 7 months at that job because it was run by dumbfucks. Because, you know, everyone who works at a Catholic organization must automatically be of that religion.


Now I guess I could go on and say, "OMG liberals are the most intolerant of all people" or something like that, but I was at an interview back in December where the idiot interviewing me had a Bush/Cheney mug on his desk.


• I'm sure this picture in question has already been taken down, and I'm not a regular to Mr. Cooley's blog, but peep this, especially the boldface:


Washington Redskins tight end Chris Cooley apologized Monday for posting an explicit photo of himself on his Web site.


Cooley accidentally revealed more of himself than he wanted when he took a picture Sunday morning while preparing for the game against the New Orleans Saints. Cooley wanted to show the readers of his popular blog some of the study materials the players were given by coach Jim Zorn.


Cooley, however, was studying in the nude, and he didn't examine his photo closely before posting it.


How could you NOT notice this little part of the picture? And I thought I was packing light down there.


7:45 p.m.


• Regarding Cooley, I just ventured into the "Pictures I Like" Thread.



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