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2/3/06: Muslim Cartoons Are Not Overrated

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• I was listening to Rush today on RIGHT-WING RADIO, and he busted out an audio clip of that infamous ESPN Sunday Countdown where he said those mean things about Donovan McNabb being overrated because the mainstream sports media want black quarterbacks to succeed. It has been a while since I saw that Countdown episode, and I’m glad I got to hear this segment again because it was more hilarious the second time around. Not only did I get to relive Michael Irvin’s “He has a point” remark, but also, interestingly enough, nobody on the panel reacted with offense to Rush’s dreaded “overrated” line when it was first uttered, not even Chris “I never saw Donovan McNabb as a black quarterback ever …ever …” Berman. In addition, there weren’t any little black kids asking Tom Jackson if it is OK for them to be quarterbacks. Fuck you ESPN, fuck you Berman, and Fuck you Jackson.


• So what exactly is the worst thing you can do to a Muslim male nowadays? Is it cramming a bunch of them in a crappy boat that’s destined to sink? No sir. It looks like drawing funny pictures of Mohammad is the answer. Why do I say this? Because a bunch of Muslims are up in arms at a Danish newspaper that had the audacity to publish back in September some caricatures of this prophet of Allah, which I guess is forbidden to do in the Muslim world, much like it is to have literate wives and daughters that want professional careers.


In a show of solidarity, and an unusual display of spine, other European newspapers defended Denmark and ran the pictures in their publications. A French editor was even fired for publishing these cartoons. And while the European media have stood up to this Muslim aggression (you don’t hear that every day), the U.S. State Department is siding with those who would consider us infidels. So let me get this straight. We fund “artists” to submerge the image of Christ in a jar of pee, but we align ourselves with those who think these are offensive? Nice.


Also, why is the North American media shying away from showing us these pictures? "I don't see it as a necessity to run them," said the editorial page editor at the San Francisco Chronicle. I wonder if these people in Medium-Large Media thought the same way about, oh, Abu Ghraib?


• Just after he was sworn in to rape, pillage and plunder anything that is not connected to Halliburton, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has sided with the commie libs on the High Court and said that the state of Missouri can’t just yet go and execute some guy for raping and killing a 15-year old girl. Why did he rule this way? My guess is because the crime only took place in 1989, which is far too soon to kill a convicted murderer/rapist; the condemned has at least 15 more years to suck up public funds in his quest to have what he refused his victims -- life. I’m sure there’s a valid reason why Alito went in the direction he did, but I’m too indifferent and lazy to try and find out.


• Some kids in Florida have refused to sell junk food for fundraising purposes in hopes of collecting enough money for a school trip to Williamsburg, Va., and Washington, D.C. Well, if they don’t want to peddle these wares and can’t come up with another way of getting the money, then they better not whine about their lack of out-of-classroom activities. A teacher at this school has tried to come up with other ways for these kids to raise money; one idea was to have car washes. Too bad that a washing a car is even worse than selling junk food. Not only are you wasting a precious resource to do something that can be accomplished by Mother Nature on a rainy day, but also you are sprucing up an evil machine that pollute the environment.


• Western Union has ceased with what made them famous -- they have stopped providing telegram services. Good for them. Who sends telegrams anyway now? Instead of saying goodbye to an old fixture of previous American societies, we ought to be encouraged that Western Union has evolved with the changing marketplace and focused its talents on additional services instead of the out-dated telegram. Other businesses would be wise to follow this practice.


• So that’s why the Wendy's down the street from me shut down last month? Damnit. That was a nice store, too. Those people that organized the finger-in-the-chili hoax deserve to burn in hell for taking away my Wendy's.


• New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg “anonymously” gave $100 million to help fund a stem-cell research facility. If the donation was “anonymous,” then why am I reading about it? Well, at least he puts his money where his mouth is regarding this issue, which is odd for any politician to do. And while we’re talking about New York and fetuses, this guy got charged with abortion while beating his knocked-up girlfriend. Oddly enough, the baby survived. I’ll leave the punch line up to you.

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Ever since that "overrated" week, I have not tuned into a Countdown episode. In fact, I have tried to avoid all the pre-game shows for the last few seasons. The only thing I regularly watch on ESPN besides sports is Around the Horn with a bit of Jim Rome and PTI if I'm in the mood or have nothing else to do. I really dig Tony Reali; there was a bit on PTI where he was doing his "mistakes" segment and got pissed when mentioning that Kanye West Rolling Stone cover.

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ESPN is nothing more than a tiny blip on my channel surfing radar these days...i can't stand Sportscenter, any of the pre-shows, any of the analysis shows, anything. ESPNews is nice and gives me all the info I need.

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