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2/19: Offending Kmart Workers Without Even Trying

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What is wrong with some people?


Yesterday afternoon I headed over to Kmart to pick up an early edition of a Sunday newspaper; I felt like browsing through the weekly circulars and coupons early. When I arrived, I took one newspaper and then scoped out which aisle would be the shortest wait. Even though this store had more than a dozen checkout lines, only three were in service. The first aisle had a line three deep, and the old lady with a number of clothing and cleaning items was in the midst of writing a check. The next open aisle wasn’t much better, but the third one looked to have the most promise. Even though there were about a half-dozen people occupying this aisle, they were one white-trash family, and their purchase didn’t look to be that big. Then of course the other three heathens from this clan brought their items up to the register. No problem, though. I scanned the magazine/booklet selection and started reading a “Cats for Dummies” booklet.


Whenever you have the opportunity, I recommend you start reading materials off the shelf while waiting in a long checkout line. Not only does it pass the time away, but if you’re lucky enough you can browse through the latest edition of the Weekly World News. Of course this line took much longer than I had expected, but it wasn’t a terrible wait. However, if I ever planned on making a quick purchase, I surely didn’t want to spend an inordinate amount of time waiting in line to make a simple transaction. I think that’s what pisses me off about waiting in lines sometimes. You stand there for what seems like an eternity while some old had tells the cashier she has “exact change” but then spends 20 minutes going through her purse to find it. Or, like in this situation, you’re stuck behind some redneck or ghetto family that has zero organization when it comes to paying for a bill that involved several children piling up anything they thought they could get away with on the conveyor belt. But I digress.


So of course my transaction took about 10 seconds to complete, and then I noticed this store had a special lottery/cigarette section where some lady was selling Instant Win lottery games to a customer. This intrigued me because this section’s service light wasn’t turned on. After this customer was taken care of, I approached the cashier and asked if I was to make a small purchase such as a newspaper if this lottery station would be able to make the transaction, so I wouldn’t have to wait in a long line. The reason I asked this is because I remember what it was like for stupid customer to just go up to an empty checkout line and expect someone to wait on them there. Well after I made this inquiry, the following conversation transpired.


“Yes, if you have a small purchase you can take it here or at the customer service desk if they’re not busy.”


“OK. Thanks. The reason I asked was because your register’s light wasn’t on, and I didn’t know if this was a full-time register or not. I don’t come in here that often and didn’t know Kmart’s policy on this sort of thing.”


“That’s not a nice thing to say!”


“What are you talking about?”


“You saying you don’t come in here often.”


”Well I don’t. Maybe if you guys had the lowest prices on your merchandise I’d come in more.”


“Just leave.”


“Fine. And you can kiss my ass on my way out.”


Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with some people? I said I don’t come into Kmart all that often and you throw a shitfit? (And no, she wasn’t kidding when she said, “That’s not a nice thing to say!”) I have nothing against Kmart, but I wouldn’t buy my clothes there, and many times the products they offer are not the lowest price in the area. When I worked retail jobs and someone would make a smart-ass remark I’d just stand there straight-faced and say, “OK. Bye.” I don’t know if a customer is trying to be witty or serious when they tell a McDonald’s employee that “they sure could go for a Whopper,” (which happened to me a few times when I worked at the Golden Arches), but either way I just stand there and refused to play along. God I hate customers.


And Customer Service Workers aren’t much better.


Blog Plugs


• Bored decided to give the 1987 NL MVP award to Tim Raines. Who am I to stop him? I’m not that much into baseball to remember what happened 19 years ago, but I do agree that Tim Raines was an extremely under-appreciated player. I remember as a kid going through my baseball card collection, looking at Raines’ stats and wondering why his card wasn’t worth more money, according to that Beckett pricing guide. Oh, another guy who seemed to be a good player that didn’t seem to get enough props was Harold Baines – am I nuts or do I have a point with this one?


• I don’t follow pro wrestling anymore, but I do remember when Lance Storm made a comment on his Web site about the Death Valley Driver board. Thanks to Sensei John Kreese for bringing back this memory. I also agree that the Undertaker losing at his last Wrestlemania would give a tremendous rub to the person who scores the pinfall. The question is when exactly does a pro wrestler actually retire?

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I honestly wasn't even sure if K-Mart was still around. Don't know of any near where I live. Figured Wal-Mart and Target had gobbled up the market.


The question is when exactly does a pro wrestler actually retire?

Usually when they are found dead.


As for Baines, ya your nuts. Okay maybe not. I can't remember if he was underappreciated or not. He was a good, consistent performer but never a serious MVP candidate. To really get notice as a DH though you need to put up big numbers on a regular basis.

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I should have said that while I don't think Baines was as "valuable" as other stars of his time, he was like Raines to me in the sense that when I looked at the back of his baseball card and saw his numbers I thought "why haven't I heard of this guy?"

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I could go on and on about shitty customer behavior I experienced while working at Blockbuster. You see, working at Blockbuster was far worse than a normal retail job because there was a built-in reason for about 70% of the customers to be angry 100% of the time--Late Fees.


I worked at Blockbuster in the mid-90s and the late fee structure went like this: $2.11 if your movie was checked in after midnight on the day it was due. After another 24 hours, another $2.11 and so on.


The "2-day rentals" were due sooner than most customers realized. If you rented at movie Monday at 9pm, it was due Tuesday before midnight. Most people thought they had until Wednesday in the above scenario. I'll admit the "2-day" label was not the best wording but that wasn't my problem and there were signs on the exit door explaining when your rental was due. So that created all kinds of havoc. One guy threatened to come back when I got off work to kick my ass because I explained that the 1st day began at the time of rental, even if it was late at night.


Then there were the people that returned movies at 12:01, 12:05, etc. Hey, the deadline has to be sometime, if you're 1 minute late, it's $2.11. They would swear they brought it back before midnight or that the cut off time was unfair.


One time we had long lines and I was stuck as the only cashier. This one guy finally got to me and made some smart-ass comment like "Why don't you open another line"? I didn't acknowledge him, just kept a stone-face and didn't give the customary "Thank you" at the end of the transaction. He then yelled "YOUR WELCOME"!! in my face. I later found out he wrote a letter to the manager requesting that I be fired.

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