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2/28: Road Rage Is A Bad Signal For Me

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• Uh oh. Bush’s RIGHT-WING Supreme Court is making their voice heard on abortion rights. Now it’ll be easier than ever for abortion protestors to intimidate Planned Parenthood workers and knocked-up women wanting to get rid of some excess baggage. Oh, wait. The decision was 8-0? Never mind.


• If only our legal system worked as hard on other matters like eminent domain as they do trying to find ways for convicted murderers to get out of paying their debts to society our world would be a better place.


• I have to do a mea culpa of sorts. One anonymous reader responded to my suggestion a few days ago of white-collar workers documenting what they do throughout the day by saying, “Most of what these people do online all day is shop, watch porn and gamble.” I stand corrected.


• Normally I am a pretty laid-back driver, but over the last few months I have been suffering from road rage. I can’t help it. It’s not the fact some asshole cuts me off almost plows into my car. What pisses me off is their blatant disregard for almost damaging the vehicle I’m in. One thing that really pisses me off is when you’re in front of a large vehicle going up a hill. The truck has its blinkers on and is in the right-hand lane going 20 mph. That’s fine and dandy; I have no problem with this. However, when I put on my turn signal to change lanes, I almost always wait an extra second because I know that the asshole behind me is going to try and zoom around me instant I start to merge in another lane. I can’t begin to count the number of times people would have slammed into my car’s bumper had I not been the cautious one.


Oh I fucking hate those people. If I’m driving the better half’s car, a 2004 cavalier, I practice my “careful pause” before switching lanes because this vehicle is our household’s primary mode of transportation. But if I’m driving my ’88 Corsica that already has one wheel in the junkyard, I say “fuck you’ and go into the other lane regardless, making the dickhead behind me have to slam on their brakes or swerve back into the right-hand lane. Fuck you bitch. If you would have put on your goddamn turn signal when this all began, I’d have no problem; I’d even let you pass me even though I put my turn signal on first. Some people need to be taken out to a nearby field and shot.


As much as this sort of thing happens to me, I’m glad to know I’m not alone. One place I hate driving in is the grocery store parking lot. Christ, that place is a land mine with cars pulling out every which way. This is why I always park near the back of the local grocery store’s parking lot, even when it’s only half-full. And I was reminded today why I do this.


I was walking to this store and I went in front of this old guy with a huge Buick backing out. The reason I chose to walk in front of his car was because I know better than to be behind a senior citizen when they’re in reverse. Unfortunately, this yuppie mini-van didn’t know this rule, and the old guy almost plowed into this poor lady driving the vehicle. What made me laugh about the whole thing is that there was no way that mini-van was in any blind spot; she was directly behind the Buick. I guess when you reach a certain age you just don’t care about accumulating points on your driver’s license.

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Since gasoline prices have risen over $2 and the fact that I have to buy the 93 premium gas for my car, I have taken to setting the cruise control to about 60 on the highway (makes a huge difference in gas mileage). I stay in the far right lane like I'm supposed to. Yet people still tailgate, etc. and seem to be on the verge of killing someone because I'm not doing 75, even though there are 3 additional lanes to the left that they are free to use. Sometimes I'll come upon a driver who's going even slower than I am. This means I'll have to venture into the next lane to the left to get around them. I do this and get back to the right as quickly as I can. I do not, however, slam the accelerator just to please the people in that lane. Well, you'd think I just shot my friend hunting the way they act.


And I love the people that get impatient while going on an on-ramp to the highway. I simply drive up to speed, put my turn signal on, and merge into the lane according to the lines. Many people don't see it that way; they wish to swerve over into highway lanes well before your actual lane begins, and if you aren't doing the same, you are some kind of creep holding them up.


Oh, if I were allowed to keep a firearm on my dashborad, many would die by my hands.

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Oh, man, you just gave me a week's worth or material to write about with that last post. I HATED that merge lane where someone from Middletown, Ohio, wanted to get on I-75 North.

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Well, this morning offered 3 more annoyances dealing with cars on the road.


First, there is this lady in a Camry that has the same schedule I do. I sometimes end up behind her getting onto I71 north on my way to work around 7am. She has a bumper sticker that says "I don't eat anything with a face". Well, bitch, it looks like you're better than those of us who do. Seriously, why put that on your car for others to see? So she can announce that she is morally superior to the other drivers around her. I don't care about people who are vegetarians for health reason, that doesn't bother me. But types like this whore really set me off. God, I need that gun on my dash.


Second, the off-ramp where I exit the highway has 2 lanes. Of course, these continue onto the actual street as the same 2 lanes. A Semi truck in the right lane, directly in front of me, just took it upon himself to turn into the left lane as he turned onto the street, causing the car in that lane to have to take measures that I'm sure they didn't feel like doing at 7:20am, such as having to swerve nearly into oncoming traffic to avoid the fool.


Third, I get into my parking lot, get out of my car and walk towards the building. A lane is between the lot and the sidewalk to the building. I approach this lane and see a car coming, having just turned into the lot from the street. I stop waiting for the person to drive on. They stop, but I am stopped waiting for them to drive on. I don't like to walk in front of cars, I mean maybe their foot slips, maybe there is car behind them that doesn't know why they're stopped and wants to come speeding around them, whatever I just want these people to continue on, don't wait for me, I can wait for 2 seconds while you pass. I know she was trying to be nice, but jesus, if a pedestrian is clearly waiting for you, go the fuck ahead and drive.

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