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3/25: Cable Guys, Tin Cans, Dead Pets

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• I talked about Larry the Cable Guy a few days ago, and I’m going to do so again. I was flipping through channels last night and saw two interviews featuring him. The first one was on CMT; no surprise there. I had this on as background noise while cooking dinner, and the most interesting part was when I heard him say that he was a Reagan conservative. I guess that’s better than him not being one. But what really threw me for a loop was later on that evening when he was on Hannity & Colmes. Well, I’d rather listen to his jokes than most of the guests they have on that show. The highlight of that interview was when he talked to Alan. He said that when Colmes had his radio show in Orlando, that Larry was the guy who would call into his show, say “nobody cares what you think” and hang up. The sad thing is I believe this story. Oh, and he also called Bill O'Reilly a communist.


• Since I’m a retard when it comes to social etiquette and other hippies stuff like that, I’m not sure if I’m in the right or wrong when it comes to this very important issue. Long story short: The mother-in-law received a tin of cookies for Christmas from her one niece, who lives with her father’s family. About a week ago the niece who gave the cookies told the mother-in-law that her uncle who gave her the cookie tin wants it back. (I’m not even going to attempt to explain this family tree because it’s one of broken families that would take about 1,000 words for me to set up.) Now when you make cookies or some other baking concoction and present it in a tin, I’m always under the assumption that you give the tin away as well as what’s inside this container. Now if the person who does the giving asks for the tin back at the start of the transaction, that’s different, but what’s the point of giving someone a tin container if you are going to want it back later? Why not just give away the baked goods in some crappy throw-away Tupperware? Truly, this is one incident that will rock the very foundation of our society.


• This has been a bad week for pets. First a British stray cat that became a mainstay of the Prime Minister’s place died at 18 years of age, and now some turtle that was supposedly the pet of an officer in colonial India around the middle of the 18th century also passed away. Dang. 18 years for a cat and 250 for a tortoise? Can’t say they didn’t get their money’s worth on this planet.


• Man, if we ran elections like they do over in the Ukraine, which will have a voting ballot over two-feet long, well, let’s just say there will be a bunch of far-sighted Jews in Florida that will get disenfranchised. At least the good thing is that with all the names to choose from, they probably would have plenty of candidates to mistakenly pick from than just Pat Buchanan.


• Great, the Dixie Terrorists are coming out with another album. Much like their previous albums, I won’t care (I’m not a country music fan). However, I can’t wait to hear all the media hoopla about if their more conservative listeners will “forgive” them for the stuff they said back a few years ago about our Commander in Chief. You have the freedom to say whatever you want, but other people are also free to say “fuck you three bitches.”

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