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3/29: Out Of The Jobs Bank And Into The Oven

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• Gotta love the Europeans. I guess their fans at soccer games can get a bit unruly and FIFA has issued reminders that RACISM will not be tolerated. Of course, you could always punish the FANS who are being racist shitheads, but that would require individual responsibility, and this is Europe we’re taking about after all. I don’t know much about European society, but I do know that some of their soccer enthusiasts put U.S. idiot fans to shame.


• So the city of Houston took in the evacuees of Hurricane Katrina and what do they have to show for it? A rise in crime. Thank God nobody wants to come to my city; we have enough derelicts as it is.


• Will someone please put General Motors out of my misery? It’s hard to feel bad for a company that set itself up for a huge fall when instead of cutting back and streamlining, they agreed with unions to let laid-off workers sit in these jobs banks, collecting a fat paycheck and receiving health benefits.


• So how much is it worth to find true love? Apparently $12,000 if you’re some schmoe suing eHarmony.com for not being allowed to sign up for this dating service. The reason he was turned down? He’s still married, which is a no-no, according to eHarmony. On a side note, I don’t understand why anyone would join that place. It’s not that finding love on the Internet is necessarily a bad thing (it can’t be any worse than the local bar scene), but rather because the Web site’s founder is one of the most annoying commercial spokespeople in recent memory. Also, I so want to see these testimonials from those couples they show on television a few years down the road when the shine of wedded bliss has long faded.


• I mentioned in Carnival’s blog that I have been regulating the feeding of my three cats. By giving each a quarter-cup of food in the morning and at night, I’m hoping this will prevent any health-related problems with them such as diabetes. The problem with this though is that now it’s nearly impossible to cook anything because you get overrun by felines on the hunt for food. This evening I was cooking a Lean Pocket in the oven (I can’t stand eating those things straight out of the microwave; it takes longer to bake a Pocket, but it’s worth it in the end.) and was getting a turkey sandwich prepared for a brief baking. The Lean Pocket was ready to be taken out, so I partially opened the oven door and turned back to finish putting the condiments on the sandwich. It was at this time when JJ trotted into the kitchen and began sniffing around; my guess is that he was smelling the Chicken Quesadilla Lean Pocket. I kept an eye on him and noticed that his backside began wiggling, which is always followed by a lunge/leap/charge. When I realized that he was about to jump in an oven that’s been at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, I reached for him, but I was too late. He jumped INTO THE OVEN. Fortunately, he’s not very coordinated and he only managed to get his front end onto the oven’s opening. His weight made the door fall all the way down, and I was able to get him to jump off the door completely.


When I turned around back to my sandwich, I saw Dessa (who jumped up onto the island counter -- where my sandwich was -- while I was dealing with JJ) sniffing the turkey meat that was out. As I picked her up off the island, the little bitch snagged a slice of turkey in her mouth while in mid-air and took off with it under the living room coffee table. Thank God Max was too busy looking out an opened window and didn’t get in on this action.

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HOLY SHIT! Cat in the oven, that could have been a disaster.


My sister has run accross a few complications with rationing the food. They bawl at the door to their feeding place(laundry room) all the time. The big grey cat steals food from the smaller one. If they eat too much, their stomachs aren't used to it anymore and they puke.


I've always told her that she never should have started the diet, Just always have food in the bowl. That way they only eat when they are hungry. But I'm sure they would pig out for a while, but eventually they should chill out with it. But of course they could just get fatter...I'm no vet obviously. But every person who has cats that i know besides her always has food available for them...and they don't over eat.


I think it's a mental thing, if there is always plenty of food, then they won't eat as much cuz they know it will always be there.

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That's how many cats are. Whatever you do. They are only going to come back and try to get that food again. You're cat JJ is a dolt. Pigface who is at our house, and Bart who still lives at my parents house are the greatest human food lovers. They'd never attempt anything like that. Pigface is much more agressive in going after a plate of food. Where as Bart is more stealth, trying to sneak up to you, and looking for a time when your guard is down.

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We've known JJ isn't the brightest bulb in the socket for some time, which just adds to his charm.


Carnival, for years we would just have food out for them to eat at any time, but JJ would always over-eat and throw up. There would be times we'd come home from work and there would be 4-5 piles of vomit scattered about. I wanted to have rationed feedings for some time, but the better half never went along with it because Dessa was a "grazer," meaning she'd eat little bits throughout the day. Then when our one cat died she seemed to get more concerned about the health of the other cats and agreed to do this.


If you have cats that go outside and run around, then maybe having food available 24/7 might work, but if they're indoor cats, you need to ration what they eat. Ours always cry because they want fed, but, hey, life's a bitch; they'll just have to suffer.

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considering it's extremely easy to hook up with chicks on free chat services like AIM, Yahoo, MySpace and MSN, why the hell would you pay money to do it?

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If you have cats that go outside and run around, then maybe having food available 24/7 might work, but if they're indoor cats, you need to ration what they eat. Ours always cry because they want fed, but, hey, life's a bitch; they'll just have to suffer.


Bart who is a outdoors cat cries even when he has food.I think he wants to know who really holds the power. He's also a big cat, in both height and weight. Good news is he's about to turn 16 and is in good health. The other cat at my parents house Homer turns 15 the same date. He's pretty much the polar opposite of Bart. Both in size, and attitude wise.

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