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Hawk 34


Last night, i was trying to get some of my work done for my class today (in half-hour, actually) but I kept getting interupted by various circumstances.


A). My ex-girlfriend, whom I remain friendly with had to start up a AIM convo about her current relationship and said "you actually understand me, so you know what to say"


-Okay, If I understand you so damn much, why did you leave my ass? I don't need flattery to offer my advice but don't cheapen it by acting like you still need my words and wisdom. You just want to vent. I am cool with that, I've been there. It's just not right, to still claim I was the right guy for everything about you, when I was obviously not that guy. (Of course, she does like to say from time to time "I really do believe you are my soul-mate, it was just bad timing for us". Like I need to drag myself down a bottomless pit, with you. Again)


B). The O.C

-This show, used to be awesome. Remember season 1? It was the perfect show in every way. Season Two, slipped a little but the final episodes made up for it. Now, they are going head-first into cliche land. Marissa is a coke-head, now? How long did it take Kelly Taylor? I don't recall Joey Potter or Jen ever having Cocaine issues. Ryan, looks 35 now. Seth, to his credit (being the oldest actual cast member) still looks 18.


It's like they are throwing everything into one giant machine and shaking it up. How did Summer Roberts go from being the hottest girl on TV to being "ehhh", in just two seasons? Even Taylor, leap-frogged her.


C). My Dog, Gibson


-When we first got this thing, he was adorable. 2 Months later, it's been a diaster. You can't contain this thing. We have a large backyard for him to play with our other dog, a more relaxed dog but once he comes inside? He's a beast, and not in the trendy sense of the word.


D). This fucking place

-Even if it was zombie-land last night, I was still here.


I finally wrapped up my paper about 2 am.

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I enjoyed Season One of the OC...didn't come back for season two for whatever reasons...plus, no Tate Donovan, boo!


He was on a handful of shows in season two, but yeah, the show is hurting without Jimmy Cooper.

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You named you dog after James Gibson?


Kinda. We couldn't decide on a name and I had Manhattan Mayhem playing and it was during his match with Black Tiger and my old man was like "screw it, let's name him Gibson and get it over with".


We call him Gibbs though.



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