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26. Stuff. And #8.

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I can't explain why I've been so happy this week. Like seriously, I've been smiling all day today and yesterday. It's weird. Even while my elbow is killing me. Well, I just hope it lasts!


Not much else to talk about. Excited for the ensuing long weekend. I plan to play lots of tennis tomorrow, on the day of Jesus' death. And other stuff this weekend.


#8 in the worst sports moments list for moi is a sad one... :(


I'm not a big fan of any type of racing. Especially all the circle jerk racing that's on nowadays. It makes me sleep. And it's gotten even worse now that there's lots of money involved. It was better back in the day when it was on ESPN, and there was a bunch of hillbillies driving around. Now, all the personalities are blah. Pretty boy douches like Jeff Gordon, Dale Jr., whatevz. And while fatass Tony Stewart tries to be a hot-headed hardass who crashes everyone, he'll never top the master. I really miss this guy, because he's the only driver I gave a crap about...


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8) Dale Earnhardt dies at Daytona.


The Intimidator. He was just so badass in his black #3 car, the shades, the hick mustache and voice. His non-giving a shit attitude about fucking other drivers over. Every driver was terrified if Dale came up behind you, because he'd do whatever to get past you.


It was such a weird feeling when he died. The crash looked rather tame compared to many huge looking crashes where cars flip around and you're amazed when the guy walks out without a scratch. I didn't really feel sad... because it's racing. You always put your life on the line. But, it was weird how he died basically blocking other cars from passing him. I guess it was ironic in a way.


I guess it's just a crap feeling when your undoubted favorite in a sport is taken away like that.

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I can't explain why I've been so happy this week. Like seriously, I've been smiling all day today and yesterday. It's weird. Even while my elbow is killing me. Well, I just hope it lasts!


Obviously it's because you and I are back on speaking terms

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now your really hitting home to me. In my family, Dale Earnhardt was king. My grandpa still buys #3 merchandise whereever he can find. He was the biggest DE fan I know. He was my favorite too until the crash. I haven't been much into Nascar since that. Just watch it every now and then and cheer for his son.

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I'm not really a racing fan, but being a Central Florida resident, I have a number of friends who were devastated when this happened.


I remember I had to tell the news to one of my closest friends because he didn't get a chance to watch TV that day. A couple others were actually at the race.


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Yeah, I can imagine how hard hit the Southern people were...


Never rebounded, either. Nascar will just never be the same.

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Yeah, I can imagine how hard hit the Southern people were...


Never rebounded, either. Nascar will just never be the same.



Hard to say that they never rebounded, when ratings soared, interest soared and corporate involvment soared as well. It's sad to say, but the truth is...Earnhardt's death changed the course of NASCAR forever, and some might argue for the better.


Earnhardt, the piece of the puzzle that made him work and be so endearing to the fans was that, he was really just a big old softy underneath the black shades. It has been said many times that it was the ultimate irony for the Intimidator to fade out by being the protector. It was uncharacteristic of #3, to say the least.


I would like to imagine that Earnhardt Sr. reaction to the current scene of NASCAR, younger and slicker looking drivers with product in their hair and the ongoing antics of their young attractive girlfriends brawling in the pits.


I'd think he'd get a kick out of the last part and would have reveled in hazing the young kids of today.

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