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4/14: White Trash Hitting The Wal

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So I was listening to some sports-talk radio yesterday when I heard a commercial featuring a sound clip from Toby Keith's new album and the following voice-over: “White Trash With Money is now at Wal-Mart.” Sounds like somebody got their tax refund check. It’s funny to hear all this Wal-Mart hate, because if this corporation was really despised that much, they wouldn’t make so much money. Unlike an EVIL~ corporation like, say Exxon, there are a lot more businesses in the retail industry than the fuel industry. Also, how much of a schmoe do you have to be to despise Wal-Mart and the way they do business but shop there in order to save 4 cents off a bottle of shampoo?


I’m not a Wal-Mart hater, but I’m trying to think back to the last time I did any shopping at one of these stores. After much thought and reflection, I’m pretty sure the last time I bought something from Wal-Mart was this pseudo-vacuum in November of 2005 for the basement. Why the reason for my “defiance” of this company that will soon take over the world? Location might have something to do with it, but an even bigger reason is that I don’t want to be around all the white and ghetto trash that populate these stores. Have you seen the people that shop there? Of course you have; it’s Wal-Mart, after all. I think the highlight for me was one time when this kid, who was a few fries short of a happy meal, was throwing a fit over something stupid (all kids do) and his redneck parents proceeded to scream at him louder than he was yelling at them. I love it when the kids win in these parents vs. children fights; always pull for the up-and-comer hick rather than the established white trash.


How could I forget this encounter? Years back I was in a Wal-Mart electronics department when this angry customer caught my attention. Because I love hearing what other people get pissed off about I lingered in the DVD section to hear his complaint. Was he upset because the store wouldn’t return a defective DVD even though he had a receipt? No. Did an employee tell him to “fuck off” when he asked the customer service representative to open the locked video game case? Don’t think so. Here is what the problem was: This guy recently bought a regular television set – wasn’t flat screen, High-Def, Plasma or anything like that; just a regular TV. Well, apparently he wanted to return the television because he wasn’t satisfied with it; he gave no specific reason. However, instead of getting another television of equal or lesser value, he wanted one that was about $200 more expensive. No, he didn’t want to exchange his old television for the new one and pay the difference, he wanted the more expensive set for FREE. Of course, the poor teen-age clerk didn’t know what to say. Many people hear stories of stupid customers and think they can prepare themselves for the encounter, but when they actually experience this stupidity, many times they are like a deer in headlights. Well, after 2-3 managers were called in, nothing was resolved. The guy was getting more and more pissed and the employees had no idea what to do about the situation. That’s when the customer said something that got him into my Stupid Customer Hall of Fame on the first ballot: “Wal-Mart guarantees customer satisfaction!” I burst out laughing and had to walk away because I couldn’t take any more. I’m not sure how this incident got resolved, but if the guy did get new television, hopefully he was standing in a bucket of water while trying to figure out the best outlet to plug in his new prize.


I guess I shouldn't be too hard on the people that frequent Wal-Mart. After all, going there and seeing the dregs of society can really boost your spirits if you're feeling a bit down on yourself. Seeing how I haven’t had to get my fix in some time, I guess I’m doing pretty well with myself.

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I still shop at Wal-Mart quite often, mostly because it is close and it has the best prices. I go there despite the fact that I had the single most frustrating retail customer service experience of my life at a Wal-Mart. I mean the kind of thing the makes one want to drive home, get the Walther P-38 that you've been keeping hidden away, carefully inspect all the mechanisms, run a swab through the barrel, polish it up just to make it look nice, return to the customer service desk and go to town.


I'd love to go over the particulars, but I honestly can't remember the details. The event made me so angry I think I've just tried to erase it from my memory. It involved a 4-drawer chest that my wife, then simply my girlfriend, wanted to buy after seeing an ad for it in a Wal-Mart flyer. We called ahead to make sure they had one in stock and were told yes. We got there and there was none in stock. From there it went downhill. There was something about employees in the furniture department claiming that they never spoke to us, a manager who didn't care, etc.


The only thing I remember clearly is that I wanted all of them to die...by my hands.


Yet I still shop Wal-Mart, but I've never been back to that particular location.

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My advice on how to handle shopping at Wal-Mart is this:


Go before 9:00 a.m. on Saturday mornings. It's great. Tons of checkout lines open and the shelves are still fully stocked. But the best part is that it's too early in the morning for all the trash and other scum customers to be out of bed and at the store, letting their children wander the ailses unsupervised.


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Yet I still shop Wal-Mart, but I've never been back to that particular location.


Which one was that? When the Middletown Wal-Mart opened, right before I was moving out of there, you would have thought the city was going to throw a parade in Mr. Walton's honor.

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Yet I still shop Wal-Mart, but I've never been back to that particular location.


Which one was that? When the Middletown Wal-Mart opened, right before I was moving out of there, you would have thought the city was going to throw a parade in Mr. Walton's honor.


Believe it or not, they are adding another Wal-Mart just blocks from that same one you mentioned.

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Around the mall, from what I was told. Which is essentially across the street. Where I actually live, they literally built a new "SUPER-DUPER ULTRA MEGA" Wal-Mart Center, next to an slightly older Wal-Mart.



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Well of course, that aged structure is almost four-years old. I wonder which grocery store will go under first -- my guess is that crappy Dillman's another mile or so toward Middletown.

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Well of course, that aged structure is almost four-years old. I wonder which grocery store will go under first -- my guess is that crappy Dillman's another mile or so toward Middletown.


Probably, KMART. The place is completely empty and that whole strip mall is basically KMART, a bar that constantly changes names, a semi-decent chinese buffet, mini dollar store, renovated Arby's. I figure they would just tear that whole section down and slap another Target there or something...even if there already is a Target by the currently standing Wal-Mart.


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I forgot about that KMart -- I remember going in there for something shortly after the company declared bankruptcy and some lady screaming at the customer service/returns lady and saying, "No wonder you people are going out of business."


I remember that buffet restaurant -- there's also a take-out/delivery place near that buffet I have to bitch about sometime down the road.

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