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What's Entertaining Me Now - April 20, 2006

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DrVenkman PhD


Tip of the hat:


- The Colber Report (as usual) is causing me to crack up with laughter nightly. Monday's episode was really good, and that knock knock joke about the San Fransisco Earthquake of 1906 (it killed 3,000 people) was just so bizarre, especially the crowd reaction, but I loved it. The rant about tax and dimes and more hilarious comments about bears has made this a good week for the show, and I hope tonight's episode caps it off well.


- WWE Fantasy. People on TSM are joining the league, and there seems to be more buzz than usual (although that doesn't mean much, really). The thing about WWE Fantasy is you end up loving Masterlock challenges or hoping Big Show has and wins a match.


- Charlies Haas, welcome back. Hope you get to work a full program with Shelton in the future.


- Kingdom Hearts II has become a game I've just been enjoying more so as I progress. Most of the bosses are fun to fight (although Jafar was kind of weak, though the carpet was neat). I think I'm almost done, and look forward to solving my game tape. A lot of people on GameFAQs are talking about how they couldn't beat a boss named Xaldin, but I'm not sure what the big deal was. Annoying, yes, but just keep using your Cure magic and you'll live.


Wag of the finger:


- Last night's South Park episode. That was not even worth the 10 minutes or so it took to download from mininova. Just so awful and terrible, and it seems most people on the TV/Movies forum agree.

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