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I lost 2-6 6-7(4) today in my first competitive match since moving here. I am not pleased with this. I want to smash things when my serve gets broken, which happened twice. Next time, things will be different. Domination will be established. And many 7-6 7-6 wins will ensue.


My truck is a piece of shit. It's a Dodge Van thingy. It's pretty, but I don't like it. I WANT MY COROLLA BACK. I loved that thing. It was an unpenetrable tank of gas saving glory. I need to find another. But, used ones are a bitch to find, since everyone wants one. And there's too many fucking Mexicans down here, that love cars like that.


Oh, shock. I turn on ESPN, like the dumbass I am... and it's NFL DRAFT SPECIAL #123423!!! Do they seriously have new draft "update" shows everyday? This is so horrible. Any more mentions of Brett Favre, and I'm breaking the TV. Brett should sue ESPN for talking about him. Like, seriously, if I was some popular athlete, I'd torture ESPN if they ever mentioned me. Especially if they dragged Pedro Gomez to cover me. Poor Pedro, you just know he's sucking on Barry's cock by now. And someone kill Sean Salisbury. Nobody likes him. Except maybe Damaramu.


Well, at least there's tennis on. Bless you, Tennis Channel for showing a zillion hours of Monte Carlo this week.


I want to have lots of sex with Katharine McPhee.


There's not much else here. I'll go on Gaim, and get bombarded with messages! Which I mostly enjoy. Don't stop.





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Corollas rule.


I got a '96 Corolla brand new only 2 years removed from high school. I said good bye to her last year and got a fully loaded '04 Corolla, which rules since gas in the Bay Area is now $3.00 a gallon and I'm getting roughly 30 mpg between little city and lots of freeway driving.

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Corollas rule.


I got a '96 Corolla brand new only 2 years removed from high school. I said good bye to her last year and got a fully loaded '04 Corolla, which rules since gas in the Bay Area is now $3.00 a gallon and I'm getting roughly 30 mpg between little city and lots of freeway driving.


Was it still working when you got rid of it?

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Yes, but I was starting to have to put money into it the last year of my having it. Since I moved to the Bay Area, I started putting more miles on my car traveling to and from Sacramento. I figured since I make more money, I might as well get a new ride.

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