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4/26: A Pat On The Bottom For Folding Laundry

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• So I was listening to Dr. Laura today and she was pimping some book about how feminism sucks or something; I wasn’t really paying attention. However, when she was reading some promo sheet about this chick’s other books I began listening and heard the following:


In her first book, TO HELL WITH ALL THAT: Loving and Loathing Our Inner Housewife, Flanagan (the author) examines how the modern woman—who wants the virginal white wedding gown but has shacked up with her boyfriend for years; who demands her husband help with the housework but angrily refolds the laundry when he doesn’t do it “right”; who pores through Martha Stewart Living for the perfect apple pie recipe she will never have time to make; who relies on a nanny for the best possible care for her children but desperately needs for those kids to still love her most—wrestles every day with her inner housewife.


Like I said before, I really don’t care about this housewife/career woman shit, but the line about the laundry got a hearty laugh, because that is so the truth. At the kkk house, the better half has for years bitched about the way I fold the laundry towels, as if there’s some official way to fold them. Believe it or not, these bitch sessions got quite heated at times; all because I didn’t fold these things horizontally (or was it vertically?) – of course, if I don’t fold them they stay in the laundry basket for weeks at a time because she never gets around to doing them. Even if I knew how to “properly” fold them, I wouldn’t now just for spite.


Another point of contention at our residence deals with yard work. I hate moving the lawn, and for some reason Mrs. kkk thinks all men should revel in bagging weeds and playing with machines able to sever limbs in a flash. Last year, late in the “mowing season” she was bitching at me because I was putting off mowing the yard for a day or two (OK, maybe it was three), and she “threatened” to do it herself. I said “go ahead.” Not even five minutes had passed when she came back in. “I can’t start the lawn mower.” Equal rights my ass.


• What the hell is wrong with California?


Lawyers for a woman who was spanked in front of her co-workers as part of what her employer said was a camaraderie-building exercise asked a jury Wednesday for at least $1.2 million for the humiliation she claimed to have suffered.



Employees were paddled with rival companies' yard signs as part of a contest that pitted sales teams against each other, according to court documents. The winners poked fun at the losers, throwing pies at them, feeding them baby food, making them wear diapers and swatting their buttocks.


There are times when I seriously question the sanity of my co-workers, but after reading stuff like this I realize it could always be worse (but not by much).


• Being part of a drive-by shooting that killed someone and lying about your role to a judge? Six months in jail. Talking about selling weed while serving your time? Eight years. I’m not a real sympathizer to those that get entangled in America’s “War on Drugs” (don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time), but this is too much, even for me.

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I guess I'm lucky. Mrs Terror has never even mentioned a problem with laundry to me. We kinda do our own laundry, when I need to do some I'll collect anything she needs done, and vice versa.


Lawn mowing blows. I must be doing something wrong regarding sharpening the blades, because even when I attempt to sharpen them, it still doesn't cut well. I'm thinking about throwing in the towel and paying some kid to do it, provided he uses his own mower.

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