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35. Boredum.

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I'm once again going through another online apathy stage. Where I don't talk to anyone, don't feel like posting, and don't do anything in general. I guess it's because of another boyfriend now, which will of course end up in pain, but whatever. I don't learn. And just general apathy in wrestling, since the sucky summer stretch is coming... and sports should be better, but they're not.


I just wanted to keep my blog updated.



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Yeah, I don't know why people get all excited this time of the year. School is over, which only means you have to work even more. The weather is really insufferable as it rains all morning and reaches absurd levels of humidity in the afternoon. Sports die out in early june when NBA and NHL are finished. Baseball starts lagging around then, even NASCAR gets apathetic until late August when the Chase begins.


Wrestling goes into a funk in the summer because people are busy having real lives.


Also, like you I lack the desire to post or internet anymore. I hardly AIM now as well. Last night for instance, I probably had 10 boxes of people saying "hey" "yo" "u there?" and i didn't respond to any of them, except my ex who I gave 10 minutes to.


I will probably get back with her, despite the fact it didn't work the first time and all signs say she'll just cheat again. At least this time I get pussy and I'm prepared for the inevitable "I want to see other people" bomb, she'll likely drop on me while laying in bed watching some shitty movie.


I hate this time of the year. Anyone who says its the best time of the year are idiot sheep. Everyone really knows December-March is the BEST of the year.

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Where I don't talk to anyone, don't feel like posting, and don't do anything in general. I guess it's because of another boyfriend now


I don't like this because that's usually the time when you start hating me.

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