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5/7: Do As I Say (But Not As I Read)

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Last Christmas the better half, who never knows what to get me for birthdays/holidays/etc., actually did the unthinkable and bought me a BOOK. Blasphemy. I had to deal with these things for the 16+ years of schooling I received – no way do I want to bother with these things some more. But then again, I can’t really blame her for getting me this monstrosity; after all, I am a bitch to shop for. Anyway, this book is titled “Do As I Say (Not As I Do)” and takes aim at limousine liberals who tell us to drive in hippie hybrids while they get around in private jets that consume more fuel in a single flight from Hollywood to Manhattan than I will use in at least a decade’s worth of commuting to and from my place of employment.


Now before my liberal pals start pointing their veggie sticks at me and go, “Yeah, well you conservatives are hypocrites, too,” don’t bother. I’m more than certain that a 250+ page book can be written about “family values” politicians divorcing wives who are battling cancer in the hospital, so instead of giving off more carbon dioxide for the trees, just shaddup. Actually, you might be pleased to know that I find this book a bit under whelming. Golly gee, Mikey Moore talks about RACISM in America but doesn’t hire people of color to work on his films/books/etc.? Color me surprised. Hitlery Clinton talks about the “decade of greed” while profiting heavily from it? Yawn. Ted Kennedy is big on the environment but is not so big on having windmill thingys placed near his Kennedy compound, which would make mother earth happy but not his yachting excursions? Get out. Most of the things in this book have already been addressed on various RIGHT-WING RADIO programs, among other areas of the conservative media. However, if listening to hours upon hours of the EIB Network isn’t your thing, then maybe it’s good to have all these tidbits in one convenient, space-saving publication.


Today I just finished up the chapter on Ralph Nader, and this one really made me laugh. Despite being against Big Business, Ralph has made a few dollars off the stock market with companies that profited from his activism. While reading this stuff was deserving of a few eye-rolls, what made me LOL was the following:


In his book Big Boys, Nader declares that labor unions are a “vital force in the battle over ideas, values and social conditions.” Without them, he warns, American workers are on their way to “indentured status.” … During the 2000 campaign, Nader said that he favored unions even for small businesses with less than twelve employees.”


Then I come across this gem:


But he doesn't have any interest in those sorts of principles being applied at his own organizations. Tim Sharrock found that out when, as editor of the Nader publication Multinational Monitor, he tried to organize the staff because of difficult working conditions. Complaining of sixty- to eighty-hour workweeks and low pay as well as no procedure to address workplace grievances, they approached Nader about obtaining some sort of representation. Nader simply refused. “I don’t think there is a role for unions in small nonprofit ‘cause’ organizations any more than … within a monastery or within a union,” Nader said.


So I guess the lesson learned here is if GM/Halliburton/Visa/etc. want to avoid the scorn of Ralph, then all they have to do is say that they, too, are a “cause organization.” Of course, in these cases, the “cause” is to make big profits.


I’m about halfway through this read, and most of the big names (insert Mikey Moore joke here) have already been covered. However, Nancy Pelosi is in the on-deck circle, and I’m sure there will be some double standards regarding her “saying” and “doing” of labor practices. However, a few chapters after that is Barbara Streisand, which I’m sure will be a doozy.

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Nader is a Hall of Fame piece of crap. His accusations that the Chevrolet Corvair was an unsafe car were proven to be untrue. He built his career on telling lies about the Corvair. Any book that exposes him further is alright by me.

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