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46. Rest of the lists.

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No more yammering on the list.


I don't want to hurt anyone else's feelings.


Well, I'm lying, I deeply enjoy doing that. But, I have connections with celebrities, now. I don't have time for you plebeians.




1. -MikeSC

2. Slayer

3. Hawk 34

4. Dr. Tom

5. Czech Republic

6. CanadianMuggy

7. Carnival

7. Anglesault

8. Black Lushus

9. Damaramu

10. EricMM

11. Cancer Barney

12. Milky




1. iggymcfly

2. banky

3. Porter

4. EvanderHolyfieldblahblah

5. kkk

6. Vitamin X

7. Hoof

8. The Thread Killer

9. A smorgasbord of sports posters

10. NYU


If anyone wants further comments on these selections, please ask nicely. Or, if you have any questions or comments feel free to ask. If I like you.







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How did I get on this list? beyond our shared love for Katharine (but I'm hardly the only one) I do agree with your top(bottom?) 4 for the bottom list. Almost dead on.

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I'm going to just assume the MikeSC thing is an inside joke from 2005 when everyone assumed you were he, but if not, well, everyone has an opinion on who is good and who is not I suppose.


The important thing is a person who has a blog that people like to read and comment on didn't include me as bottom 10 poster. That's the kind of adequacity that one should make goals out of in life.

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Ok... how is Muggy better than me? I mean, I'm not trying to say I'm better than him, but as a poster I'm basically Muggy with more in-jokes. Sheesh and stuff.


Hawk and Slayer are good choices. The former's totally jumped up my "list" recently.


kkk is the shit and you know it.

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How did I get on this list? beyond our shared love for Katharine (but I'm hardly the only one) I do agree with your top(bottom?) 4 for the bottom list. Almost dead on.


You're a very smart guy that constantly brings the quality in nearly every area I post about. Tekcop agrees, and I'm sure many others do, as well. I think it just took a while for people to warm up to you, because many of us thought you were Choken since you posted 100 times a day in the WWE forum early on, and he was recently banned before that. :P


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Hold up.


You believe MikeSC to be the best poster on these boards? Please explain.


I include The Pit in this... plus, I think it's ridiculous that he's banned here... but, we don't need to get into that. :)


I know the guy is a stubborn dick who must always get the last word, but he's also very intelligent. I know he gets a bad rap for his rather extreme political views... but he's entitled to be that way. To say he's ignorant in CE matters, you'd be kidding yourself, even if you hate the guy. He's never afraid to speak his opinion. He always brings quality. And he's very controversial, which leads to message board fun.


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1. iggymcfly


Wow, how on earth did I make it up this high on the bad list? I said Damaramu was a stupid troll on your blog comments which is pretty accurate, but that's about all I can think of. If I was #2 behind EHME or something, it wouldn't be that noteworthy, but #1? I'm kinda curious how I made it that far.

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Ok... how is Muggy better than me? I mean, I'm not trying to say I'm better than him, but as a poster I'm basically Muggy with more in-jokes. Sheesh and stuff.


First off, he talks with me on AIM a lot more. I try not to be biased, but I am. :P


And I always love his avatars and sigs, since I'm also a video game geek.


And you HATE sports.


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First off, he talks with me on AIM a lot more. I try not to be biased, but I am. :P


And I always love his avatars and sigs, since I'm also a video game geek.


And you HATE sports.

...I wasn't expecting such a good answer.

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Come on Leena. I'm trying to act unaffected here, but I really am kinda wondering how I ended up #1 on your bad list. I tend to agree with you more often than not on the forums, and I would have thought I'd be more likely to end up on the good side than the bad side.


Was it that silly PM about the arcade a month and a half ago? For the record, I was only interested in that for about three days, and the PM was as much a joke as anything.


How about either a simple "yes, I really think you're the worst poster on TSM" or "you're the first thing that popped into my head at the time, and I wanted to get you back for saying I cheated at computer games and making fun of Dama".

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I think I was omitted from the GOOD list, because Lenna is secretly preparing a GREAT list, which I will surely be a part of.


That is all.

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And I've sadly never watched Backlund, outside of the Royal Rumble he entered some year.


He seemed awesome.

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Oh he was. His Fall of 1994 push to the WWF Championship was among the most underrated angles of all time (3 cheers for putting the editor of the WWF Magazine Lou Gianfrino in the crossface chickenwing). Plus, as a heel, he could be as strong as an ox or as spineless as a jellyfish, whatever the situation called for.


We were all plebeians quagmired in a sea of hypocrisy in Mr. Bob Backlund's world.

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