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TV Show List

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Hawk 34


I'm bored and I felt like making a list...so here is my top 20 favorite TV shows list (past and present)



19. NYPD Blue

18. Dead Like Me

17. Curb Your Enthusiasm

16. Boy Meets World

15. Veronica Mars

14. Deadwood

13. Law and Order

12. One Tree Hill

11. Six Feet Under


and the top ten are...



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I figured I would have to explain this, it's not a best shows on TV list. The reason shows like DC and BMW are on the list is because at one time or another, I got with those shows. I had my Topanga/Joey in my life, so I always related to Dawson and Cory. DC wasn't over the top like OC and 90210 are. It was always established as a show about upper class kids in a small town and the conflicts of falling in love. The timing of that show and myself meshed together and I was able to follow the show.


I put the show that high on the list because of my connection to the show at 15/16. Not because of the quality of the show.


As for the OC? It's 99% based off the strength of the first season. The last two seasons were garbage but that first season was just magic.


It's funny, in most places I would have to explain the placement of GG but not here.

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Who was your favorite Andy Sipowicz pairing? Caruso, Smits, Silvers Spoon, or Saved by the Bell? And Medavoy was my n*gga.


I thought Gossler (SBTB) was the most surprising partner because I wasn't expecting him to be that entertaining and to gel with Andy.



If I rounded this out to the top 25, Newsradio would have made the cut alongside Scrubs, COPS, ER, and All in the Family.


I should note that I haven't even seen this season of VM or the second(and I believe last, right?) season of Dead Like Me. So I think once I see those seasons, they'll probably move up.



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The funny thing about the last season or two of NYPD Blue was that I found it quite enjoyable. There really wasn't a regular character on there I disliked. I also liked the way they wrapped up the series with Andy as the boss and everyone saying "good night" to him one last time. My only gripe is that Medavoy's "retirement" was anti-climatic, but then again he gets to make more money and bang a hot real estate chick, so I don't think he cares if there was no traditional "bar send-off."

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