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No Sleep Blog Time

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Friday's "events" kept me up all night and threw off my sleep schedule damnit. lesson learned.


So, I quit my job. I have enough money saved up that I can chill for a little bit. Also I'm moving to Omaha with my cousins. Plus I will be closer to mah boy Lushus.


I'm totally stoked to get out of the ghetto. Living alone sucks. Especially after a fairly nasty break up. Moving back in with my cousin is big bonus, as I never wanted to move out on him in the first place, a year ago. I can count the number of times I've cried in the last 6 or 7 years on one hand. Once during the Eddie Guerrero Tribute set to "Hurt" by Johnny Cash. shut up. Only once for about 30 seconds during the break up. And 3 more times after moving out and talking with various people(mom, sister, ex) about what I'd done. So I'm super hyped to lovingly refer to him as "retard" and make him get me fast food! Also can't wait to gang up with his brother to beat his ass. Thats always a good time for almost everyone involved.


edit: My eyes also "watered" or welled up on two occasions, Benoit winning the World Title at WMXX, and when Obi-Wan said his "you were the chosen one..." line in Episode 3.


Well that was rather revealing...i blame the lack of sleep.


Now back to the normal Carnival with no feelings.


*fucks whore* *snorts a line* *busts caps* *robs niggas*

:firing: :9mm: :bounce: :headbang: :throwup: :ph34r:

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I live in Lincoln which is like a 45 minute drive from Omaha, so moving into Omaha, I will be about 5 minutes away from him. And my job was Internet Tech Support for Alltel. or Windspear as Leena calls them.

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So, why doesn't Andy work anyway?


He seems like he's rather smart.


Or, is he a degenerate like you that carelessly throws away a decent job for no reason.

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I can already picture Ethan, the creepy 25 year old, hitting on all the 18 year olds in community college.

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