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3 Angry Men, 2 radio hosts 1 athlete, Lost

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Swift Terror


We have a local sports morning show here in Cincy featuring 2 guys who call themselves the "2 Angry Guys". They are former sports writers and are pretty cool to listen to. The show is entertaining. Recently they talked about Ken Griffey Jr. and the topic of him moving to another position, perhaps left field or 1st base, in order to reduce wear and tear on his body, which, let's face it, has been an issue lately. This topic was brought up because a few weeks ago Jr was asked about moving positions and he fired back to the reporter "Are you going to change YOUR job"? Hmmm, just a little bit of a childish response Jr.


Now this week Griffey is responding to the 2 angry guys, apparently upset about their comments. Now, they may have gotten a bit out of hand with a few of their comments, such as saying that the guy who had replaced him in center field earlier this year was doing better. But that was a flippant comment. Their main point was that they wanted him in the line-up and felt that moving him out of center field would help prevent injury and ultimately be better for the team. That's reasonable and in no way were they trying to rip on him or call him a lousy fielder. Come on Jr., I guess living next to Tiger Woods in Tampa has rubbed off on you, what with Tiger's notortious smug responses to media questions about his game.



The "LOST" season finale aired last night. I watched it in wonderful High Definition, but the experience was slightly marred by a local weather storm warning scroll at the top of the screen that went on for the entire 2 hours. Thanks for that, you local weather dickheads.


As for the show itself, it exceeded my expectations of mediocrity. It was pretty darn good. Much better than the famous "X Files" full disclosure episode that was neither full nor disclosed anything. The explanation of what really caused the plane to crash in the first place was revealed. More background on Desmond and the hatch was revealed. The only thing that was frustrating was the "Hostiles" or "Others". Nothing much was revealed about them. The dude that they had captured said "We're the good guys" and that they were "going home". Yeah. OK, whatever. But all in all satisfying.

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Haven't seen anything of Season 2 yet.


And reporters do change "positions." Some become columnists. Others become editors. Some turn to PR representatives or work in a different media (radio, TV, etc.). So, yeah, Grif., the two angry guys can change their job, however, they'll probably get replaced beforehand.


Is this the morning show on that station with (not sure if he's around) Lance McCallister?

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Yeah, same station as Lance, 1360 AM. Lance is still on air.


A quick tip on watching Season 2 of Lost, that you probably already will do. Just hit the fast forward button anytime you see Charlie and/or his Australian chick friend with the baby. Oh God, please fast forward. Except for the part where the flashback is shown when her baby is taken by the Others.

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