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seeking a home to bury these bones

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Hawk 34


I know it isn’t normal of me to follow up a blog so quickly but I was bored and I know I am coming down with something. Whatever trendy summer flu is around, it’s seeking a home to bury these bones.


I only get sick (really sick, not the sniffles or headaches) but the kind of sick that renders the toilet seat to be your lone comfort and essentially drains you, once every 2 years. Since I have a really bad feeling that it’s time for it again (last visit was winter 2004)…I went ahead and finished up as much work as I could today in preparation for the days I’ll miss. Luckily, we’re smooth sailing and my absence won’t detour things. The real bitch is?


I will obviously be using my sick days, I hate losing these. I was supposed to take a vacation with my gf sometime in the next month or so (naturally we haven’t planned a fucking thing), so that might be in jeopardy. I get paid vacation, but if im going to be off for a few days. I might have to X the trip.


I never get sick when It would benefit me.


It’s early this summer, but I am already thinking about college. I want to take a full semester of classes again but I can’t with work…I cant decide at this moment what is better for me… Pursuing my education or leaving it for a well paying job that I don’t enjoy. I’ll struggle with this (in)decision for the next two months until I finally decide.




It’s June 14th, and roughly that means it is basically the mid-way point of 2006 and I’ve made a rough edition of my BEST OF 2006 lists


Wrestler of the ½ Year

1. Bryan Danielson

2. Mysterio

3. Chris Benoit

4. Kurt Angle

5. Samoa Joe


7. Austin Aries

8. Marufuji

9. Nigel McGuiness

10. Roderick Strong

11. Christopher Daniels

12. Finlay

13. Paul London

14. Homicide

15. Shawn Michaels


(After a down year, Benoit is back in form. Samoa Joe hasn't busted out his now annual 5* match but there is still 6 1/2 months left and the inevitable Danielson/Joe re-match. McGuiness is the biggest surprise this year as he has improved tremendously, which has to be attributed to his NOAH tours and his elevated efforts in ROH. Homicide will probably have a hot second half as his shoulder is healed and he's done with the blood feud with Cabana.


Match of the ½ Year


1. Blood Generation Vs DO-FIXER (3.31-Supercard of Honor)


2. Kurt Angle Vs The Undertaker (2.19-No Way Out)


3. Jack Evans and Roderick Strong Vs Briscoes (3.25-Best in the World)


4. Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe Vs KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji (3.25-Best in the World)


5. Kurt Angle Vs Mysterio (6.2-Smackdown)


6. Chris Benoit Vs Finlay (5.21-Judgment Day)


7. Samoa Joe Vs AJ Styles Vs Christopher Daniels (2.12-Against all Odds)


8. Colt Cabana Vs Homicide (4.1-Better then Our Best)


9. Bryan Danielson Vs Roderick Strong (3.31-Supercard of Honor)


10. Mick Foley Vs Edge (4.2-WrestleMania 22)


11. Mysterio Vs Finlay (3.24-Smackdown)


12. Bryan Danielson Vs Nigel McGuiness(4.29-Weekend of Champions Night 2)


13. Jimmy Jacobs Vs BJ Whitmer (3.30-Dragon Date Challenge)


14. Samoa Joe Vs Christopher Daniels (4.13-iMPACT)


15. Randy Orton Vs Chris Benoit (1.27-Smackdown)


Surprisingly stronger year from WWE thus far then 2005.





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