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7/10: #74, France/Rendell -- Who Do I Hate More?

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KKK’s Top 103 Posters


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Number 74: Buffybeast


She loves her hosses and hates black people. While I may not understand her infatuation with hairy beasts like Albert, I certainly can’t argue with the latter, especially since she is of the same race as those she despises most. On top of all this she serves her country, which is always to be commended. However, when hearing that she wants to bang rednecks and Commanding Officers, one has to wonder if she’s in the armed forces for her sense of duty or wanting to get white boys to stand “at attention” when they are lying down? I guess it doesn't matter in the end as long as she doesn’t get caught. I say don't ask don't tell, even if you aren't a homo.


And now a word or three from the expert panel I have put together to comment on the people I’ve listed.


From Cancer Marney:

I don't really remember, but I think she was black, and that was annoying enough. But I think she also had something against her own race, which was vaguely amusing to hear about. It's a wash.


From EricMM:

I don't know too much about her, except the lack of self-love, and the love for Prince Albert. I guess the fact that she doesn't look anything like a big, hairy, bald, white guy might have something to do with it? What a complex complex.


From Black Lushus:

The chick that hates men of her own color for no real reason...massive self esteem problem...how can I NOT like her?


• So France lost to Italy in the World Cup final. Gee, that’s too bad. I think my favorite moment came when Zinedine Zidane head-butted that Italian guy and got tossed out of the match as a result. Way to cost your team the championship, Frenchie. I have no idea who this guy is, but apparently he’s really good and stuff and was going to retire after this match. Hey, when Jerome Bettis played in his final quest for a championship, he only potentially cost his team a win with the divisional playoff game against the Colts, not in the Super Bowl. The funny thing is that not only did France play the better game, but also I’m sure Zidane would have been a valuable addition to his country’s penalty-kick lineup. And while I’m on this subject, one thing I don’t like about the World Cup was the shootout determining the world champ. It’s kind of a copout to run up and down a big-ass field for two hours only to have the title game decided by a gay shootout. The NHL does it best in their postseason; if there is no winner at the end of regulation, let them play until they drop. At least this way there will be more of an effort by both teams to score a goal, rather than having each team play not-to-lose and wait for penalty kicks. And now the 2010 World Cup will be held in South Africa. I wonder what there will be more of – goals scored in the tournament or players catching the AIDS?


• As much as I think he’s a piece of shit, I have to give Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell props; this douche sure knows how to campaign. For the first three years of his administration all this asshole has done is raise taxes and sign in pay raises. What has he done in the past week or so? He appealed to conservative Democrats, of which there are plenty of in the Keystone State, by signing legislation silencing those “God Hates Fags” idiots from protesting the funerals of our military personnel. Fast Eddie then appealed to his base constituency – those who can’t make more than $5.15/hour thanks to this horrid Bush economy – by jacking up the state’s minimum wage by $2/hour over the next year. On this matter I should note that the congress is “GOP controlled,” or at least it is allegedly. But on the bright side of things, this will probably bring about more of those self-scanning personal shoppers I’ve talked about in the past, which take the place of cashiers and other entry-level workers, who are supposed to be the beneficiaries of a minimum-wage increase. I always love hearing how you can’t support a family on minimum wage; you’re not supposed to. Before producing kids you can’t afford, can you please put a bullet in the back of your head?

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$5.15 an hour was too low considering even Kmart paid $6 right out of the chute. I do find it amusing that Rendell signed this after coming out against an increase in the last election (saying it would hurt PA businesses to do it when other states didn't). Of course, when Mike Fisher aired half that speech, it backfired on him.


I doubt it will really effect the number of self-checkout lanes that much. My local Kmart actually eliminated them because they drastically increased the level of theft from the store.

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And now the 2010 World Cup will be held in South Africa. I wonder what there will be more of – goals scored in the tournament or players catching the AIDS?

Also, how many bus drivers will be held at gunpoint while everything is taken from the team bus.


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$5.15 an hour was too low considering even Kmart paid $6 right out of the chute.


If $5.15 is "too low," what do you consider "just right" -- $7.15? $10? $20/hour?


And Governor Dickface said last year that he would NEVER sign a pay increase if there wasn't a minimum wage increase included in the bill. Then after the public backlash he speaks out against the increase he signed. From what I remember of Fisher (I wasn't here when Fast Eddie won his first term, but I remember Fisher when he was Attorney General), anytime he spoke on the campaign trail he didn't help his cause much.


My local Kmart actually eliminated them because they drastically increased the level of theft from the store.


In the spirit of today's Top 103 poster, I dedicate the following comment: Well not all of us live around black people.

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Amen that you aren't supposed to live on minimum wage. Here in Washington State we have some stupid law that makes minimum wage get adjusted upwards everyyear for inflation or something like that. We have like the highest minimum wage in the nation, it's resulted in less jobs being available, and people still bitch that it's not high enough.

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Despite that wage increase, at least your state didn't have to deal with a fucking SHUTDOWN thanks to Governor Assclown and the state legislature of morons. Apparently we lost millions per day thanks to our great state government, all because Corzine and the Dem majority were fighting over which tax to raise. Idiots...

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