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Guest glennsoe

Bradshaw To Be Fired?

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Guest glennsoe

There is a rumor going around at the moment that John Bradshaw Layfield will wrestle his last match at the Great American Bash. It is rumored that Layfield will put over Guerrero before leaving WWE. There are those however who believe that WWE will do nothing and just sweep the incident under the rug




If true, then i'm all for it....but knowing the wwe..nothing will happen at all

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I think your source could be the problem here. I didn't hear it so it could easily be misinterpreted. Also, I really doubt the WWE would fire him over this........

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I'll believe it when I see it. Bradshaw is one of those few that can do no wrong in the WWF eyes. Not only will they probably not fire him but give him a run with the WWF Title to boot.

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Guest JMA

There are several reasons why Bradshaw won't be fired from WWE.


1: He's a hoss.


2: He's a "good ol' boy."


3: He knows a lot about money.


4: He's a flag waver.


5: He's been with the company a long time.


6: He has a SMASHMOUTH~! style.


7: He played football.

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Guest slacklet
18. Heterosexual cowboy

Isn't that an oxymoron?

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

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Guest Dynamite Kido

9. He talks to people

10. Nice hat fabric

11. He's not from the sesspool(Japan)

12. I don't know

13. Has a nice collection of boots

14. He is really good at H-O-R-S-E

15. he can recycle his beer cans

16. He doesn't like profanity



well you were right......they were uninteresting.

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Bradshaw can't be fired right now. As much as he sucks and no one lieks him and his gimmick is boring and pointless, he's needed in the main event. No one else seems ready to be put there right now considering the other credible challengers are stuck in mid-card feuds becasue they've been booked like crap (i.e. RVD, Booker T)

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

So is this the same source who said Mordecai tore both his quads and had a shark eat his left arm?


Bradshaw won't be fired over this. He's Vince's new pet project, which is an automatic job for a year.


They'll just fire someone else to put the fear of God in everyone.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

21. He's from Texas

22. He hates people who speak "Mexican"

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Guest Dynamite Kido
8. He's a stock analyst on a major network

Not anymore. Unless a different station picked him up.

Yep a new one did.......










Crazy Nazi Network........

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Guest Dynamite Kido

24. He's the greatest wrestler on the planet today


::Sarcasm button off::

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didn't see it, and from what i heard about it, i don't have a problem with it...guy's a heel, needed some heat, did what he had to do...i mentioned in another thread that DX trashing NODs locker room didn't bother me so why should this one? if anything he should be fired purely for sucking it up on my TV for the past 10 years or however long it's been...

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Guest AndrewisyourHero

25. He holds one of the few victories over El Grande Luchadore

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Guest whitemilesdavis
didn't see it, and from what i heard about it, i don't have a problem with it...guy's a heel, needed some heat, did what he had to do...i mentioned in another thread that DX trashing NODs locker room didn't bother me so why should this one? if anything he should be fired purely for sucking it up on my TV for the past 10 years or however long it's been...


Wrong thread.




26. If Hansen, Dibiase, and Baron Von Rasche had a three-way, and somehow produced a baby, Bradshaw would be it.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

The guy broke the law in Germany, insulted probably millions of people of jewish heritage (and even the Germans), and doesn't even offer an apology.


Just because he couldn't draw heat with a Bradshaw heat drawing machine doesn't mean he should act like he's Adolf Hitler.

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didn't see it, and from what i heard about it, i don't have a problem with it...guy's a heel, needed some heat, did what he had to do...i mentioned in another thread that DX trashing NODs locker room didn't bother me so why should this one? if anything he should be fired purely for sucking it up on my TV for the past 10 years or however long it's been...


Wrong thread.




25. If Hansen, Dibiase, and Baron Von Rasche had a three-way, and somehow produced a baby, Bradshaw would be it.

sorry, was i supposed to put some dumb, un-funny numbered reason why he should be fired? I thought this was about placing your opinion on his possible firing...

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Guest whitemilesdavis

Aw crap, We're not rehashing THAT conversation are we?


27.? Anyone?

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The guy broke the law in Germany, insulted probably millions of people of jewish heritage (and even the Germans), and doesn't even offer an apology.


Just because he couldn't draw heat with a Bradshaw heat drawing machine doesn't mean he should act like he's Adolf Hitler.

ohhhhh i didn't know all the facts!!!!


yeah fire him then, it's the best thing to do...

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