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Everything posted by AboveAverage484

  1. AboveAverage484


    Best parts of the episode: Sawyer bitching because he couldn't get the beer (among other things) in the hatch Sawyer calling that dork "Frogurt." Everything Hurley said. Seriously, they need to reunite these two soon. Forget Kate and Jack, Kate and Sawyer, Ben and Locke; Hurley and Sawyer is THE TRUTH when it comes to pairings on the show.
  2. AboveAverage484


    Yeah but she sucks. You watch your damn mouth!
  3. AboveAverage484

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    Yeah, I think most draft projections have Nicks going as an early second rounder, though it wouldn't surprise me if he did go in the first.
  4. AboveAverage484

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    We were discussing whether or not McNabb was a top three QB from the decade in either this thread or earlier in the NFC Championship thread, so I just did a little statistics-based research last night. I've always liked using the TD to INT ratio as a good way to measure a QB's success, although obviously it wouldn't take into account that player's intangibles, but regardless, here are the top 25 QB's of the decade based on difference between TD's and INT's: 1. Peyton: 159 2. Brady: 111 3. McNabb: 103 4. Garcia: 78 5. Brees: 69 6. Favre: 60 7. Gannon: 54 8. Hasselbeck: 52 9. Culpepper: 46 10. Brunell: 42 10. Rivers: 42 12. McNair: 41 12. Delhomme: 41 14. Warner: 40 (he would be up to 64 if his '99 season were included) 14. Palmer: 40 16. Pennington: 39 17. Trent Green: 36 18. Romo: 35 19. Roethlisberger: 32 20. Aaron Brooks: 31 21. Bulger: 30 22. Eli: 24 23. Collins: 23 24. Garrard: 22 25. Griese: 21 25. Bledsoe: 21
  5. AboveAverage484

    NFC Championship Thread

    What a game!
  6. AboveAverage484

    College Basketball: January '09

    Well Carolina played like I've always known they can play. If they come out and play every game like they did that second half, it will be tough for anybody to beat them, that's why they are still my pick to win it all. Ellington was just sick with those threes, but props to McClinton too, because that dude can shoot lights out from anywhere on the court.
  7. AboveAverage484

    TSM (sort of, but not that well) Remembers: Crash Holly

    Crash was buried in China Grove? That's like thirty minutes from my dad's house. Kind of a random piece of info, but I remember Sean O'Haire telling me that Crash's wife hit on him a couple times. IIRC, he also said she was pretty nuts.
  8. AboveAverage484

    College Basketball: January '09

    I just checked his stats out and dude gets 25.9ppg and shoots 44.7% from long range? Does this guy get any attention from NBA scouts or was that a stupid question?
  9. AboveAverage484

    UFC 94 - Georges St. Pierre vs. BJ Penn II

    Fitch vs. Gono is a prelim bout while Bonnar's fight is on the main card? Apparently failing a roid test isn't as bad as refusing to allow your likeness on video games, at least in the UFC's opinion... Not to mention one is a fight between two potential contenders while the other is, well, not.
  10. AboveAverage484

    JAxl's Public Service Announcement

    JAxl looks healthier in the recent pics than he did in the first. Unless the subtitle was sarcastic in nature...
  11. AboveAverage484

    BCS Championship Game Thread

    Where were those two picks of Tebow's in the SEC title game?
  12. AboveAverage484

    Bored's College Football Pick 'Em - The Bowls

    Enjoy your fifty dollars UZI.
  13. AboveAverage484

    Bored's College Football Pick 'Em - The Bowls

    Man, had a chance to clinch it last night but Cincy blew it... Let's go Ball State!
  14. AboveAverage484

    Japanese MMA Thread

    Well, one of the signs of steroid usage is abnormal shaping of the bones, especially when the jaw becomes "squared," or to put it more bluntly, becomes more "cave man" like. As much as I love Andy Hug, and as much as I respected him in life and death, he was a good example of this, as you could see his jaw structure slowly change from the beginning of his K-1 career up until the end. Granted, some of it was due to the surgery he had done on his jaw and teeth, but it's still fairly evident.
  15. AboveAverage484

    The College Football Thread 12/31 - 1/6

    GT's fake punt inside their twenty down by 18 has to be one of the worst play calls of the year.
  16. AboveAverage484

    Japanese MMA Thread

    Hari is now trying to back out of the MMA fight. Big surprise.
  17. AboveAverage484

    UFC 92: The Ultimate 2008

    A Fedor/Brock interpromotional fight has about as much of a chance happening as me being signed to a UFC contract. (a) I don't believe Dana would risk his new meal ticket against someone of Fedor's caliber, and (b) no way would Dana give Affliction that kind of recognition by signing such a fight.
  18. AboveAverage484

    UFC 92: The Ultimate 2008

    I'm kind of dreading a Rashad/LYOTO match since Machida is the definition of counter fighter, while Rashad has evolved into one over the past year, although I can see him changing his game up and becoming more aggressive.
  19. AboveAverage484

    UFC 92: The Ultimate 2008

    TUF 8. Dude was a total cocky dick the whole show. Well no wonder I'm behind the curve on Mir; I watched the first episode and that was it.
  20. AboveAverage484

    UFC 92: The Ultimate 2008

    What's with all the Mir hate around here? Sure, I wanted Nog to win, but Mir always comes across as a pretty cool guy, especially compared to the douchery that runs rampant in American fight sport. If he seemed cocky in victory, why not? In all likelihood he's fighting a pro wrestler in his next fight who he's already beaten and who has a reputation of being a little cocky himself.
  21. AboveAverage484

    UFC 92: The Ultimate 2008

    I don't know about anybody else, but Nog should have gotten at least a few more seconds, especially considering he has the best chin in MMA and Randy had to eat about fifty shots before they finally called his fight against Brock. I've seen him more messed up than that and still come back to win fights.
  22. AboveAverage484

    The College Football Thread 12/20 - 12/30

    Yeah, this game is nuts. Nicks already has 180 yards receiving and 3 TD's in the first half.
  23. AboveAverage484

    What did you eat today?

    Just had some Wendy's for dinner, which reminds me: Does anyone else notice that Wendy's NEVER gets your order right? Four out of the last five times I've been there they have screwed something up, from forgetting to give me a straw to not putting what I want on a burger. Hell, even my roommate went there last week and ordered fries and got those mandarin orange slice things instead.