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Everything posted by Smues

  1. Smues

    9/4: Mystery In Alaska

    Who wouldn't vote for that? But seriously, I haven't had any problems with her since she got elected shortly after I moved here. I'd be fine with her as VP, but I really doubt McCain wins. In which case I get to keep her as governor, so works for me.
  2. Smues

    Best 2B Seasons since 1979

    It is hard for me to cheer for Cubs, but Sandberg went to my highschool so I always liked him.
  3. Smues

    Worst RF Seasons since 1957

    And with 1 month left Francoeur is on place to take 2nd all to himself. Sad.
  4. Smues

    World Baseball Team

    Devon White over Andruw Jones of Curacao? Edit: nevermind. Actually bothered to look up Curacao and saw it's part of the Netherlands. Knowledge rules!
  5. Smues

    Worst Pitcher Seasons since 1961

    From Wikipedia: Between $950,000 and not having herpes I'd probably choose not having herpes, but that's still a nice chunk of cash. I also hope that some video of his singing turns up on youtube.
  6. Smues

    Yankee Draft - The Competition

    Weak sauce, I failed to get my 5 splits.
  7. Smues

    Yankee Draft - The Competition

    1 split left!
  8. Smues

    Yankee Draft - The Competition

    Damn, I was hoping we had some wierd rules that let you lose runs. Would make it more interesting.
  9. Smues

    Yankee Draft - The Competition

    Huzzah 3 splits down, two to go. So did they get penalized 9 runs in the 8th?
  10. Smues

    Worst Pitcher Seasons since 1961

    Didn't Lima also give his wife herpes? Or was that a girlfriend or something? "16. Joel Pineiro, 2006 - Seattle Mariners 70 (165 2/3)" Man he looked so promising in his early years in Seattle too. I guess he just didn't pan out.
  11. Smues

    Friday bullet points

    Yeah it is such a waste of time and money. We recently picked up a client that has us testing 100% of their payroll checks, at various locations throughout the state, each month. We suggested just doing a sample, but no they want 100%. Which means they're paying us to send someone to Juneau once a month, as well as various places in town. Thank god the people who make general auditing standards took a stats class and realize that testing 100% of things doesn't pass the cost/benefit test.
  12. Smues

    Obligatory pet post

    Love the dog.
  13. Smues

    Yankee Draft - The Competition

    Boo an Al comment made me think there had been more games. I want my next series split!
  14. Smues

    8/15: Secret Blogging Man

    But did it get Fred McGriff's recommendation? Doubtful. And I doubt it produced back to back to back AAU titles.
  15. Smues

    Friday bullet points

    Fear the allmighty auditors! But seriously that sucks. I'm glad I don't deal with that kind of bullshit. You have to mess with every invoice for this job? Yuck, fuck 100% sample size. Statistical sampling is the way.
  16. Smues

    Yankee Draft - The Competition

    Two series splits down, three to go!
  17. Smues

    Yankee Draft - The Competition

    Wooo one series split down, 4 to go!
  18. Smues

    Worst DH Seasons of All-Time

    And how about worst pitcher seasons at the plate? Obviously you can't use the criteria of enough qualifying at bats, but it could still be fun.
  19. Smues

    Worst RF Seasons since 1957

    And sadly I have to point out that Jeff Francoeur is currently on pace to tie for 4th on this list, and I think he does qualify with his number of at bats.
  20. Smues

    Worst RF Seasons since 1957

    Wasn't Derek Bell the operation shutdown guy? Boy if a 66 OPS+ was him giving his all, I really would hate to see him 'shut it down.'
  21. Smues

    Yankee Draft - The Competition

    Sounds good to me. Will this simulation have injuries or anything of the like to worry about? What about fatigue?
  22. Smues

    Worst CF Seasons since 1957

    With a historically bad contract. The fact that it's short helps it not be the worst of all time by any stretch of the imagination, but I would imagine it has NO competition for worst short contract of all time. $18 million a year, even if he hadn't fallen apart is way too much. Scott Boras is evil.
  23. Smues

    All Time Yankees Draft

    With my last pick I'll take Lee Guetterman.
  24. Smues

    All Time Yankees Draft

    You've got one more pick to make. Relief pitchers only is a wierd round rule, but whatever.
  25. Smues

    All Time Yankees Draft

    Actually Al it's Smues' turn, but hey who is counting? The not Bored's team takes Tom Gordon. Flash, ahhhhhhhhh. Savior of the universe.