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Everything posted by Smues

  1. Smues

    Elimination Chamber

    I call my bathroom the elimination chamber.
  2. Smues

    Dairy Queen...

    Blah do dee.
  3. Smues

    Dairy Queen...

    How many of them were from me?
  4. Smues

    I found the hatchet

    but where's the magic hen?
  5. Smues

    1994 WCW

    Ed Leslie main evented Starcade. Do I need to say anything else?
  6. Smues

    Leena's Resignation

    If it's No Holds Barred it should have Hulk Hogan and Zeus as mods.
  7. Smues

    State of the Sports Forum

    Where have all the posters gone? Gone to graveyards one by one.
  8. A pigeon has no use for keys, it opens doors with its song.
  9. Smues

    Black People

    Oh naggers, right.
  10. So what's for dinner?
  11. Smues

    Breaking News on Vince McMahon

    No mention of his ladder legdrop? Damn.
  12. Smues

    State of the Sports Forum

    I like that Kent Brockman has turned his head since you got de-modded.
  13. Smues

    But you can't emphasize beef

    I love that recording.
  14. Smues

    So... what happened?

    DO IT! Oh and in that vein: Board carcass in server. This morning flame posts on feedback folder.
  15. Smues


    I live in Alaska sucka. If I wore a blue shirt on the beach I'd freeze to death. And get whale hunted by drunk natives. ... Oh yeah well ... YOU'RE A CHICKEN PACER'S FAN! I win.
  16. Smues


    Wait this is in the Gulag now? Awesome. FAT HORSE COCK!!! LOL I FUCKED YOUR MOTHER LOL2009!!!! When I was a dog I moved a feedback thread to the Gulag LOL. Say did anybody else see Vince McMahon's ladder legdrop? I've heard it's a Trillian error. Paul London LOL
  17. Smues

    TSM Moments that made you laugh and smile.

    The Heath Ledger thread giving us such gems as the batman tombstone picture, and the serial pillist theory.
  18. Smues

    TSM Moments that made you laugh and smile.

    Hate to break the trend, feel free to get back on track after me, but I needed to mention that time that CronoT complained about people view spamming his threads and how that wasted server memory, and VX or 909 replied "Server memory is reusable. SURPRISE!" Always gets me. Edit: Oh and an extensive arial offence made me both laugh, smile, and cry at the same time.
  19. Smues

    Not Deleting Peoples PMs

    I never found a way to view PMs, but I was just a mod and not an admin. And IIRC word filters only affect new posts, not ones that exist already when the filter is implemented, so word filters wouldn't be having this affect anyway.
  20. If I die I'm going to die eating string cheese and Fruitopia.
  21. I knew I shouldn't have moved to a place originally called new Pompei So after two months of alerts and being on the news all the time and etc. etc. it finally blows, and it appears it's not going to be that bad. If the winds stay as they are it'll mostly miss Anchorage, and even the places that get hit the most it's still being called just a light ash fall. I guess I won't die after all. But it will likely still be annoying, as we just got a bunch of snow and this'll mix with that and be nasty I imagine. Of course now that I said that the winds will change and it'll blow again and I'll get buried and die. If I'm never heard from again assume I hung myself from a weight machine before the ash could choke me.
  22. Smues

    The End - Part Deux

  23. Smues

    Ask Leena thread.

    Just tell me who your crazy pick was going to be in the fantasy draft.
  24. Smues

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Oh god damnit no this thread is fine. Torch all the other CTDWAT's that you want, but not this one please. Video games don't need a thread for every game that comes up, especially when someone plays something 15 years old and doesn't feel like finding the old thread with 2 whole posts in it and bumping it.
  25. Smues

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    The problem is the places that don't stop after you say no thanks. See: Gamestop and their used game club thing. It's rare when 'not interested' or 'no thanks' ends it. Usually they follow it up with something annoying like "Don't like used games or don't like saving money?" and that pisses me off.