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Everything posted by Smues

  1. Smues

    7/26: Don't Fear The Furry Reaper

    I was going to poke fun at the blob, but then I noticed that the kids were sent to Deaconess Medical Center. I've never liked that one, mainly because my mom works at another hospital in Spokane, Sacred Heart Medical Center. Deaconess was just (I think) sold to some investment firm or something, so Mikey Moore would still have something to bitch about, as its likely they'll start turning away the poor patients that can't pay. (Pretty much fucking over the other hospitals which are non profit and have no choice but to take them)
  2. Smues

    7/25: Scott Baio Should Go To Church ... On The Hill

    You had the women of course, but there were a lot of men who didn't want him there too, oddly enough. I don't really know what the motivation was other than "PORN IS BAD. IT DEGRADES WOMEN AND HURTS CHILDREN. BAD I SAYS BAD"
  3. Smues

    7/25: Scott Baio Should Go To Church ... On The Hill

    Oh goody this guy is in the news again. Back when he made his statements that brought him into the spotlight a few years ago he was actually booked to come speak at my campus (EWU) for Native American Week or whatever they called it. The university cancelled his appearance after he became such a controversial figure, and boy did that piss some commies off at school. All of a sudden there were signs and flyers everywhere bitching about it, the one I mainly remember was REMEMBER YOUR 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS! and it told you to come to some hippy march across campus to protest his cancellation. I REALLY REALLY wanted to go make fun of these people at their "march" but sadly it was during one of my classes, and I wasn't going to ditch it just to see these idiots. I did, however, have fun making up my own flyers that I used to replace some of theirs that they'd put on the tables in the student union building. I don't remember all the things I came up with, except for "Remember your 5th amendment rights: REMAIN SILENT!" Good times. In the end the school backed down or something and Ward showed up to bitch for a little bit, and even though it was Indian week I'm sure he talked less about that and more about his Little Eichmann bullshit. BUT, here's the GREAT part. During all this bullshit with people MARCHING AROUND CAMPUS screaming about free speech and how the school can't censor free speech free speech free speech free speech, etc., Ron Jeremy was also scheduled to come do a speech on campus. These same idiots screaming free speech for Churchill were suddenly screaming censorship and that Jeremy should not be allowed to come speak. It was hilarious. Thankfully no one stopped Ron from his visit, and after that the school went out of their way to schedule the least controversial speakers possible. Other odd note, also that year we paid something like $9,000 to have that Spurlock douche bag that did Supersize Me come speak as well. Outside of this one year we never had any speakers that I had even heard of, and yet that year we had three. Weirdness. I also used the Spurlock speech to advocate for allowing Jeremy to show up. "If we can give that douche bag 9 grand to tell us that McDonalds makes us fat, we can give Ron Jeremy the same to tell us what a pimp he is."
  4. Smues

    7/15: Bowls and Balls

    I'm sure they'll rape you with taxes. I use Cingular. I had been on my own plan for years, then my mom wanted to get on it, so now we're in a family plan, and she pays the whole thing! No complaints from me.
  5. Smues

    7/15: Bowls and Balls

    OMG DETAILZ PLZ! So what nazi company did she sign you up with?
  6. Smues

    Top 50 Most Replied TSM Sports Forum Threads

    Alright the ESPN sucks thread is closing in on the Top 10. Go thread go.
  7. Smues

    7/9: In Bonds We Trust To Do What He Wants

    The baseball postseason website thing sounded interesting, but then I saw the words Dane Cook and decided it wasn't for me.
  8. Smues

    7/5: Jogging My Memory On The Fourth

    If I remember correctly, don't hybrids like the Prius actually get better mileage in the city than on the highway? Way to negate the fuel saving effects of your car!
  9. Smues

    7/4: Credit Card Independence Day

    Does Mrs. KKK know that the debt is $0 now? If so I'd be worried about "YAY debt is gone, that means I can go shopping!"
  10. Smues

    7/1: Taking Out Drive-Thru Workers, Mohammad Mouse, Capt. America

    It's ridiculous how annoyed people get at having to show ID. I really like the "We card ALL ages" policies. Makes it simple.
  11. Smues

    6/28: #19, Amnesty Bill Up In Smoke

    Please tell me that both Chyna and the gnome dismissed the idea and ragged on the guy for being a retard?
  12. Smues

    6/27: #20, A Pinch To Grow An Inch (Or Seven)

    Being a Phillies fan negates anything honorable you'e done.
  13. Smues

    6/25: Fake Fortunes, Real Anniversaries

    I would hope that there is also an exception for breeders, but it's California so I wouldn't be surprised if they forgot to include that one.
  14. Smues

    6/22: Looking For Better Buys

    I pride myself on my ability to get in and out of Best Buy without getting approached by one blue shirt, other than at the register and at the entrance/exit. I'm not always successful, but if I try hard enough I can usually avoid them all. You would think the fact that I'll turn 180 at the site of them and walk hastily away might clue them in, but aparantly not. Or when I'm looking at something, see them walking down the aisle, so I walk away, circle around and come right back to the product I was looking at. You'd think that might indicate LEAVE ME ALONE, but I guess quotas can't be denied. (I've heard the quota/report thing too. Silly Worst Buy)
  15. Smues

    6/19: Betting On An Arena Football Comeback

    Spokane got an Arena League 2 team last year, and in their first season went 14-2 in the regular season and won the arena cup. When I moved up here I learned Anchorage was getting a team so I was excited as I'd get to see the Spokane Shock some more. Then they decided to join the IFL or some horseshit instead of AFL2, so I said fuck them and won't go to their games. (And juding by the fact they fired the coach after I think 1 game, it probably wasn't a bad decision)
  16. Smues

    The Draft, Exclusive Analysis!

    That was awesome. 5,12,13 were my favorites. I still haven't heard Kyle Drabek, does he really sound THAT retarded?
  17. Smues

    Monday Night Raw

    Hearing "Common Man" play live would be awesome. How was the crowd reaction to the limo exploding?
  18. Smues

    6/13: Turning That Frownie Upside Downie

    Wow those ads are beyond awful. They make me want to beat up people in their advertising department, not eat their food.
  19. Smues

    I Need Something To Chew On

    Link doesn't work
  20. Smues

    6/10: Weekend In Lockdown

    Would it be wrong of me to wish it had been like the movie Speed and there was a large chunk of road missing, but instead of flying over it they fell and died?
  21. Smues

    6/8: No Amensty For Illegals, Paris

    I had a friend who had never heard of NWA, so when his friend was talking about this "great NWA album" his response was WHOA AWESOME. DOES STING SING??
  22. Smues

    Greatest Teams Tournament, 2007

    Ahh yes I remember that fondly. I thought it was 10-0, but I knew we didn't lose a game all season to them. And considering we won the division by 1 game, I loved the Rockies back in 93.
  23. Smues

    Greatest Teams Tournament, 2007

    I certainly understand having the 98 Braves in there (that starting rotation was just ungodly good), but it just seems odd not having the 95 team. Edit: And wouldn't the 48 and 14 teams be in the Boston regional?
  24. Smues

    6/2: Bonding With OnDemand

    I really, really, really wish we had on-demand up here. I'd be on that in a heartbeat, and not just for the free movies. WWF 24/7 on-demand looks awesome and I'd pay whatever they charge without a second thought. Sadly us eskimos haven't learned the finer points of digital cable yet, and I suppose I'm lucky I can get digital cable at all to my igloo.
  25. Smues

    5/27: Baseball, Death Penalty Suff

    That's always bugged. It's called the 'DEATH' penalty, why does it have to be human and nice and such? You're ending a human life. Obviously at that point they've done something terrible and are being punished, terribly. If they suffer a little bit before the end, oh well. I say bring back the firing squad, and make the person being shot pay for the bullet.