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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    Why Night Shifts rule!

    HUZZAH!!! Find a loading dock. The guy is still raving about his experience.
  2. Hey guys. Goldust got released. He was a good talent.
  3. Maztinho

    The Day of the Phantom Posts

    Those Phantom Post scare the crap out of me. THERE'S A GHOST IN THE MACHINE!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!
  4. Maztinho

    Joe Rogan is a fuckbeast.

  5. Since being drafted to ECW.
  6. Maztinho

    OAO ECW TV Thread - June 13th 2006

    I thought the same thing. I was waiting for Mr. Monday Night to come out, and be the lead heel that ECW needs. Begging Vince to draft him back to RAW so he doesn't have to work for Heyman anymore... it would have been brilliant. Alas... Edge.
  7. Maztinho

    Educate me on ECW

    The fact someone thought that what they put on the air was a good idea shows you just how "special" the new ECW is. As for the OLD ECW, it had much edgy angles well before the WWE and incorporated some parts of the japanese and luchador style into American wrestling. Mixing in violent conflict with solid wrestling (in some of the matches, not all), ECW basically put on tv what would start the WWF Attitude Era. It wasn't perfect, it had a lot of really bad wrestlers, but it also helped push forward some of the biggest names in the wrestling industry. Not discover them, just give them the chance to shine on a televised show and allowed them the freedom to show what they had. It was basically, "ok, you got a character? So, make it work". The difference between an ECW battle royal and what we saw last night is the weapons in ECW were actually treated as weapons. You didn't see guys get hit with a sheet and just be like "ow, that kinda hurt", no you watched them go down. ECW was also notorious for "Shoot style" promos. Shane Douglas calling out Ric Flair, Steve Austin ripping his shirt off, and dropping the legdrop ala Hogan after getting fired from WCW. Letting the wrestlers be whatever character they wanted was also a plus. They put more heart into it and came off more comfortable than if they where placed into a mold. Old ECW Masato Tanaka taking chair shots until the chair breaks, New ECW... cookie sheets.
  8. Maztinho

    Why Night Shifts rule!

    Or just do what a guy where I work did. A quicky on the loading dock.
  9. Maztinho

    So... Which side are you on?

    This killed me. Made me spit my gum. I'm a Mooninite Mark. Favorite Bat Villian of mine.
  10. That is kinda neat. And for the people that keep bitching about things like this for WWE shirts, note that: 1)There's nothing written on the back 2)If you wore it, only wrestling fans would know it's a wrestling shirt. You would still have to explain to everyone who sees you wearing that shirt, why you're wearing a shirt with fake spooge on it. "It's... uh... paint?"
  11. I'm not talking about anything dramatic like racism, or the like, just ordinary everyday stuff that isn't really that bad, but hits that little nerve in your head. People talking on their cellphones while driving can't be included, because we all hate that. My list. 1- Socks and sandals. Seriously, what's the matter with you if you go out in public like this? 2- Big Dog shirts. I don't know why, but seeing someone wearing these things triggers a punch-in-the-face impulse. 3- 7-10 year old girls wearing anything that has Sexy, Hottie, etc. on it. Way to promote getting knocked up by 13. Good parenting is a gift. 4- Old People. I would fully support any admendment to the constitution that allows us to burn people over the age of 75.
  12. Maztinho

    Stupid stuff that pisses you off

    True. That's why they hate us. It's our vast egg supply.
  13. Maztinho

    The Youtube Thread

    I can't decide if I should mark more for the Khali chop, or the Gonzalez awkward punch more.
  14. Maztinho

    OAO ECW TV Thread - June 13th 2006

    Anyone else read this like Armando Alejandro Estrada? ECW IS COMING HA HA!!! Brilliant. The seperate touring group is going to be needed for sure.
  15. Maztinho

    J.J. Redick...

    So how far does Redick fall now? Does he get picked up by a good team in the early twenties and become a contributor right away?
  16. Maztinho

    Wendy's Grill Skill

    Man, is that kid in the video crying? I think he's crying. My GOD THE BOY IS CRYING!!! The singing burgerettes are a thing of horror.
  17. Maztinho

    caption this picture

    "If I connect the dots on your ass, it makes a Smilie Face."
  18. Maztinho

    OAO ECW TV Thread - June 13th 2006

    Stupid Metallica. They are slowly garnering my hate more and more. I feel sorry for Sandman, but hopefully they get the M-Head version.
  19. Maztinho

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    It's true. Actually the first seed was Foley digging at Flair's booking decisions in WCW letting Foley and Austin go in Have A Nice Day. It's a feud YEARS in the making.
  20. Maztinho

    ECW One Night Stand 2 Thread

    CENA'S ON RIGHT NOW!!!! RAMPAGE!!!! Cena's fans make me die a little inside. Most of them are chunky girls with Cena's name in their SN.
  21. Maztinho

    NASCAR vs International Soccer

    So, I'm just doing my thing, and my Manager (Lord High Redneck) comes up and starts talking about stuff, and has a paper in his hand. He glances down, and tells me... "Did you know that NASCAR is the most watched sport in the world?" I laughed and said, that Soccer was. He argued with me for like five minutes that indeed NASCAR was more watched, until I turned to him, and said, "If we where in Brazil, and a World Cup game was on, the store would be closed, because everyone would be watching the game. Does that happen with NASCAR?" He blustered, and tried to bring back his argument, pointing to his paper that he'd printed out for some reason. I just smiled and went on with my business. But which is really the most watched among TSM? NASCAR? International Soccer?... not MLS, or the English Premier League. Let the most odd fight of Sports begin.
  22. Havoc's av is soooooooo distracting. And it might have switched to JBL, but what I've read was that Nova wowed everyone...
  23. Maztinho

    Stupid stuff that pisses you off

    Might as well be... it's freaking a different country from the nothern part of the state. People differentiate themselves as being "from Southern Utah" as opposed to Utah in general. Outsiders are looked at to be strange, and different. Also I pronounce the word creek as in a creeky door as opposed to "crick" so I'm the odd-one. Plus we have polygamists hanging out in Wal-Mart!! Yay!!!
  24. Maztinho

    Duke Rape Case

    Yet that wasn't splashed across nighttime news to get the information out. All anyone is going to remember is "White rich boys raped a poor black mother."