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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. TMC jumped the shark.
  2. Yeah, all those teams that beat Pitt in the regular season failed to do one thing... Also the Holmes catch was totally down, the first angle wasn't clear, but when they did the "behind the QB" shot into the endzone it was obvious he had both feet down.
  3. Most exciting maybe, best not so much. I think people will only remember the two touchdowns at the end, and Harrison's pick-six from this game really.
  4. Maztinho

    TV Character Draft

    Now is the time on Sprokets where we dance. Dieter
  5. Maztinho

    Sports Cliches

    Classics? You're talking about Classics? Classics?
  6. Maztinho

    TMC1982 is on fire...

    Pretty sure Czech did something and accidentally did away with it. Or likely he authorizes people and doesn't move them to a larvae group for fear of eating the board. He's said something to that effect in the past.
  7. Maztinho

    Armchair Bookers: What if Rick Rude...

    Nah, Rude would have gotten a run at the top if he made it back. His gimmick was built for the Attitude Era, and after "breaking" Val's neck for ripping him off, he would have stood as a key figure in the late 90's for a solid run. Even giving Val a bit of a push in a consolation (Bob Holly like, WTF Title shot) program with a then World Champion Rude.
  8. Maztinho

    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    I hate you too Matt.
  9. Maztinho

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Simple. The person who started the first one went AWOL so to keep the first post updated someone continued the thread with a second draft, then the same thing happened so a third was born. Think of it as the Lord of the Rings, one draft broken into three parts.
  10. That's made only funnier in context of Agent's avatar looking at her, and grinning evilly.
  11. Maztinho

    Sports Cliches

    "He's a gamer" So he plays well in games? That's his job.
  12. Maztinho

    The TSM Hall of Very Good

    Homer picks for sure.... Mark Eaton Jeff Hornacek
  13. Maztinho

    Helio Gracie has passed away

    Wow, Gracie was a Buddhist? Probably Espiritista (literally Spiritualist), which is sort of a hippie-ish religion in Brazil. Alot of it is Christian thought combined with Eastern philosophies. They believe in reincarnation and mainly they have a concept of karma, and good acts will render you happier in the next life. There's also variants on it, some being almost a Protestant Christian to borderline Condomble (hybrid of voodoo rituals and Catholicism) to others not dealing with Christ at all. It's awesome he lived a long life, and in celebration, I'm going to have a mini-party.
  14. Maztinho


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dl95K4QooQ Pretty straight forward comedy there.
  15. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    The opposite of that is if for whatever reason I have to go into work in my street clothes I have to remind myself not to ask customers if they need help for fear of getting looked at like I'm insane.
  16. Maztinho


    That show only furthers the stereotype that George Lopez is funny. His show is bland, I'm talking his actual stand up.
  17. Maztinho


    I'll second Regan, his stories about the spelling bee and science fair as a kid are great bits. "THE BIG YELLOW ONE IS THE SUN!"
  18. Maztinho


    CS Lewis? You mean Louis CK? Bob Saget's stand up is actually pretty funny. George Lopez always makes me bust a rib laughing too.
  19. Maztinho

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Last round ne? Kyouka Midarezaki She talks fast, she bullies governments to build an airport by her house so her family can leave on vacation faster, she enters rooms by kicking doors down or flying in through the window and kicking someone in the face. She blows up Santa. What more do you want?
  20. Maztinho

    Filling Senate Vacancies

    You would think an abbreviated cycle. This would only happen every once and awhile, I don't see why they shouldn't do this. Or rather why it wasn't in place before.
  21. Maztinho

    Chris Masters & JN News have passed away...

    Nope, MSN contact did! Oh we good then.
  22. Maztinho

    Ongoing ECW Spoilers for Jan 27, 2009

    Yeah, but it's Tommy Dreamer, he's always been booked as an underdog.
  23. Maztinho

    Chris Masters & JN News have passed away...

    Did Meltz confirm though?
  24. Maztinho

    Christians Beat Special Ed team 100-0

    It's not an issue of talent, it's an issue that the coach was full court pressing well into the fourth quarter during a blow out. I have no problems if the scrubs are just that much better and they are still pounding the shit out of them, but if they are pressing with a massive lead. That's the coach. I was the scorekeeper for the alternative high school that my mom teaches at for a couple of years while in high school myself, and her school was one of the few in their situation (other alternative highs) that actually had someone with coaching experience so they frequently blew other teams out of the water. But he'd tell them to just take mid-range jumpers, no 3's and play a 2-3 zone instead of the trapping 3-2 they started the game out with. The games still got ugly, but it wasn't a rub your nose in it type deal.