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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    Tell me that's Palin's kid. TELL ME IT'S SARAH PALINS OFFSPRING!
  2. Wassup? Just BUTT sexing this dude. Super hilarious.
  3. Maztinho

    EliteXC: Heat

    I'll give Kimbo the nod that he was superclassy in defeat. In fact it makes me hope he gets better so he can live up to some of the hype around him.
  4. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I can't find my fucking keys. FUCK!
  5. Maztinho

    O.J. Simpson found guilty of all charges in Nevada

    Just his stances on cheating white women.
  6. Maztinho

    Let's talk about Lex, baby.

    You gained 5 overness from that post.
  7. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    Lawd yes. Re: Women picture. Actually Caroline, the biggest of the three looks prettier than Anna by far. Anna looks like a German woman would electroshock your nuts while pooping on you.
  8. Maztinho

    Oasis: clutching to relevance till their knuckles turn white

    And which band would that be exactly? oasis. like i said, i care not what you say, but you can't deny the impact that they have had on music. positive or negative, they sell out shows and they write good songs. im not saying that they are the best band in the world, far from it actually, but they are a solid band start to finish. Totally fucking missed that one Like Casey at the Bat he was.
  9. Maztinho

    Future Austrailian Serial Killer

    The smiling while doing it is what is the most disturbing part of that whole article. The act itself doesn't surprise me, because I mean watching a croc eat something you fed it would be pretty cool.
  10. Maztinho

    Mom sucks baby's wee wee

    I knew one girl who would make me laugh on a consistent basis, but she was more in a comic duo with a coworker as the "straight man." She'd play off his antics, and cut him to the quick with a witty zinger more often than not. She's rare though, like Dave was saying earlier, she was being one of the boys which is what made it work. I usually date girls that are smarter than I am, at least more driven academically than I am. The only time I dated someone who I actually saw as dumber than me I was miserable once I realized just how dumb she really, truly was. Also once I went over to her apartment at 5 pm and she hadn't bathed yet. I mean I'm not a hygiene freak, but I mean that's just... ew.
  11. Maztinho

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    This is a good question I would like to have answered. I wonder what Raven or any of the others stand to get by winning this lawsuit. It would be pointless unless there are "damages" involved, which only cold, hard cash can compensate for... I can't see Raven doing it just to make life better for others. What about him? What about Raven? And Who Betta Than Kanyon? I'd think that Raven is the type who honestly cares about the business, and wants guys taken care of.
  12. Maztinho

    The Business Side of WWE

    I think you'd be surprised. I think likely outside of Rey Rey and Cena (maybe Taker) he moves the most stuff. Little kids love him. That might just be the wrestling fan family that comes into my work that I try and avoid because they make me look dumber by association of being a wrestling fan loves them because all of their kids are frequently wearing Batista stuff.
  13. I loved City of God, I might just check this out to spite the Blind.
  14. Maztinho


    I see your hatred for sweaters and raise you long-sleeves in general. I would say that the ratio of short sleeved-shirts in my wardrobe to long-sleeved is something like 12:1 or close to that. I do like the few hoodies that I own, and wear them out often. Any time you run into me I will likely be wearing a shirt that I bought from either an indie show or a garage sale. I used to hate all long sleeves as well, but I have a couple of long sleeve T's that are really quite comfortable, my ratio of short to long is likely 9:1 but that's mainly a couple of dress shirts I have for different occasions.
  15. Maztinho


    I will say right now, I own 3 sweaters. I've worn them all three times, once each. I hate sweaters. HATE.
  16. A Beat update, I watched Dolls which he directed. Holy shit does that have the most bittersweet moment I think I've ever seen on film. I went on a Western rampage, so I drifted from Beat for a bit. But I'm definitely going to check out some of Jingus' recommendations.
  17. Maztinho

    Campaign 2008

    Except for the fact that you just named off three additional examples off the top of your head and Palin spent three minutes speaking nonsense in order to hide the fact that she couldn't name a single example. And also, I would be earger to see her and McCain's opinion on California (and I believe a few other states) passing medical marijuana laws and if they would continue to support federal interference, because of how "pro-states rights" they are. Look, honestly I can careless about her "intelligence" or lack thereof, or commentary about "Is she ready to lead" To me, it's just a distraction from the real problem which is her ultra-right wing viewpoints on most issues. The whole "she's ready, no she's not ready" is just a convoluted argument about nothing, all it does is give the right-wing a rallying cry to play a game of cat & mouse. The more discussion given to actual issues, the more people are going to walk, no run away from Sarah Palin. Honestly I was leaning toward McCain before the VP's where announced, and after looking into Palin's ideas, I'm going to "throw my vote away" on Obama, because she scares the living shit out of me if she was a policy maker in this country. *note I say throw my vote away, because I'm in Utah. It's electoral votes are already counted for McCain.
  18. Maztinho

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    I actually want the team to do well, but I can't with a name like Thunder, and knock-off Knicks unis. They aren't horrid, but they are doing the worst possible combination of everything to garner any sort of support outside of Oklahoma. It's like they _want_ to be the Clippers.
  19. Maztinho

    Mom sucks baby's wee wee

    With Jean-Benet, you are top five easy, well, top ten easy. Arkansas is pretty fucked up.
  20. Maztinho

    Most Dastardly Heel Acts

    I think someone would have jumped the guardrail if that happened. Like old school someone would have shanked Jake if he'd DDT'd Liz. "I blame myself... I'm gonna get you..." Savage's rambling is awesome.
  21. Maztinho

    Audio Drivers?

    Haha! My friend made me a copy of the driver install that I needed, he just misnamed it. Everythings kosher now. Gracias.
  22. Maztinho


    I know that the Wendy's here will get a rush around ten, so they load up on patties then, but post 11 o'clock you always get a fresh made thing because they don't want to waste any food.
  23. Maztinho

    Halloween 2008

    That made me laugh. I will probably do what I do every year, crash the thrift store about a week prior and just make up some random bullshit story of what I am. Best year to date, an ex-girlfriend and her roommates all got Wizard of Oz outfits, I found a bell bottom suit that was like 5 inches too short for me, but fit in the waist and I combed my hair all insane and grew out mutton chops and went as the Mayor of Munchkin City.
  24. Maztinho


    I'm one of those guys who can't rock the hoodie as I come off looking like a pedophile in them. Or a serial killer.
  25. Maztinho

    McCain: Instead of emergency room, go to Wal-Mart

    Here, here. As for the ER, they might be inefficient, but the one here at least is better than the InstaCare place that opened up in town about two years ago. When my appendix burst (I didn't feel any pain and thought it was food poisoning) and a co-worker took me to InstaCare instead of the ER I filled out the form, waited for about half an hour alone because my co-worker had to go back to work, and then the doctor comes in. "Oh... you are much too sick for us to deal with, you have to go to the ER." Like you couldn't have told me that when there was someone there to drive me to the ER? A half an hour before that? When there was nobody else in the clinic? (No cars in the lot at all, so she couldn't have been THAT busy) They called an Ambulance that I had to pay 1000 bucks for to drive me freaking 15 minutes across town. Without any cool ass lights on or anything. Screw you InstaCare. Screw you in the BUTT. Also InstaCare is kinda what McCain is wanting, it's supposed to be a cheaper option than the ER, but they can't deal with much more than basic cold/flu symptoms. My uncle took my cousin there for a broken arm and they didn't even have the ability to reset his arm.