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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    Going purely sentimental with this one, but he's a solid guy anyways. And he taught me how to throw a hook shot when I was 9, and also commented, "Are you sure you are 9?" "Big T" Thurl Bailey Also has one of the coolest voices ever. Initially I misread "Young Stevie" as Steve Young and was confused as all hell.
  2. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Time to start a Cruiserweight division. And I'll grab a guy that can be an uber dick heel who is so bad ass he stole a promotions name for his own, or a charismatic fight from behind face. He's gotten over in the States, and just kicks ass on so many levels. Plus he can do this... You can't do that shit. Taka Michinoku
  3. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    The funny thing is Japan has WAY better characters than most anything I've seen in WWE or TNA. I won't drop names, but Japan can pull off certain gimmicks with more style and pizazz than they do in the States.
  4. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I actually considered Mori as my Kane foil, but went with Abby instead. Good choice, I figured he'd go around this time.
  5. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    The one that got me was Stevie grabbing Muta. I've been a Muta mark since I was a little Maz. Biggest mistake might have been grabbing Tomko and Bernard so early as they likely would have dropped another couple rounds, but that's minor.
  6. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Like if A's pick is made at 2:30 am and B doesn't pick by 2:30 pm it's C's chance to pick, and B can pick at any time he finds his way back to the thread.
  7. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I started doing this once Muta went off the board.
  8. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

  9. Maztinho

    A thread about cheese

  10. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Tying in with the bumper related topic. Fuck Bumper Stickers. I've seen like maybe 3 clever ones in my life, the rest are either politico bullshit, Honor Roll Student shit, or retarded retread slogans that went out of style 4 years ago.
  11. Maztinho

    2008 NBA Finals: Lakers vs. Celtics

    I remember you saying that as well, or at least using "insider" wrestling terminology in the Sports thread.
  12. Maztinho


    No, I get it, it's just that your point sucks. I mean I can handle people liking Waffles over Pancakes, but when you are tossing shit out like Eggos being better than them, that's just being dumb.
  13. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I mark for the Ghettoblaster.
  14. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I'll have to admit I saw one that was upside down and said, "If you can read me, flip me over" and I laughed for a good five minutes.
  15. Maztinho

    The Eliminator 2. Day II.V

    Venkman should get props for the Fruit Fucker pic.
  16. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    They got picked already, but since King got that out there before me... Abby Bleedin'!
  17. Maztinho


    That's an Eggo at that point, which is a bad example to put up against the home made spongey goodness of a pancake. EVEN an eggo is better than fucking pancakes. Pancakes suck. You need to find some halfway decent pancakes, Eggo? EGGO? Eggo is a step above cardboard.
  18. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Since I have Kane, he needs a good foil. Why not someone who can bleed, and bleed and bleed. Traditionally he's the heel, but against my monster heel Kane, he'd be a face. Let there be blood. Abdullah the Butcher
  19. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    SHIT! They where going to be the next team I took.
  20. Maztinho

    TUF VII: Middleweights

    "Queiro que VOCE coma meus joelhos" For those keeping score at home.
  21. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    Draft the White Guy Team the Globetrotters beat up on. That'd be fun.
  22. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I'd love being at the tail end of a round just to get a quick turn around, being in the middle bothways messes up some of the planning I've had. Fortunately, I learned from the NBA roster to get a vague idea of what you want for a role and find someone that can work in that role as opposed to a specific person you want at least once you get past the first few rounds. Like now.
  23. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I'm leaning toward some weird bylaw that has a shitload of pasture as part of OKC. Technically the town right next to where I live is "bigger" size wise, but they have a gas station and no schools. Go farmland! But what do I know, I'm just a whack job cultist. Although another town nearby mandates gun ownership to live within city limits. *goes off to clean his shotgun*
  24. Maztinho


    That's an Eggo at that point, which is a bad example to put up against the home made spongey goodness of a pancake.
  25. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    We are in the early stages we still have 20 some odd rounds, also conversely with the way things are going, if you want one of these modern guys you gotsta grab whilest the grabbin's good.