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Everything posted by slimm44

  1. slimm44

    Raw Is Cena - January 28, 2008

    At least Regal can comeback from a screw-up, unlike The Miz during 2006 Diva Search.
  2. slimm44

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    Now we'll see how fast those wrestlemania tickets go.
  3. slimm44

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    I feel DUPED!!!
  4. slimm44

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    I just did a search for Wrestlemania tickets, and found some pretty good seats, and also noticed that they are not selling for much on ebay at the moment. Is it due to the fact that it is at the Citrus Bowl?
  5. slimm44

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    Yes...give it up for Jeff Harvey!...ughh this guy should have died with the XFL.
  6. slimm44

    American Idol (season 7)

    Its just a swerve to keep us guessing It's a swerve, and the people that make it to Hollywood will get the camera time during Hollywood Week. Plus who would really watch an hour of people's auditions and Randy yelling 'YOU'RE GOING TO HOLLYWOOD!'...oh wait, America would!
  7. slimm44

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    Vince made a surprise phone-in to the Opie and Anthony show, on the XM side. Basically since the limo explosion Anthony has been doing an 'Angry Vince' impression, and noticed during the 15th anniversary that Vince was doing Anthony's impression of Angry Vince. So they talked about that, the XFL, and how they never really got fired from the boss, so Vince gave them a 'You're Fired!' It ended with a plug for Monday's Tribute to the Troops.
  8. slimm44

    Raw Thread For December 17th

    Wow a shot at Ellen Degeneres out of nowhere.
  9. slimm44

    Raw Thread For December 17th

    So far the preview is: Umaga vs. Flair Kennedy/Orton vs. HBK/J. Hardy 'Santa's Little Helper' Divas tag match Jericho has invited JBL to RAW...but will JBL show?
  10. slimm44

    OAO 2007 Armageddon Thread

    Up until last week the advertised house show main event for Nashville, TN was Hardy vs. Orton for the WWE Title. Monday it was advertised as Jericho vs. Orton.
  11. slimm44

    Impact spoilers (airs December 27th and January 3rd)

    So Booker got over the whole confrontation with Christian to have him as a tag partner...I'm with Lance Storm..totally lost in the booking.
  12. slimm44

    Turning Point

    Are the chants for the TNA Knockouts for real? Or is there some sort of goof factor I missed out on? Why in the world would people cheer for ODB, and Kong?
  13. slimm44


    The Everybody Votes channel has a poll asking if wrestling is real or fake. I answered real, but predicted the outcome will be 'it's fake'
  14. slimm44


    There is something about this show that annoys me until the last few minutes, and I'm hooked for next week. This week's problem was the up-close camera shot on top of the soap opera acting between Claire and West...but then the end was so chilling, how could you not keep watching.
  15. slimm44

    OAO 11/19 Raw Thread

    Wow, a whole dollar!!! El oh el
  16. slimm44

    OAO 2007 Survivor Series Thread

    Of course, Edge and Batista are in CAHOOTS!!!!
  17. slimm44

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    For those interested I found the History of TNA Year 1 in stock at Best Buy, when it is supposed to be released next Tuesday.
  18. slimm44

    The Writer's Strike

    An updated list of the current status of shows is available on Wikipedia. I was going to copy and paste, but the formatting is off and I am too tired to edit myself. Interesting note, which kind of sucks for Scrubs but according to Wiki - 12 out of 18 episodes have been completed. Series finale episode could possibly not be produced or broadcast; were this to happen, series creator Bill Lawrence will try to release a straight-to-DVD final episode. Here's the Wikipedia Link
  19. slimm44

    The Writer's Strike

    Well for a second I thought 'great, no 24 I'll be able to watch Heroes...and then remembered what thread I was reading. So maybe now I will check out Terminator.
  20. slimm44

    ECW 11.6.07

    They're on the West Coast so SD is taped after. Or they do the whole 'this is your last shot at the title' gimmick for Morrison @ Survivor Series.
  21. slimm44

    The Writer's Strike

    No, no. That's not the complete affected TV show list. Obviously all prime time network shows will be affected if this drags on. Heroes has shot the 12th episode as the season finale, should the strike go past December/January. House, will likely be repeats come January. They closed production on Thursday, due to the strike.
  22. slimm44

    The Writer's Strike

    I wouldn't mind it airing during the summer, in it's entirety.
  23. slimm44

    The Writer's Strike

    ...and run 10 weeks of audition footage...yeccck. I was kind of excited for the strike, but after reading about what would come of it, I too have become depressed. If it lasts as long as the one in '88 (5 months), we'll have to wait for new network prime time episodes to air after the Olympics.
  24. slimm44

    The Writer's Strike

    Game/reality shows. Lots of them. And animals attacking people. and a helluva lot of reruns.
  25. slimm44

    Smackdown Spoilers - 11/2/07

    Hopefully both of them can go injury free into the PPV...and beyond. Please, no more bad luck.