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Everything posted by AlaskanHero

  1. AlaskanHero


    From what I heard, he looked good during the spring practices, having put on more muscle so he could just run over people, but he tweaked his hamstring at the beginning of Training Camp, which is pretty much why he got cut. He wasn't able to perform. Personally, I think he still has a bit left to offer and I would have liked to at least have seen what he could've done this season before dropping him. And since you're a Lions fan, maybe you can give me some info on Frank Davis? He's a Guard we picked up off waivers after being cut from the Lions and I'm curious about what he has to offer.
  2. AlaskanHero

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    So I've been going to Dragoncon in Atlanta this weekend and I marked out a bit when I saw Consequences Creed and Johnny Devine walking around the hotels. I got to talk to Creed for a second and got a picture of him in the dealers' room, but I didn't get a chance to talk to or get a picture when Creed and Devine were heading upstairs.
  3. AlaskanHero

    The NFL Preseason Thread.

    I've been spending this pre-season lurking on the Bengals Official Message Board, simply because I had nothing better to do. Never have I been anywhere so depressing yet amusing. A great deal of the posters there gave up on this season after the very first preseason game. Yeah, the one we won. I sense they'll toss Carson under the bus at some point in the next month or two.
  4. AlaskanHero

    Hard Justice 08 Thread

    I just want to comment that just because a match has a really swift pace, it doesn't mean it's a spotfest. On the same token, just because a match is slow doesn't mean it has lots of psychology. Sometimes it just means the match is slow. And I believe the argument that "TNA's matches tend to be better than WWE's" is due to the fact that good matches in TNA tend to pop up in the undercard with a great deal more regularity. TNA's booking is often questionable, but they do give time to matches that have potential to be awesome and more often than not. In WWE, unless it has a main eventer in it, matches don't always get a lot of time. In short, WWE is top heavy while TNA is a bit more evenly distributed talent-wise. Because of that, TNA appears to have the better wrestling because on your average PPV card there'll be a lot of good matches with maybe one or two being very good to great. WWE on the other hand has a lot of ok/decent matches with the occasional very good match and, depending on the match and who's in it, a great to awesome main event. Then again, I've been up all night and haven't gone to sleep yet, so I may be completely wrong.
  5. AlaskanHero

    Smackdown Spoilers for 8.22.08

    It's not that odd or even unprecedented. JBL pretty much went from half of APA to World Title contender in like a week. But yeah, I forsee the Smackdown match being fun, but not very exciting since there's not a way in hell anyone but HHH is walking out without the title. I'm liking the look of the Raw match since it's truly a tossup on who's gonna walk out with the title.
  6. AlaskanHero

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    Probably adopted since she sure as hell doesn't look like Earl or even Brian.
  7. AlaskanHero

    Goal line blitz

    My center who has been toiling in the developmental leagues has hit level 8, so you can send him a contract if you want.
  8. AlaskanHero

    Foley to TNA????

    I wanted to argue this point, but when I think about it, it's really quite apt.
  9. AlaskanHero

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    My Madden IQ was in the middle 500s (550 or so), though now it's sitting at 568 or something like that. I did really well in the offensive tests, but I didn't do too well in the rushing defense test and I couldn't defend a pass worth a damn. I went ahead and played a franchise game and beat the Ravens 10-0, but is it just me or does the game feel slower? Maybe it's because I need a serious upgrade at halfback. Rudy isn't going to cut it with 25 yards on 17 attempts.
  10. I don't normally post in here and probably never will again, but... | | | V
  11. AlaskanHero

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    WWE should steal the idea and give it to someone more talented. At least that's what I would do. And for some reason, the video made me wonder what it would be like if YouTube existed during ECW's prime.
  12. AlaskanHero

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    I spent some time with Head Coach and it's not bad from the little I've played. Though I haven't figured out how to resign the guys on my team, so the guys I want to keep on just up and leave on me.
  13. AlaskanHero

    Hard Justice 08 Thread

    He's trying to keep them from walking down the path of darkness, keep them honest or something? Yeah, I got nothing.
  14. AlaskanHero

    Goal line blitz

    That's the funny thing. We have just enough pieces to start out going in one direction, but at the moment we don't have enough to be any good at either. My QB is very good, despite his numbers, but he only has three feasible options with our third WR and second TE needing time to develop. Meanwhile, our offensive line is good and we have some decent depth (though we could use more), but our running backs are somewhat low-leveled and tend to struggle in games. So in my biased opinion, I say we try and get a high level WR and focus on the passing game. However, we need to give our RBs enough plays so they can get experience and level up. If Abe steps up and we get another WR that can contribute, then offensively we would hopefully be able to make some noise.
  15. AlaskanHero

    Goal line blitz

    I'm still interested, though you can probably remove me from my GM spot. It's your call.
  16. AlaskanHero

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    I believe it's only $20 if you get the CE with the stand alone game being full price.
  17. AlaskanHero

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    Naruto's biggest filler arc occurs 135 episodes in and lasts 80 fucking episodes. It's not really an arc though, more like a bunch of filler episodes with their own independent plots loosely tied together by the main plot. I recommend avoiding it at all costs.
  18. AlaskanHero

    Impact Spoilers for 7/31

    '05, when Joe was heel. Ahh, thanks. Then yes, I can say with a clear conscience that 2006 was by far TNA's worst year. And yeah, that period of time when they had no TV and only needed to cater to net fans because we were the only ones watching was some fun stuff.
  19. AlaskanHero

    Impact Spoilers for 7/31

    I don't remember off the top of my head, did the three-way feud between AJ, Joe, and Daniels take place in '06? Or was that '05?
  20. AlaskanHero

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    I'll take the Bengals. I look forward to stomping Chriswok's Browns.
  21. AlaskanHero

    Goal line blitz

    I could use a raise too, to upgrade my gear.
  22. AlaskanHero

    100 reasons why Sega is/was stupid.

    I like to liken the popularity of the Wii to WWE's Attitude Era. When things were hot, they were HOT and WWE could seemingly do no wrong. But then the bubble popped and the casuals found something else to occupy their time. Same thing will probably happen with the Wii; the bubble will pop and the casuals will leave. Then Nintendo will only have the hardcore fanbase left, and considering the shit they've pulled so far this generation, there's a chance their hardcore base may not return. Also, Andrew's comment about Gumpei Yokoi being thrown under the bus makes me want to make a "hit by a car" joke, but I'll leave it to someone funnier.
  23. AlaskanHero

    100 reasons why Sega is/was stupid.

    Yeah, Sega Channel was awesome. They used to offer it on Cincinnati's Warner Cable. I honestly didn't know you couldn't save on it, mostly because I never played any games that would require saving. Though I remember our signal being pretty shitty because it would often take a lot of fiddling with the adapter to make it connect and sometimes it would just freeze up on me. But yeah, Sega Channel was definitely an idea that was WAY ahead of the curve and would probably work out a lot better today if it were even possible.
  24. AlaskanHero

    Goal line blitz

    After that abysmal season, I can confidently say that any ego Geru may have been gaining as the hot shit, franchise quarterback was beat up, stomped, shot, stomped on again, then shitted on.
  25. AlaskanHero

    Victory Road 08 Thoughts

    I'd also like a link to a stream if possible.