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Everything posted by jwpeer

  1. jwpeer

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    Dcast controller was awesome for 2d fighters. Playing Marvel vs. Capcom 2 on xbox is an exercise in frustration compared to the dreamcast
  2. jwpeer

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    I think it is the cliches, as the only rpg's I really can invest my time into are Morrowind and stuff that's incredibly open-ended and such... Heck I enjoy the superstar mode of Madden as an rpg as much as a football game, because it's stat development driven
  3. jwpeer

    A look ahead towards college basketball...

    Except for my poor Pitt Panthers, who are notoriously absent for the first time in like forever...I hope they can play some solid defense and shock the Big East Man the more I look at that poll, the more I realize how retarded the coaches are not voting Pitt in the top 25 preseason...they must have no respect for our coaching staff. Blah.
  4. jwpeer

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    Hmm, I'm not saying FF7 was a terrible game, but it's remembered as much for the hype as any sort of ground breaking gameplay. I don't consider goldeneye a great game either, it's a -decent- game and lots of fun (But I can have more fun playing a game of Timesplitters: Future Perfect on my xbox right now, than going back to play goldeneye for nostalgia purposes) SNES vs. PSX rpg collection is really no contest the more I think about it. I can rattle off 16 GREAT to good snes rpg's(SoM, SoE, Chrono Trigger, Terranigma, FFIV, FFVI, Ogre Battle, Lufia, Lufia II, Earthbound, 7th Saga, Paladin's Quest(probably mf avorite because of how different it was), Robotrek, Uncharted Waters: New Horizons(startegy rpg), Super Mario RPG, and plenty of others) ...but the list of psx rpg's comparable to those in quality just isn't there (Vandal Hearts, FFVII, FFVIII, Dragon Quest VII, Persona, persona 2, Legend of Mana, Star Ocean, FF Tactics, Tales of Destiny, Talkes of Eternia) Eh...I barely play rpg's anymore though, that's the sad part.
  5. jwpeer

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    QFT. FF7 is the most underwhelming game ever. I remember absolutely adoring the game while I played it...and then when I looked at the game evena few months later realizing that I enjoyed it mostly just knowing I was partaking in this huge hype machine, not because it was really that amazing of a game (I contend that if the widely panned FF8 were released in place of FF7 it would have equal acclaim, if not more because FF8 is the superior game in nearly every way) However, I will disagree with your statement on rare, ever since battletoads they were considered a quality and innovative developer...perhaps without the mainstream cachet of Squaresoft, but with a great reputation for breaking new ground.
  6. jwpeer

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    Snes racers = Uniracers That game is awesometastic
  7. jwpeer

    We've got an Xbox 360 Debug

    Bethsoft has even stated that the best platform to play Obliviom on is Xbox360 and NOT the pc, that it is meant to be seen on the 360. That alone is a pretty telling statement
  8. jwpeer

    The Outer Limits on DVD!!!

    Possibly considering the series first started way back in 1995. And it first aired on showtime, but they made two different versions of each episode, one for showtime one for syndication (Showtime version had nudity/etc. in it) A lot of the episodes went to syndication very soon after their first air.
  9. On Nov. 1 MGM is finally releasing the first full season of The Outer Limits on DVD. Before they were doing these limited thematic collections (2 of which I own) but it was very hit or miss and it was going to be impossible to collect them all. Does anyone else enjoy this show as much as I do? I really love the varying styles of science fiction and fantasy stories with some good character and dialogue based development, and while some of the episodes could be iffy, most of them had something good to reccommend and it's especially exciting for someone who really enjoys creative science fiction and fantasy programming.
  10. jwpeer

    The Outer Limits on DVD!!!

    2 Series. However, the 2nd one (The "New" Outer Limits, which is in color) had 5 seasons on Showtime first air, then 1 season where SciFi picked it up. So a lot of people think it's 3 different series, but the ones on scifi are the same team as the showtime ones
  11. jwpeer

    The Outer Limits on DVD!!!

    Plus she got naked.
  12. jwpeer

    The Outer Limits on DVD!!!

    I like the black and white ones at times, depending on the story. This is the new ones, the b&w ones have been out on dvd for awhile. I don't like the x-files much at all.
  13. jwpeer

    New Guy

    You should definitely wrestle me so I can no show your debut and give you an opening win, too bad I'm a heel (maybe I should do some weird off the wall face turn so I can job out to all our heels, and maybe win one match in ten when I get motivated!!!)
  14. jwpeer

    We've got an Xbox 360 Debug

    That's what I like to hear, although now I'm impatient for Nov. 22 so I can fire that baby up (Or whenever Oblivion gets its release, I even kinda hope it gets pushed back just so they can make it as polished as possible.)
  15. jwpeer

    We've got an Xbox 360 Debug

    The game i want some impression of, is Oblivion...the problem is no one is getting demos of it, no one has seen it, but it's supposed to be a launch game, or if not within a few weeks of launch, and it's the single biggest reason I want a 360...I need to know if it's gonna be as awesome as it looks (it's also one of the few games that's been designed for Xbox360 from the beginning, in fact it's been targeted for nextgen xbox for almost 2 years now, it's gonna be the most nextgen game out of all them from all indications, and Bethsoft usually lives up to the hype)
  16. jwpeer

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    Why so much love for the dualshock? I've always disliked the ps2 controller myself...not irrationally, just a mild dislike. It's good for fighting games (I like to use the directional pad for fighting games, and the xbox analog stick is HORRIBLY inaccurate during fighting games) but I prefer the Xbox controller under every other circumstance. I can't stand the size of the dualshock, or the position of the analog sticks, it's just uncomfortable (I have large hands so that may be one of the reasons)
  17. jwpeer

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    The thing with older games, is I'm getting to the point where I don't feel like I need to own them or even play them anymore, simply having played them once is enough for me, I just have trouble maintaining that collecting instinct with older games consistently. The only thing I can keep dedicated to is RotTK (several versions of which I would love to get just to say I own all the u.s. ones) I mean the collection of old quality pcrpg's I have is almost as awesome as my ps1 rpgs...but in the end I know the stories, i've played through them, why do I need to do it again (I've played fallout 2 like 12 times ) Valkyrie Profile is one of the exceptions because I really love the voice acting and atmosphere for that game I'll get a copy soon, no worries
  18. jwpeer

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    Hahahhaha That's funny stuff, gamestop's listed preowned price for valkyrie is like 45.99, so that's not a bad deal. too bad none of the gstops around here have the game, the one that was close was supposed to send it to a closer store and never called me about it (lying bastards, I should have just traveled the hour to go get it)
  19. jwpeer

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    Valkyrie profile is hard to find, not many copies of it were made(sells for anywhere from 45-80 dollars depending on where ya get it, but still not as tought o find as a copy of Persona 2 w/ instructions), I still kick myself for selling it a long time ago as it's the only major rpg missing from my collection of ps1 rpgs (I don't have the suikodens anymore, but I don't find them to have aged as well as Valkyrie Profile.) I actually don't regret selling my copies of suikoden and suikoden 2, they just didn't have replay value for me (Good games though). Legend of Mana is the graphically the best ps1 game period, and is heads and shoulders better looking than tons of ps2 games (sad there) Actraiser is an awesome game, and it has always hurt me the way they butchered the sequel taking out the sim-like elements that made it so unique and fun. The only N64 game I own is Ogre Battle 64. That was a pain to find a copy of, I didn't even buy the N64 (my little sister got it one here to play pokemon snap (a game i ended up mastering when I would play it for her, was quite fun as I recall)) but I didn't mind using it for OB64. Snes still has the most amazing collection of varied and timeless games ever, including my favorites Ogre Battle and Secret of Mana. (Not to mention the games that never got here like Seiken Densetsu 3, Bahamut Lagoon, and Terranigma) There's a reason snes emulation was and is so popular, because a good -game- doesn't lose its lure (Part of the reason I like a lot of my xbox games, I can go back and play Otogo or Phantom Dust and still enjoy it just like I can go load up my emulator and play a game of Uncharted Waters: New Horizons(another of my favorite snes games ever )) Wow, that was a long-winded excuse to list some of my favorite games in the hopes someone recognizes them!...I like this thread
  20. jwpeer

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    I guess i might as well make my list...no handhelds cus I've never been a handheld type of gamer, just not my interest. 1. SNES 2. X-box 3. Dreamcast 4. Sega Genesis 5. Playstation 2 6. NES 7. Playstation 8. Turbo Graphix 16 9. N64 10. Saturn That's how I see it, i'm gonna catch a lot of flack for putting the X-box up so high, but ever since I've gotten my x-box it's really rekindled my interest in gaming in so many ways, similar to my snes. I really love some of the variety of games I get on it and more importantly the POLISH that so many of the games have, that just doesn't really come off when I play 90% of the ps2 games. I guess it'd be hard to understand if you've never played Otogi, Phantom Dust, Any xbox version of multiple platform games, etc.
  21. jwpeer

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    This is a guy who knows what he's talking about. Those games didn't exist on PS1, fool. VF2 was on Saturn and ROTK 3 was on SNES. Hi, I just turned off Dragon Warrior 7 about a hour ago. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There was a point when I was a really poor college student that the only psx game I still had was DW7 I don't even have a copy anymore, I was very disappointed by the end of the game (it really defeated the point of maxing out characters/classes cus there were no challenges near the end to make it worthwhile) I do still have Persona and Persona 2 though, and I contend that those alone make the ps1 one of the best systems (But it's hard to separate it from the ps2, cus I play all my ps1 games on my ps2 anyway) I still contemplate selling my insane ps1 rpg collection and my ps2 and my RotTK games, because I rarely play it anymore, I just enjoy most of my xbox games more (Shattered Union may be stemming my Turn-based strategy urges, we'll see)
  22. jwpeer

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    Hey don't be bringing RotTK into this. I still have my psx copy of V Wall of Fire, and my ps2 copies of VIII and X (9 was blech) In fact that's the ONLY reason I still own a PS2, because for every other gaming need the xbox is superior to the ps2 right now, but it still cannot whet my appetite for RotTK
  23. jwpeer

    The Ultimate Fighter 2

    That knee was absolutely brutal.
  24. jwpeer

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/24/05

    The only thing of note on RAW was Carlito executing his finisher on Foley. I too skipped over the vince skit for football,s o I don't know anything about it except for it involved some sort of anal surgery, the less i know the better. Really the only thing that really INTERESTED me on RAW was Carlito's finisher, and that makes me sad
  25. jwpeer

    SWF Lockdown Card 10-26-05

    I want someone to decide my costume for me, because then it'll be funny (I'm very bad at forcing things to be funny) Just make sure to explain to me how my costume is supposed to make me act, so I can play the part