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Everything posted by jwpeer

  1. jwpeer

    PROMO: Hurricane Watch

    This is some crazy stuff. Is this a Ghost Machine face turn then? Is he now like Iron Man or something (I'd mark hard for iron man the wrestler )
  2. jwpeer


    What do we have left? South Africa? ....tons of problems there. maybe the U.S. Virgin Islands, that might be the place to go?
  3. jwpeer


    So now Britain and the U.S. are craphole countries? Are there any english-speaking countries that aren't crapholes?
  4. jwpeer


    you guys just might as well move right on up to battle royale...
  5. jwpeer

    SWF Storm Card, 9-2-05!

    Good match right there JJ. If Todd had any chance of noshowing, I'd just submit that as your match.
  6. jwpeer

    PROMO: Effects of the REAL Storm

    I love this.
  7. it's all about Ong-Bak. Unfortunately I bought an import version months ago, before the movie even hit theaters here...but it's truly an enjoyable martial arts flick.
  8. jwpeer

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    Tyson Tomko's kick of doom...and yet I kinda liked it. For some reason I really bought into Tomko just kicking someone's face in.
  9. jwpeer

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    TNA commercial during RAW = Awesome and...who knows how WWE is gonna like that. Lita REALLY isn't attractive to me. Give me Melina and Stacy Keibler all night long, but please no more Lita.
  10. I don't know about other people, but I subscribe to Comcast, and I was browsing On Demand the other day, and hidden deep down in the Other Sports section are highlight matches from various TNA PPV's. I thought this was an awesome thing, and it gave me exposure to TNA that I probably wouldn't have gotten otherwise. I wonder if they have any plans to expand this, and maybe even have their TV shows put ON DEMAND for a short while after they air, it could be a great idea.
  11. jwpeer

    Losing Match Thread

    EVERY comment helps, it's something you keep in mind while you're writing your next match. At least for me.
  12. jwpeer

    Losing Match Thread

    Any pointers would help for the next one, thanks - FADE IN As the cameras fade in, pyros erupt from both sides of the entrance ramp to accompany Nate Dogg shouting "Oh No"! and showering "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez in sparks. Cortez walks down that aisle with the self-assured demeanor of a man who knows he's got the fame, the money, and most definitely the girl. He slides in the ring and quickly faces Marcus Ward, who happens to already be in the ring at this time. "We must apologize for coming back after Marcus Ward's entrance, however due to network pressure we were told specifically to keep it off the air." Explains Longdogger Pete Suicide King reacts, "Some nonsense about his intense stare during the ring entrance leaving quite a few children crying...well after The Mastermind takes care of Todd "Mf'in" Cortez tonight, they may not let him wrestle at all!" LP scoffs, "This one may not be so easy for Ward as Cortez is no pushover, nor has Marcus had much success of late." Cortez and Ward shake hands in the center of the ring as per the Family Friendly Lockdown instructions then immediately separate as Official Nick Soapdish rings the bell to begin this match. LP commentates, "Well we're underway here in Des Moines, Iowa and we'll see how these two competitors match up. One is a well-built powerhouse, the other a quick and lethal stick of dynamite...we could have a real explosion in the ring for you fans!" "Pete, explosions and dynamite, are you telling the children to become terrorists? I think a fine might be heading your way!" King cackles as he attempts to get Longdogger fined once again. The two competitors begin circling one another, with Ward's finger tapping against his temple as he flashes his know-it-all smile at the cuatious Todd Cortez. Their circling inches closer to one another as each wrestler looks for the best opening to start his assault. They seem to be heading towards an inevitable lock-up grapple when Todd Cortez unleashes a lightning-fast european uppercut shot that Ward walks right into! Pete comments, "My goodness, Todd Cortez just K.O.'d Ward. His eyes went glassy and he seemed to stiffen up before dropping straight to the ground like an anchor...Cortez is sliding in for the cover..ONE, TWO....." Referee Soapdish is lowering his hand for the third count and the swift Cortez victory when Ward's instincts take over and he drapes a leg over the nearby rope that the official just manages to catch out of the corner of his eye, pointing it out to Cortez as he stops his count. Cortez rises to his feet and delivers a small taunt to the crowd, elliciting a huge pop as he drags the still-stunned "Mastermind" to his feet. Todd then lines ward up again and delivers another stiff european uppercut that launches Ward up and over the ropes onto the arena floor, with Cortez gesturing to the crowd again as he appears to have totally routed Ward to begin this match. King remarks, "Cortez best not get too cocky, as this match isn't over yet, and Ward very much knows how to 'take control' of things!" "He sure does, but I think he's far too arrogant himself for a young wrestler, and still hasn't learned how to admit when he's lost his 'footing' so to speak" Ward pulls himself to his feet using the arena retaining wall and shakes his head trying to clear the cobwebs introduced by those hard strikes to the chin. The crowd roars as MW turns around just in time to catch a flying crossbody from Cortez and drive his lower back into the once helpful retaining wall! "Cortez just executed an amazing running spring off the ropes crossbody there, and really managed to catch Ward off-guard once again, which seems to be a running theme in this match. Lets take a look at that again." comments LP The replay shows Todd Cortez running from the far side of the ring, leaping into the air and getting immense height from the spring off the top ropes before driving Ward into the padded wall with the crossbody. King grumbles, "Remember Longdogger, this is all a part of Ward's PLAN...he's in TOTAL CONTROL right now!" LP shakes his head, "Ridiculous King, no one in control of anything wants to take two uppercuts to the face and have their spine smashed against a wall." Ward arches his back in pain even as he's tossed back into the ring by a clearly superior to this point Todd Cortez. The "Urban Legend" climbs to the apron and moves over to the turnbuckles on the outside and begins climbing to the top, his eyes on the pain-saturated Ward writheing halfway between the ropes and the center of the ring. Todd Cortez lifts his hand as he reaches the top of the turnbuckles, and leaps off of them...towards the other turnbuckle? LP exclaims, "What the *bleep* is Todd Cortez doing?!" TC jumps and twists in the air, landing on the top rope halfway between the turnbuckles facing the crowd, where he springs off with a backflip double knee drop that impales Ward in the abdomen sending him flopping across the canvas like a dead fish as he clutches his stomach. "Amazing feat of agility and timing by The Urban Legend, and Cortez has set this crowd on fire, much like Ward's abdomen is feeling right now" comments LP King mumbles, "Ward's just waiting for the time..." Cortez raises his arms to encite the crowd further in his favor, and then eyes up Ward as his opponent begins to pull himself up to his feet at the ropes, one hand still clutching his potentially torn abdomen. TC lowers himself to the ground and then rushes at Ward just as he finally gets his vertical base, attempting a rib-shattering "Hollow Point" spear...that Marcus Ward manages to sidestep while reaching his arms around Todd's waist and hoisting him up using his momentum to spin him around into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! King speaks calmly, "Total Control Pete...Total Control." Marcus lifts Cortez up and slams him down side first onto his knee a second time. Ward lifts Cortez up for the signature third backbreaker but suddenly drops Cortez to the canvas as he apparently strained his sore abdomen a bit during the first two. "Marcus may be in trouble the rest of the match if he can't get over the injury to his midsection, as he'll be unable to lift Cortez up for any of his finishing maneuvers" comments LP "Total Control, Pete" remarks King, lacking an actual response. Lifting Todd Cortez to his feet, Marcus Ward swiftly places his knee right in TC's gut, doubling over the Urban Legend leaving him gasping for air. Ward executes a second, then a third knee to drive Cortez's oxygen out of his lungs and into the arena atmosphere. Having driven Cortez all the way to the ropes, Ward presses TC into them and sends him flying across the ring in an irish whip, then walks after him to meet Cortez in the center of the ring with a DRIVING powerslam into the mat. Marcus climbs to his feet and places several kicks to the ribs of the prone Todd Cortez, enough that the ref has to step between him and the aching competitor to warn him about his excessive booting. LP remarks, "Ward has, and I hate to say this, managed to really turn the tides of this match after that tilt-a-whirl counter to the Hollow Point.." "YOu mean...Ward is in total control Pete...and really taking it to Todd Cortez with the kicks. That last one managed to flip Mr. Urban Legend over and onto his stomach!" After ignoring Soapdish and executing that last vicious kick, Ward creates momentum from the ropes and runs towards the fallen Cortez before leaping high into the air and dropping 249 pounds right into TC's lower back, all concentrated on the twin-knees of Marcus Ward. Cortez clutches his back after, his screams echoing in the near silent arena that watches their once-proud hero getting picked apart by this Mastermind in the ring. Ward taps forefinger to temple in his signature taunt, inciting the crowd to deliver a symphony of jeers to drown out Cortez's agonizing groans. "Ward lifting up the near-helpless Urban Legend once again, and pelting him with uppercut forearms this time, driving him back into the ropes again," commentates Pete Whipped across the ring, Todd Cortez bounces off the ropes and is slung by the momentum back towards a waiting Marcus Ward. MW catches TC in his arms and rears back with a pivot to perfectly place a Cortez spine first on the mat, rocking the ring as all that momentum is transferred into the back-impact. Ward, however, doesn't let go of Todd Cortez, easily lifting him up and pivoting once AGAIN into a furious spinebuster near the next corner of the ring....and he continues to lift Cortez, pivot and execute a THIRD spinebuster in another corner of the ring. Still not finisher, a wear Marcus Ward lifts Cortez up and sends him crashing to the canvas with a fourth spine-tingling slam, one that leaves MW kneeling and clutching his abdomen in obvious strain after the continuous feats of strength. LP gapes, "Tremendous feat of strength by Ward, as he weakens Cortez with what can only be the 4S" King smirks, "That's right the Super Square Spinebuster Symphony... or something like that? LP rolls his eyes, "OR how about four spinebusters?" Still clutching his stomach, Ward climbs to his feet and drags Cortez to the center of the ring to prevent any sort of rope break, before falling on top of him with a quick leg hook to seal the cover. Soapdish falls to the canvas and begins the count. ONE!!! TWO!!! THR.. Cortez lifts a shoulder up and breaks the count, to Ward's extreme frustration as he slams the shooulder back to the canvas and holds it down directly as he attempts another pinfall. ONE!!! TWO!!! T..... TC lifts the other shoulder up and breaks the count a bit sooner increasing Ward's frustration as he reaches his feet, still clutching his strained abdomen. LP remarks, "Amazing drive by Cortez to be able to kick out of the 4S, though there may be some serious back damage, maybe even a slipped disk after that array of spinebusters." "It's all a charade, quick counting by the ref and simply a muscle twitch by that poser legend Cortez!" curses Suicide King. Circling Cortez, Ward seems to shake off his previous frustration quickly, tapping finger to temple in signature fashion as he uses the hair to pull TC to a standing position...and quickly transitions into the full military press that always precedes the Conspiracy Collapse" King chuckles, "Ward's done fooling around, time to Collapse this 'Urban Myth'!" "But will his abdomen hold up?" muses Longdogger. Ward completes the full press and seems steady as he prepares to drop TC onto his shoulder, however just as tenses his muscles for the drop, his abdomen seems to spasm resulting in Cortez falling just behind Ward, right onto his feet. Todd Cortez, having regained some measure of sense during the military press, easily lifts the confused and hurting MW into a BRUTAL inverted atomic drop! "Crotch-Droppah for The Urban Legend after Ward's 'collapse' came crashing down" comments LP Cortez bounds off the nearby ropes and races towards a stymied Marcus Ward who turns around just in time to get leveled with a drop kick to the chest that sends him flying into the turnbuckle. Cortez continues his assault by pursuing Marcus into the corner to pummell him with several kicks to chest and face before lining him up for a... SAVAGE european uppercut that brings Ward to his knees, stunned by the same move which caught him to begin this contest. Longdogger analyzes, "Ward still hasn't figured out the euro-cut and is in fact quite vulnerable to it, for some reason I can't comprehend...until he does, there's certainly no way he's going to win this match..." "It's part of the master plan from the mastermind Pete, this match has only just begun for him...be patient!" replies SK Cortez lifts Ward up and sits him down on the top rope. Cortez looks around the arena and raises his hand, resulting in an explosion of cheers from this pro-Urban Legend Iowa crowd. Cortez carefully climbs the turnbuckle Ward is sitting on and faces him while standing on the top turnbuckle. Todd Cortez lifts Ward to his feet as well and carefully gets his right arm underneath Ward's left arm and wraps it around his neck. Pete speaks cautiously, "Some type of STO to the outside? Whatever it is, Todd Cortez plans on finishing this match right here." The Urban Legend very cautiously edges his feet out onto the actual ropes next to the top turnbuckle, while still maintaining his grip on Marcus Ward. TC lifts his free arm to the air in another huge crowd pop then jumps straight up on the ropes, landing back down on them to get springboard air...using the momentum to carry himself and Marcus into the ring with a backflip, Cortez DESTROYING Ward into the canvas with the springboard C-4 that leaves the crowd screaming in shock. "TODD 'MF'N" CORTEZ!!!!" King screams, "Can we fine the crowd on Family Friendly Lockdown!!!!" Cortez is in easy position for the cover, and simply keeps his arm draped over Ward's sprawled out body as Soapdish falls to the mat for the count. ONE!!!! (The crowd chanting in unison with the referees hand on the mat and fingers in the air) TWO!!!! THREEEE!!!! The official's hand slams the canvas the third time, Veteran's Memorial Arena explods in chants for The Urban Legend. As Soapdish turns to signal for the bell...he sees Marcus Ward's foot resting on the bottom rope, and immediately waves off the finish. LP comments "Amazing, the referee nullified his decision assuming Ward got his foot up there in time...that's gonna be real controversial. Cortez is arguing this with him right now, and that may not be the best decision for him." King cackles, "No it won't, he's just giving Ward time to recover after that slight mistep in his planned program!" Cortez gets into a shouting match with Soapdish, pointing to the barely-conscious Ward and screaming for him to uphold that third count. Nick SOapdish shakes his head and seems to mouth something to Cortez that looks like "Family Friendly" and "sportsmanship" . Cortez shakes his head, rips Ward's leg off the ropes and hooks the leg for the winning pin again. ONE! TWO! Marcus Ward kicks out this time, not leaving this one to be disputed. Cortez shows his frustration as he gets up and lifts Ward to his feet, giving him yet another violent european uppercut and knocking him back down to the canvas on his ass. Pete commentates, "Todd Cortez is becoming a bit frustrated with this tenacious newcomer, and has started lashing out with a serious of kicks and the apparently trusty european uppercuts. Todd is just picking Ward up and giving him those euro-cuts again and again..." The official steps in after the third series of this, and warns Todd Cortez once again about uppercuts. Ward seems totally dazed with the glazed eyes of a defeated boxer as he lies prone beneath the two arguing men. "That's right Soapy, tell Todd Cortez about sportsmanship. Be sure to fine him to, because he's just not family-friendly!" Todd Cortez shakes off his frustration and lifts the spaced-out MW to his feet once again. Cortez backs off of the rook a few feet and appears to bide his time for several moments, just waiting out Ward as he starts to shake off the uppercuts...before stepping into a missile-like side hook-kick to the face of Marcus, dropping him to the floor in a K.O. manner similar to the beginning of this match. LP remarks again, "More brutal strikes from Cortez, who's adopted an absolutely brutal street-brawling style in today's match, that has managed to really nullify any control Ward might have managed to get over him!" Cortez slides in for the cover following the super-kick. A quick two count is kicked out of by Ward, as Todd forgot to hook the leg. He hooks the legs for the second attempt, and barely gets one and a half before Marcus forces himself out of the pinning predictament. "Ward is showing just how difficult he can be to beat, when you don't know what he's planning," mentions King MW is dragged to his feet again, and this time placed in a standing head scissors by TC that causes the crowd rise to their feet in anticipation of the Riot Act Plus. Cortez signals to the crowd as he prepares to RAP it up for the finish, but is thrown off by a very aware Ward, right into the ropes. Cortez bounces off the ropes and attempts a lariat, but gets hip tossed to the canvas. Todd swiftly gets to his feet and turns towards Ward only to have his waist enclosed by MW's massive arms as he faces his opponent. Ward swiftly pops the hips into a full-over belly-to-belly suplex, but Cortez uses his agility to turn his body enough to land on his feet then quickly runs to the ropes and springboards off into an asai moonsault...that MW catches him at the waist again, absorbing the momentum and turning it into another full-over belly-to-belly suplex that drives The Urban Legend's back into the canvas. LP tries to keep up, "Amazing action here in Iowa, as these competitors just have no quit in them, and simply aren't going to be affected by anything at this point...Cortez has gotten back up and is in a tie-up with Ward again, Ward has him in a side head lock which he brings to the ropes then Pushes Cortez off of him across the ring to the other side" Cortez bounces off the ropes and runs at Ward full-tilt, but MW wisely decides to drop to his stomach and TC leaps over him, Ward quickly gets up only to have Todd running at him again, a Todd Cortez who has lined up a perfect running European Uppercut right with his chin, all that rushing momentum going straight up in the euro-cut full-force catching Ward totally off-balance...but he barely manages to gets his head underneath the sadistic punch, his right arm catches Cortez's flailing missed punch...and Ward uses his momentum to easily lift him up onto his shoulders and lock in a Total Control torture rack in the dead center of this ring. King gloats, "IT's over, Cortez knows it and he'll soon be giving up to fight another day..." Todd Cortez struggles to break free of this rack attack that he's found himself in, and for a moment considers waiting out his back on Ward's hurting abdomen. But the constant pressure on his spine and the lingerig affects of the 4S have totally ruined any chances of that, and The Urban Legend quickly screams for the bell so as to end the torment of Total Control. Ward quickly drops his defeated opponent, and immediately reaches down to clutch his abdomen feeling the strain of executing that final submission. Funyon announces the results of the match to end any possible confusion as both competitors arms are raised in the center of the ring, "Your winner via submission, Marcus "The Mastermind" Ward" Ward stares from the center of the ring and seems to revel in the deep bass of the booing that signifies his victory tonight.
  13. jwpeer

    Losing Match Thread

    Just one note... the 4S isn't a finisher, it's not even on my guys list of moves I made it during the match, and if I won was gonna add it That's why I had no problems with him kicking out... Thanks for the comments, i'll watch on the abbreviations, though I don't think they appear to bad myself, especially in fast paced parts of the match Appreciate you going through and reading it
  14. jwpeer

    Lockdown Comments

    Just to note Bruce...I'm pretty new, and Cortez and I have never had a match before. Your comments make it out like we have this huge rivalry/series of matches, and it came off a bit odd to me
  15. jwpeer

    OAO SmackDown! Thread

    Really enjoyed that smackdown. Had some decent wrestling, segments, a good debut. Can't wait till Burchill/Regal are on too.
  16. jwpeer

    OAO SmackDown! Thread

    That match was pretty solid actually, lot of good psychology going on and two good alabama slam spots (no matter how lame that finisher really is)
  17. jwpeer

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    I'm just annoyed that they couldn't put in MNM. that's a serious missing piece, as they're the ONLY reasonably over tag team in the company right now. take out Haas, Jindrak and Joy and replace them with MNM...it's not like the game has gone gold, don't tell me you guys can't work a bit more to add a few more models...I don't need no stinkin voices for them (Though the Melina entrance would be fun)
  18. jwpeer

    SMARKDOWN CARD for August 29

    Where do we go to find info on TKO? am i missing something or do they not have stats up anywhere to reference?
  19. jwpeer

    SMARKDOWN CARD for August 29

    I think Smarkdown as a whole looks like it could be one great friggin show. Lots of interesting matchups (Me in a tag match though, kinda scares me). A world Title defense...plenty of Tom Flesher sightings? Looks like a fun one.
  20. jwpeer

    Brosnan out as 007

    I have to say Jude Law would be my pick. He's a good actor, has ALL the f'in charisma in the world. As for 'kicking ass', well Jude Law looks more like a spy than a soldier...isn't James Bond a -spy-? *shrug*
  21. jwpeer

    The Ultimate Fighter 2

    I only watched a few episodes last year, and liked what I saw, so I made a promise to start from the beginning this year. I'm not a huge MMA follower, but I REALLY liked the first episode. I have to totally agree with the Jorge love, he just seems like he's gonna do his job and kick some ass. Between him and Luke (Love the way he shows everyone up during the wall sit), they're definitely my two favorites on the show. I haven't seen much of the Heavyweight's personalities, and it makes me worry that they just plain don't have much. Looks like an awesome show, can't wait to see who they bring in as the extra Hweight.
  22. jwpeer

    X-Men Legends II

    Yeah, I can't figure out Emma Frost and I haven't gottento Psylocke yet. Everyone else was pretty easy, but Emma is just so useless in her melee attacks for me and her specials are kinda usless too(at least as far as I can figure) I haven't used Gambit, or Jubliee on a board yet. I don't see that changing any time soon. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just level up emma frost's shield and all her melee bonus powers, her mutant attacks are pretty useless for actually hurting anything. She's one of the better melee fighters as long as the enemy isn't mental resistant, as she has the highest damage resistance aside from Nightcrawler's shield, and good damage boosts. Nightcrawler is hard for me to use, but he's great as an AI character where they never tend to mis-direct his teleport. I can't wait for II, as Bishop looks like a rockin fun character to use, and hopefully psylocke will be in it/usable from the beginning.
  23. jwpeer

    X-Men Legends II

    Jean Grey (when you can use her, she skips a few missions), Storm are the two keys, together you can just area attack everything to total annihilation. I like adding nightcrawler for more area goodness and the save from death in case of an accidebnt, then a rotating group of Emma Frost/Colossus/Magma because they make great melee characters.
  24. jwpeer

    SWF Storm Card, 8-19-05!

    Hmm, well it's nice to have an advantage for once, having actually been to Cedar Point before (though not in the last 2 years unfortunately)...but dang if being the Hardcore Champion doesn't put you in the craziest matches.