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Found 11 results

  1. This post was done on the Gamefaqs board some time ago by Endgame:
  2. Strange Days. CN is airing Saved By The Bell On Adult Swim. Now the whole place, and kit and caboole of the modern day animation fandom is up in arms. No shit sherlock. There turing CN into Tv Tokyo! Well, par for the course. But this is something MUCH more bigger. Oh dont get me wrong, i never really liked SBTB. But it seems now that Adult Swim, is getting too big for its britches. So, some envious bastards over at CN states it time to take the BITCHES with some of the better anime down. And how, pray tell, we do that? The symbol of what started the decline of Saturday Morning! And yes, my friends, that symbol has aired. And it can only mean things will get worse. So, is it time for a name change for CN? Fall is not that far off. And so goes the dream of Ted Turner. Now, who will pick up the peices? There not gonna catch Nick. Never. And AS is starting to show signs of weakness. They have open the flood gates, and might have shut the door of what made them great.
  3. Not as a grain of salt, but today (or really several days ago) was the 100th annversry of animation in the United States. Didnt know there was a birthday party? Well, there is. But sadly its small and there was not many faces that were reconizable. Its just that- fate- a industry that put its heart and soul out there only to get manhandled by the rest of the buisness. If there is anything needing such great honor and praise, its this genre. However, there is one thing good about this and two bad things about it. The first bad thing about it is that it's has become a utterly sad issue, when you celbrations over things that we have no control over, or shouldnt be in the minds of people that truly do care- about themselfs first of all or other people. Glaad celerbrations are not going to save a gay man getting knocked the shit out of him, all because some idiot thinks its Holy to take care of this miscraint. No equality parade is not going to change two parents minds on how a child should be raised. The second bad thing, and its partly connected to the first- is that were becoming jacks of all trades and masters of none. In 20 years, thanks to the issues at Nick and Turner Kids, we will have a animation birthday, however- it would be a popluar one, filled what what ever pseudo-consertive/repressed neo-flowerchild/neo-yaoi shota trap that Hollywood calls the next great era. And you would have your future stars, in desiner bodies, in all kinds of writhing and screaming and creaming in to every single hole they can think of, it doesnt matter if its pie, or a 8 year old child. And this is to be promoted by the 800 (now 1500) pound gorillas as the greatest time in animation- no rather entertaiment history. But the good thing is about this small party, is that it had no stars, it just had the animators and the storyboarders and those in the last great union that ever made sense in the nation. It was them, however lost they all seemed in the world, as we are all are, and uncertian of the future the business would hold as all animation fans are. Living in that moment- just rememering what took place before. We have seen what is gone wrong with the buiness. Even Adult Swim is not immune to a future that is happeing and nobody liking the results. But times change, the truth comes out- and we see what our parents have left us. Its time to pick up the pieces of the great things, and destory the old system of doing things. Thats the only way we will see this genre have 200 more years.
  4. Let get one thing clear. The Simsons, Family Guy and South Park all have good things about there shows, and bad things about there shows. The problem is that the bad at many times outwiegh the good. Now, dont get me wrong- John K and Amid Amidi (who worked at Adult Cartoon Party at Spike TV) dismiss Family Guy on purely astetic reasons. Thats fine. But Sean MacFlane has proven he doesnt need asthetics. This cartoon war however stems from the fact that Family Guy is stating the Simpsons are stealing Stories from there episodes and basicly have made there Charaters more like theirs. Then, it got worse when they showed Peter on an episode on the Simpsons. They retaliated by having Homer get knocked down by Stewie. Then, here comes South Park- which after a disspointing issue with Issac Hayes, sets there sights on FG. The war is stupid for so many reasons- im not saying dont compeate for ad dollars, and marketing and all that- but this little artist spat is just that- a "artists" spat. Not something to split the John K Gen away. Oh sure, i called the John K Genration- because he said hes the one that changed the Business because he was a hardass to Nick, and Fox Kids (and before that CBS). Yeah, i could understand that- he brought back the animation buisness from out of the gutters. But my friend, all you did in your relvence of the old men of animation, was make every tom dick and harry to try to meet up to your standard. And as you see they are reaching your standard- Of crass. Sure, i love your blog, and the history of how the old men did it, and young guns in CN and Nick cant do it. Its true about that. Its one of the reasons why Spongebob continues to do gangbusters in the ratings. But come on, you started this. You started everybody following your foot steps, it doesnt matter if the shows E/I or TV14- the whole egeist of what family guy and south park does comes from you. Its not that I want you to change...Im in no posision to do so. I just need you to just watch what you say about the weakness of the business when it comes to the new artists in CN and Nick... You the one that started it, and this is the reward of all your work. CN marketing Naruto over JLA Nick making two new japanese inspired series Adult Swim bring more Kiddie anime and your hear wondering why the buiness is at this state. You said you saved it man... Saved it from this?
  5. How ironic is this- In a recent article dealing with the upcoming IFL, created by Wizard Owner, Gareb Shamus, He stated something about the franchise: So, he backed out- 4Kids basicly came in...the rest is history. Until resently, when Ninty pretty much told 4Kids to **** off after 8 years. This Month, there will be new USA only episode of pokemon, with new Voice Actors for the franchise (as a test run) the last known episode with the 4Kids VA's (They will continue from may)- will be late summer, early fall.
  6. Before I tell you why I am doing this- I have to metion that I dont really deal with animation shows that much any more. I place my focus on animation movies... Hoodwink: Both Reviewed by Radio Host Mike Savage and Animation Historian Jerry Beck- gave this move high marks, but It isnt as clean as the other CGI films. Ice Age Two: Dont know about this one, but Fox did ok on the first and Robots. Open Season: Might be the sleeper hit of the season. Curious George: Is the sleeper hit of the season. Little Kong with a big heart. Its done in 2D and the only american movie to be done in that format. It will make 10 times back what it cost to make. Kong-Lite with larger than Kong numbers. Ant Bully and Happy Feet: Lost in the Superman Shuffle. Might make some cash. Meet The Robertsons and The Wild: Disney's 6th and 7th Non-Pixar CGI film. It still suffers problems like Chicken Little on both sides. Yankee Irving: Mainframes first major movie: Doubts about its success abound however. Pixar's Cars: It depends on the reviews- but Pixar is beyond overdue for a dud. Could hurt there chances of staying away from Disney. Flushed Away: Aardman may have lost there studio and museum, but the heart is still there. Over The Hedge: A major league dark horse. Barnyard: MTV's Kids and Families First movie- As long as it still has the Nick name, it will do well. If not...back away...far far away... More later!
  7. If you have itunes, it should be there- Just go to podcasting and possibly and maybe... you will see the show- if not go to the search and type in Toon Radio Advance Regen If you dont have Itunes, this link will get you to the radio show: http://www.toonradioadvanced.com/Radio/Episode72.m3u Note, there is a diffrent intro for Itunes (1:49) than the Winamp/Web one (3:38) Any comments, suggestions?
  8. Guest

    About my Radio Show---

    This weekend, after a near six month Hiatus- The show returns: There will be 8 segments. It will be the largest pre recorded show I have done. In these segments- there will be a 3 min intro, some comments- news on the second segement. Then we will start with the meat and the bones of this episode, the Reviews. We start with ABC Kids, then 4Kids TV (FoxBox) then The Loontices review, followed by the rest of Kids WB. Each item mentioned is a segment. This is followed by my commentary-other shows you should be looking at, and then final notes. Heres were you join in. You can send audio shoutouts-to be aired on this show. Yahoo (somewhat thankfully) allows voice messages in there new PC to PC Phone Call version of Yahoo IM. If you dont have or dont want to use it- you can still send Voice shoutouts at this adress [email protected] or [email protected]… The ground rules are, for Yahoo IM Voice Messages, No longer than 30 - 45 seconds. For the E-mail, its 20-25 seconds. All Voice Messages can be in Real Player, Quicktime, AAC, MP3/MP4 or WAVE format for the e-mail. No cursing- keep it clean. This is what to say on the message- Hello (or any greeting) this is _ from (the site that your are from or post) and your lisening to Toon Radio Advance Regen hosted by Ronixis (then give your shout out) The ITUNES version will have a 1 min intro- where as the main site will have the 3 min one. Its will be diffrent as well, because I will be giving a intro of the show, how the show started and such. After this, there is no diffrence between the ITUNES version from the Website version. There will be some harsh langage on both versions, lisener discretion is advised. And as for the shout outs, the last DAY is the 8th of Sep. The show starts taping all weekend long, is uploaded Sunday Morning- to be ready for Sunday Night- and all weekend- until the ITUNES version is ready. Both versions will be up as long as The ITUNES version stays. The YahooIM nick to place your messages (Thats Yahoo Messager with Voice ONLY, not 5 or 6) is Pokekec. If you use Yahoo Messanger WITH VOICE (Not 5, 6, nor Trillan-Unless the Trillan you use is the pay version). Go to the Phone Icon on the top of Y!Messenger. Once there, click on the table called other contact. Then type in this pokekec then press ok. Then it will ring once. If you hear a beep, talk into the mike with the shout out- and then once your done, end the call. The Yahoo Server will hold the message, and it will be played on the show. The shows that are going to be reviewed (as of this week, no changes are to be annoused yet) are: Under Kids WB (All of the new Kids WB shows and the returning shows) Naruto Bobo (you know this name) IPGX Zach Bell Gerlaold McBoingBoing Under 4Kids TV (All of the new shows and the returning ones) Kappa Mikey Under ABC Kids (all of the new and returning shows) (any new Jetix shows i need to get before wed tell me asap) Adult Swim and Spike TV NOTE EVANGLION WILL NOT BE REVIEWED. Afro Samurai Samurai Champloo FullMetal Alcalmist The Boondocks Andre3000's show (Dont know the name) David Banners show (dont know the name) Robot Chicken More details every day until the first taping on Friday. Until then...
  9. The Thundercats...are coming back. BUT not the way you think its coming back! NOOOOO! The Faggots at AOL Time Warner wants to do one...thing. Restart the series. YOU heard me. RESTART THE SERIES FUCK THESE MOTHERFUCKERS! The same faggots, that love them hot and heavy transsexual action, who created great "classics" as the batman and the upcoming Loonatics! Will give us some action in the form of what was the best there was, the best there is and the best that ever will be! But this is not going to become the beautifly animated, multi-consptual, multi-fasisted, multi-leveled story arc series I wanted this show to be. If this show airs, there will be such a falling out- This is just on the level with the Loonitics issue. Its going to lead into the greatest disaster the animation industry will ever see or face. The animation industry I love and hold dear is about to face changes that will become totally unbearable. And now I know- its going to be the end pretty damn soon of american domance over the animation industry.
  10. A post from a member of GameFaqs's anime boards (Endagme/emgadnE) thinks so... Note- Grovle won the match. The Mods deleted the post that stated this... Until somebody out there gets that deleted post...this is the best I can do... Hes is the next great anime reviewer, trust me on this.
  11. Cartoon Brew and Cartoon Retro are your answers. Forget Toonzone or Animation Insider... These two sites will make you love animation more that even my site can... I love these two sites. Retro takes you back to the early days of animation and design. Brew takes a look at todays animation stars. Cartoon Brew Cartoon Retro