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Guest DeputyHawk

The one & only War On Terror thread

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I'd actually like to see the people we're holding at Guantanomo in a Big Brother-type show. They don't vote people out of the prison camp, they just get sent off for interrogation and away to a real prison somewhere. John Walker Lindh could host with a gun to his head.


I love this thread. Unabashed patriotism! Woohoo!!!! (waves flags)



Patriotic Mofo

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Guest danielisthor
if some Marine, after shooting Usama bin Laden in the head, stood over him and shouted, "You've been voted off the island, BITCH!"

Is it just me or would that actually be rather funny to watch?

I would tape it and have it on a loop in my signature.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

What do you think Osama is doing right now? I say he's eating a very secluded dinner.



Has Never Had Couscous

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Guest Cancer Marney

It's really, really good, actually. If they do one thing halfway decently in the Middle East, it's lamb.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

It may be in a dank cave, but at least he presumably eats well. I wonder which wife will be his hookup tonight?



Wishes he Had Steady Tang Like Osama

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Guest Vern Gagne

If he's dead.He's getting analy raped by Hitler whose wearing a barbwired dildo.


If he's alive. He's going #2.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Ouch. I really didn't need that mental image OR the idea of how painful that'd be. How's about his body rotting in an unmarked hole someone dug and Hitler's remains being a few specks of carbon left over wherever they were spread?



Thinks Satan Has the Worst Sex Toys

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I think Satan would have the *best* sex toys. I mean, the trident thing = triple penetration.

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Guest Ken
It's really, really good, actually. If they do one thing halfway decently in the Middle East, it's lamb.

I can agree with that.

I love Turkish food in particular/

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Talk about having sex on the brain! ::rim shot::


::taps mic::


Is this thing on?

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Guest Samurai_Goat

Sex on the brain isn't that great. It's kinda squishy, and not in a good way.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

-Have you heard about the new craze for nasal sex?

-Yeah, fuck knows what that's all about.


I thank you.


Also, I found out today that Saddam Hussein is asthmatic. So I say, instead of bombing Baghdad, drop tons of pollen on it! Saddam will have to give up. And that way, the right is happy because Saddam is defeated, and the left is happy because it was done with flower power.

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Guest Vern Gagne



This will solve all the problems.


BAGHDAD, Iraq — An Iraqi vice president offered a unique solution to the U.S.-Iraq standoff: a duel between George W. Bush and Saddam Hussein.



Taha Yassin Ramadan said the duel could be held at a neutral site and with U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan as the referee.


Ramadan, wearing a green uniform and a black beret, made his remarks without giving any outward sign that he was joking although reporters who were present detected a note of irony in his voice.


"A president against a president and vice president against a vice president and a duel takes place, if they are serious, and in this way we are saving the American and the Iraqi people," Ramadan told the Associated Press Television Network.


Iraq has two vice presidents, and Ramadan did not say whether he or Taha Muhie-eldin Marouf would take on Dick Cheney.


Ramadan also said that his government was not concerned by U.S. lawmakers' support of a congressional resolution that would authorize President Bush to use military force against Iraq.


"We pay no attention to this issue," he said, adding that approving such a resolution "makes no difference" to Iraq.


Ramadan criticized U.S. efforts to delay the return of U.N. weapons inspectors to Iraq until the Security Council adopts tougher measures that would give the inspectors broad new powers to hunt for weapons of mass destruction and provide them with military backing.


He said such efforts were aimed at "hampering the inspection process."


"They (the Americans) were surprised by the agreement reached by Iraq and the United Nations. So their reaction was unbalanced," he said, referring to the deal in Vienna on Tuesday between Iraq and chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix.


Under the agreement, Iraq agreed to an unconditional return of the inspectors under the existing U.N. Security Council resolutions and a 1998 agreement that put the so-called presidential sites -- including Saddam's palaces -- off-limits to surprise visits.


At the United Nations, the United States was pursuing a tough resolution that would end the exemption for those sites, give Iraq 30 days to compile an "accurate, full and complete" inventory of all aspects of its weapons programs -- and provide U.N. inspectors military backing to carry out their search.

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Guest danielisthor


This will solve all the problems.


BAGHDAD, Iraq — An Iraqi vice president offered a unique solution to the U.S.-Iraq standoff: a duel between George W. Bush and Saddam Hussein.



Taha Yassin Ramadan said the duel could be held at a neutral site and with U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan as the referee.


Ramadan, wearing a green uniform and a black beret, made his remarks without giving any outward sign that he was joking although reporters who were present detected a note of irony in his voice.


"A president against a president and vice president against a vice president and a duel takes place, if they are serious, and in this way we are saving the American and the Iraqi people," Ramadan told the Associated Press Television Network.


Iraq has two vice presidents, and Ramadan did not say whether he or Taha Muhie-eldin Marouf would take on Dick Cheney.


Ramadan also said that his government was not concerned by U.S. lawmakers' support of a congressional resolution that would authorize President Bush to use military force against Iraq.


"We pay no attention to this issue," he said, adding that approving such a resolution "makes no difference" to Iraq.


Ramadan criticized U.S. efforts to delay the return of U.N. weapons inspectors to Iraq until the Security Council adopts tougher measures that would give the inspectors broad new powers to hunt for weapons of mass destruction and provide them with military backing.


He said such efforts were aimed at "hampering the inspection process."


"They (the Americans) were surprised by the agreement reached by Iraq and the United Nations. So their reaction was unbalanced," he said, referring to the deal in Vienna on Tuesday between Iraq and chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix.


Under the agreement, Iraq agreed to an unconditional return of the inspectors under the existing U.N. Security Council resolutions and a 1998 agreement that put the so-called presidential sites -- including Saddam's palaces -- off-limits to surprise visits.


At the United Nations, the United States was pursuing a tough resolution that would end the exemption for those sites, give Iraq 30 days to compile an "accurate, full and complete" inventory of all aspects of its weapons programs -- and provide U.N. inspectors military backing to carry out their search.

hmmm, pistols at 10 paces. sounds interesting. though i like the smart bombs from bombers alot better.

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Guest Cancer Marney

He's a traitor. I won't take one word that comes out of his filthy mouth at face value.

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Guest danielisthor
He's a traitor. I won't take one word that comes out of his filthy mouth at face value.

I only look at in one of two ways.


He's either lying or our boys did their job and saved us all.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Why would some low level Al Qaeda member know about any atttacks on the U.S. Either he was involved more than he let on or he heard rumors and has no idea if their true or not.

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Guest Samurai_Goat

Bingo, babycakes. (By babycakes, I mean Vern Gagne. But I think babycakes is a good substitute) Not all the 9-11 hijackers knew they were gonna crash into the trade towers, they thought they were just gonna grab a plane, threaten a few lives or whatever. Why would Jimmy Joe Walker know anything at all?

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Guest Vern Gagne
Bingo, babycakes. (By babycakes, I mean Vern Gagne. But I think babycakes is a good substitute) Not all the 9-11 hijackers knew they were gonna crash into the trade towers, they thought they were just gonna grab a plane, threaten a few lives or whatever. Why would Jimmy Joe Walker know anything at all?

I'm touched by the nickname.


Actually hasn't it been proven that the hijackers did know what the mission was.

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Guest Samurai_Goat

I'm kinda going by those Bin-Ladin tapes. 'Cause we all know how much of a good guy that man is, I think we can trust him to tell the truth on television. Heh heh.

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Guest Cancer Marney

Charles Krauthammer on UN approval


"The Security Council has five permanent members and 10 rotating members. Among the rotating members is Syria. How can any senator stand up and tell the American people that before deciding whether America goes to war against a rogue state like Iraq, it needs to hear the "final recommendation" of Syria, a regime on the State Department's official terrorist list?

Or maybe these senators are awaiting the wisdom of some of the other nonpermanent members. Cameroon? Mauritius? Guinea? Certainly [Edward] Kennedy [(D-MA)] and [Carl] Levin [(D-MI)] cannot be saying that we must not decide whether to go to war until we have heard the considered opinion of countries that none of their colleagues can find on a map.

...we must be talking about the five permanent members. The United States is one. Another is Britain, which supports us. That leaves three. So when you hear senators grandly demand the support of the "international community," this is what they mean: France, Russia and China.

...by what logic does the blessing of these countries bestow moral legitimacy on American action? China's leaders are the butchers of Tiananmen Square. France and Russia will decide the Iraq question based on the coldest calculation of their own national interest...

Would that JFK's party had an ounce of his confidence in the wisdom and judgment of America, deciding its own fate regardless of the wishes of France. Or Cameroon."


Indeed. Go on, Democrats; explain yourselves. We're all waiting.

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Guest EricMM

Politicians are stupid and will do nothing that could piss off their minority consitutents, or be seen as working with Reps.


In general I'll say that most people are good people, BUT in addendum, most politicans are BAD people. They lie. They change their colors.


That's my half assed attempt at defending them. What do you want from me, to agree with them? HAH! :angry:

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Guest danielisthor

They can't thats why they don't put it out for debate on the floor.


Teddy Kennedy is a gutless drunken piece of crap who lacks any brains that went to his brothers Jack and Robert.


Daschle throughout his tenure in the Senate has continously voted against any thing to do with military, fbi and cia funding and voted against the Gulf War, voted for a nuclear freeze and disarmanment during the cold war.

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