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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

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Guest Youth N Asia

The Giles heel turn was great. But after they stumbled upon the Glory is Ben deal (which took a while) it was way to easy to figure out how they would stop her/him...but you didn't think it would be Giles.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Speaking off...




IMDB.com has the same damn thing as usual. No new news or anything.

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Guest Cavi

Joss spoke about it a week or so ago:


"I wanted to do something on the BBC. We talked about a two-hour pilot. We talked about some episodes. We talked about a two-hour movie. It's gone through a lot of things. But the one conclusion I've come to, if I do something, I'll do it not as a setup so much as a story about Giles. I realize that, like Angel, you can use it as a premise, perhaps, to build something about ghost stories, and that would be fine. What I'm interested in is the character that Tony [Anthony Stewart Head] plays, not some mystery he might solve. And that's sort of a paradigm shift in what I might do with it. But I'm still very invested in the Ripper story."


So like the other projects, it looks like it's on hold for now while ME slows down for a bit.

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Guest Mole

I didn't see anyone post this, but did anyone notice how fucked up Buffy's voice was, then it went away as the show went on?


Even the First Buffy had her voice cracky.

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Guest Mole

I've always wanted to be just mole, but I thought that I would loose all my posts that I have already done.


When I saw that Banky changed his name, I found out you don't loose all your posts. So I asked Dames to change if for me.


Besides, my nickname is Mole, not molestomp. Only one of my friends call me molestomp.


Anyway, you didn't notice her voice was all cracky? That was the first thing my friend and I noticed when she started talking to Clem, she sounded like she had lost it.


Oh yeah, one of the continuty things was the whole cat thing with Clem. Clem is the man, I wish he was apart of the gang instead of Andrew. Andrew is funny, but Clem is much cooler.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Yeah, I noticed the voice change and I chuckled when the first sounded the same. I didn't notice it getting better near the end though...

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Guest Cavi

I noticed SMG's horse voice right away. Maybe she was sick or something whenever they filmed those scenes.


And Clem moving over to Angel would indeed rule.

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Guest LaParkaMarka

Meh, Angel already had a wacky demon sidekick, Lorne. And Lorne is a million times cooler than Clem.


And was I the only one who chuckled at the "Ding dong, the witch is dead" line? Then Dawn did her little seething reply and I rolled my eyes. Ye gods, nothing is more annoying that Dawn.

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All-righty let's see...Buffy takes in all the SiT, keeps Dawn from being a big dead ball of light, kept willow from destroying the world, and basically gave Xander a reason to be around Sunnydale as something other than a "live in my mom's basement" geek.


Now, when the heat is on, Caleb is snapping necks and taking names, and Faith shows up and takes them out drinking for ONE NIGHT, everyone and their kid brother turns on Buffy. As far as I'm concerned, Caleb could (and SHOULD) chop up Rona, Kennedy, Dawn, geek-girl, and all the rest into tiny little bits and flush them down the nearest crapper and I'd cheer him on.


Whew, ok so much for the knee-jerk reaction.


Otherwise, I liked the episode. Andrew and Spike discussing the finer points of curly fries vs. onion blossom was brilliant. "If you tell anyone we had this conversation I'll bite you." "Right...". Caleb is definitely showing potential to be one of my favorite big bads (although I guess he's the IC holder to The First's Heavyweight championship) and Clem showing up for one last little bit of levity before he hauls his Shar-pei ass outta town was a good touch. Just the last 10 minutes that pissed me off royally. I will reiterate that Rona and Kennedy could be eaten by rabid badgers and I'd laugh myself to sleep.

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Guest Cavi

The SiTs really are in no place to talk. They need to shut the fuck up and know their roles. They can go out and live and die on their own if they want. If and when Caleb kills Rona especially, it will be a markout moment of such magnitude that it hasn't been seen since the time Dru killed Kendra back in Season Two.

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It will be a markout moment of such magnitude that it hasn't been seen since the time Dru killed Kendra back in Season Two.

I thought I was the only one who marked out for that. I hated Kendra and her POOR, ANNOYING accent.



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Guest Youth N Asia

Clem...Loren....Loren...Clem...DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!


Spike: *amused* "Dru bagged a Slayer?" (That one was on FX a coupel days ago)


Buffy must have had a cold or something cause she had a horse voice a few episodes ago.

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Guest Youth N Asia
It will be a markout moment of such magnitude that it hasn't been seen since the time Dru killed Kendra back in Season Two.

I thought I was the only one who marked out for that. I hated Kendra and her POOR, ANNOYING accent.



Kendra's accent sucked, but I thought she was alright.

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It completely drove me mad to the point that I wanted her DEAD.


For the record, I have no problem with Bianca Lawson. I think she's fine as hell...but Buffy was NOT her best work.



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Guest TUS_02
The SiTs really are in no place to talk. They need to shut the fuck up and know their roles. They can go out and live and die on their own if they want. If and when Caleb kills Rona especially, it will be a markout moment of such magnitude that it hasn't been seen since the time Dru killed Kendra back in Season Two.

I think it's gotten to the point where all viewers who have been watching the show are to assume that everyone who walks into Sunnydale is supposed to start listening and following Buffy's lead... no questions asked.


These potentials came to Buffy for comfort... not to be told that they have no other choice but to save the world. I mean think about it, for not knowing ANYTHING about being a Slayer... that is a lot to take in. Obviously there's going to be some doubt because hey, THEY'RE HUMAN! The Scooby Gang are the only people who can possibly grasp what's about to happen and it's nearly IMPOSSIBLE to explain that to the potentials/SiT's. I think this is perfect storytelling and perfect writing...

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Guest Youth N Asia

They SHOULD follow Buffy no questions asked. She should have pulled:


Buffy: "And who here has saved the world?" *Raises hand*


Xander: *Raises hand* (season 6)


Buffy: "more then once?"


Xander: *Slowly puts his hand down*


Buffy: "Thought so. Now shut up all of you and fall into line."

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Guest Ripper

Heeyyy...I remember this place. :) My comments on last nights Buffy:


I hope that this comes back to bite them all in their collective asses. The SIT's, I can actually understand. As stated before, the only thing they know about Buffy's past is through stories. You can say you saved the world all you want, but if the person wasn't there, it doesn't have the impact. The only reason they had to follow Buffy was the fact that the people that were there when she saved the world followed her. Once they abandonded her, what reasons did the SiT's have to follow? As much as I don't like Rona or Kennedy or Amanda's constant self doubt, they all are displaying real human emotions. When they follow Buffy, some die, they get yelled at, and they get hurt. When they followed Faith they had fun and kicked some fake cop ass. Their kids that has only known Buffy for a few months...some of them weeks and days, they shouldn't have any loyalties.


But Xander, Willow, Anya, Dawn and...sigh...GILES...all should know better and owe her alot more than she got. She has saved each and everyone of them countless times. She has lead them to victory COUNTLESS times. I can't remember one time that they might have completely agreed with her ideas or theories but they ALWAYS work. They have worked over 130 times and they were there to see some and/or all of them. And Giles...after years and years of pushing that sacrifice for the greater good down Buffys throat, all of a sudden, when it is the biggest threat EVER, he wants to sit around and wait. FOR WHAT??? For about 10,000 uber-vamps to burst out of the seal then they make their move. Buffy was right the week before to go seek out Caleb(who is quite the kickass Bigish Bad). Yeah it cost unknown girl #1(who might as well been wearing a red Enterprise shirt) and Molly their lives and Xander a eye, but these girls needed to know what battle would be like. Some (most) will die, they will get hurt...but they are the last line of defense against the end of the world. Bronze dancing and eating Buffy out of house and home isn't preparing them. Neither is doing kata's in the backyard. That battle was the beganing of what they needed...for the greater good. And Giles above all should know this. He has asked Buffy to sacrifice the man she loved not once, but now (she obviously loves Spike) twice, to kill her sister, and countless other sacrifices in the face of much less daunting Villans. Now all of a sudden she is wrong?


Anyas little speech about buffy not earning what she had couldn't be more wrong and damn every Scooby in the room that didn't step up for her there. She has sacrifices love, her life (twice), her family and her future for the calling. She was given the gift but made the choice to do what she could to save the world(this is the girl that went to fight the master when it was predetermined that she would die for Christ sake). She has sacrificed more that ANYONE and deserves respect and trust.


I would like to add that I hate Robin Wood(who I believe is evil BTW, He was the one that talked Buffy in to going into the vineyard and was the driving force behind pushing her out of power last night...that "Thank you " he gave to the first went a little deeper than shown...) and I hope that Spike gets to kill him.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Anyone else think Faith is going to lead the girls into the school and into a massacre? While Spike and Buffy storm th Vinyard?


I don't think Wood's evil, just bitter

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Guest Ripper

Oh I've just been going through the normal stuff people go through: My former job forgot to tell me I was being laid off so when I picked up my last check, I got a un plesant suprise...couldn't pay rent so I ended up ALMOST homeless so I had to sell EVERYTHING I FREAKING OWN...got another job bought new stuff...lightning hits my apartment and burns all the new stuff the hell down...living in a hotel while waiting for the slowest apartment insurence check to get to me bought all new stuff again(Best Buy LOVES me now) get laid off again now working temp jobs just wondering what lovely suprise life will throw me next. But you know...we've all been there, right...Right?

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Guest Cavi
Anyas little speech about buffy not earning what she had couldn't be more wrong and damn every Scooby in the room that didn't step up for her there.  She has sacrifices love, her life (twice), her family and her future for the calling.  She was given the gift but made the choice to do what she could to save the world(this is the girl that went to fight the master when it was predetermined that she would die for Christ sake).  She has sacrificed more that ANYONE and deserves respect and trust.



I was legit pissed off at Anya for saying that. Sure those two have heat, but jeez. Will or Xander should have said something, especially when just last week Xander was putting Buffy over (but then again, he wasn't a pirate yet).


And as for that stuff about your life, Ripper, damn that reeks.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Seems like everyone was mad at Buffy leading up to this.


-Xander got his eye poked

-Giles wanted Spike dead

-Wood wanted Spike dead

-The Sits are getting restless and bitchy (time of month)

-Dawn's still Dawn


So Giles and Wood are being crybabies over their little plan not working. Spike is about the only thing left in her life that isn't down on her

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Guest Mole
Spike is about the only thing left in her life that isn't down on her

Thats because she saved his life, and he loves her to death. From next week, "Just hold me."

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Guest Lil Naitch
I don't care what anyone says...


I marked out when Dawn told Rona to shut the fuck up.



Me too, and I hope she buys it by the end of the season.

I'm beginning to think somebody upstairs doesn't want me watching Buffy anymore. First, I forget to fix the clock on my vcr so I end up taping Empire instead of Buffy, forcing me to download "Dirty Girls" from Kazza on a 56k which took me a few days.

Then I fix my clock and tape Buffy, but it's a repeat.

Then last night my cable goes out and I miss the first 35 minutes, which is forcing me AGAIN to download an ep on a 56k.

It sucks man.


And Ripper, I know how you feel. I got canned w/out warning from my job and went unemployed for 3 months. Luckily I'm still living at home and I have money tucked away fo emergencies, but it still wasn't any fun.


And lastly, I agree with the Scoobies and SIT's turning their backs on Buffy. She was making a rash decision that they believed would end up killing them all, and in the end it might have. Buffy is no match for Caleb, hardly knows anything about him, and yet still wants to take him on without any info or research. She needed to be kicked out so she could gain a new perspective.

And again, I reiterate- Rona must die. For the good of mankind, yes she must die.


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