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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

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Guest Mole

I doubt Spike will die, I believe he will turn human again and be with Buffy forever.

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Guest Mole

Here is the preview for the finale. I'm not even going to read it until next week, so for those who want to read it go ahead. Mind if other stuff is in the preview, I copied it without looking.



Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

) — Buffy meets her destiny in the series finale when she leads the Scoobies, the Potentials and Angel (David Boreanaz) into the Hellmouth for a final showdown with the First. Joss Whedon, the show's creator, wrote and directed the episode.

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Guest fazzle

I don't see Buffy and Spike together at the end of the series, and for once, this isn't a hatred of the relationship reason.


They're trying to build it as a great love story. Tragedy is big in romance. So I'd be willing to bet one of them dies after they declare their love for each other.

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Guest Mole

Yeah, that will probably happen.


I hope that someone like Dawn dies, then Spike tries to save her, he becomes human because that is what the prophecy says. Him and Buffy will be together forever.


Sounds too happy, so that won't happen.

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Guest HellSpawn



Can you guys post a link with a picture of this Kennedy character?


Down here in Mexico, Buffy is in the episode where Spike moves with that moron Xander.

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Guest brokentusk16

I was talking about this with my buddy (who I converted into a Buffy fan YEARS ago! God, what a monster I made...) and we came up with the idea that the final episode should have a happy ending.


Basically, it would go from a funeral service (Xander, Dawn, Faith, Giles, Spike, and various Potentials over the graves of Buffy, Willow, and Anya). Then skip ahead to about 15-20 years later. Xander and Dawn are together, and they LIVE A NORMAL LIFE!! House, pre-teen daughter, marriage, the whole works (Dawn even acts like a mature woman!). Not a sappy ending, but one with real genuine happiness.


Just a thought.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Or they could just have Giles bust out the ol six string and sooth the firsts evil soul with some sweet sweet rock n roll music.

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Guest Mole

Nope this is Joss we are talking about, I don't think he knows what a happy ending is. If anything, it will be bittersweet.

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Guest Marshall

One of three things will happen.


1) Buffy dies. But this has already happened before, so it's doubtful.


2) Buffy is no longer the slayer and goes back to a normal life. This is also doubtful as it just happened to Connor.


3) Buffy rids Sunnydale of all evil by destroying the Hell mouth and they all live happly ever after, apart from maybe a few deaths.


On a side note, is the finale episode going to be on longer or anything?

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Guest Cavi

The final ep is going to be an hour like the other finales, sans last season's.


I so do not see Joss going with something happy. I have put my money on Spike dying from the beginning of the season, and I'm still thinking that is what will happen. And quite frankly, I want it to happen. I want an extremely dramatic and tearful scene.


I don't think that will be the final scene though. I think that will be like Buffy alone or something with the whole gang.

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Guest Marshall

I heard Spike was going to Angel though. I really hope he does, I don't want him to die.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Holy cripes, a SIT with a tongue ring licking Willow up and down...I watched that part twice.


Just finished the epsode, I would have been pissed as a bastard had my VCR timer missed it...it did that to me earlier in the season.


Overall I thought it was a slow episode, but picked up good near the end.


Wouldn't Caleb have made a good Big Bad for season 6? Damn, why bring the character in so late in the game.


And no Rona in the new ep :)


As long as the Piston's don't mess with me I should get the last two episodes on Tuesdays

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Caleb would have made a great big bad in season 3 or 4.


I didn't much like the eps. last week. Coulda been used better.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I would have liked Caleb in season 6. It would have given a 2 year build up to the battle with The First.

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Guest stardust

Lucky me, it looks like I'll be missing the series finale due to inventory at work (6 pm to 3 am...fun fun). At least I don't work next Tuesday night. *sigh*

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I think Caleb would have been more creepy had Buffy still been in high school... unless he took an liking to Dawn... have Dawn go into the church for comfort after buffys death and trying to find meaning in her life beyond being the key and Caleb begins to manipulate her.

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Guest Mole

I wish they just brought him in mid season, not last year. His character needs a lot more growth then it has now.

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Guest Cavi

Yeah, I definitely would have liked to have seen him earlier in the season. He should have been killing SiTs all along.

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Guest Lil Naitch


I've read the spoilers for the last episode, I know roundabouts what's going to happen, I can answer all of these questions....


But I won't.


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Guest Youth N Asia
You better not...

Damn right, or else you'll have to answer to this *shakes fist*


Caleb wouldn't have worked in highschool cause Dawn was still a couple seasons away.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Caleb SO would have worked with the fragile, post-angel Buffy of season 3.

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Guest fazzle
Caleb SO would have worked with the fragile, post-angel Buffy of season 3.

Or he could have worked with the even more fragile post-Parker Buffy of season 4.


However, for that to work, that would have meant that Buffy would have had to stuck around, which would be a bad thing. Mopey "why doesn't Parker want me?" Buffy was the worst Buffy ever.

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