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The Dames

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

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Guest Youth N Asia

Something about Willow and the guy's physical presence


ANYA: "His physical presence has a penis!"

WILLOW: "I can work around that."


Weak episode overall, not as bad as the Willow homecoming one, but not great.


The background stuff with Buffy, the bazooka, and Spike was very funny. Xander and Spike as roommates could be funny...again.


Maybe it's cause I'm anti Dawn, but the episode really seemed to drag on, they spent too much time on boring stuff.


Something that hasn't been mentioned...everyone thinks Spike went out of town to get his soul back, not knowing he left to get the chip out and got duked into losing his soul.


No more details on the girls getting killed or "beneith you it devours." In most seasons the whole "Big Bad" thing isn't revealed till a little after midway through the season...and this was #6...so still a ways to go.


Stiil off to an overall very good season start.

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Guest Special K

Didn't they explain that it was a swerve and Spike actually did want it back? Something in the 2nd episode. "So I went to become the way I was, to get a soul, to becom the man she deserver" (a obviously lame swerve from the give her what she deserves little speech.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I think he's just bullshitting and going along with it. He wanted the chip out, that was the whole purpose of leaving, but he didn't tell anyone else about it.


The demon guy just twisted his words around a little.


And wouldn't you know it...I get screwed again and will have to catch it next weekend cause of the Pistons or Red Wings...Fuckin UPN

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



since he got his sould back...wouldn't Spike now be his old human mind, and not the demon?


Therefore...while the demon that ate him and took over wanted the chip out...the real William would actually have always wanted his sould back anyway.

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Guest Special K

Whedon, pretty early after the 6th season, said that Spike really was asking for his soul back.


Hope he doesn't turn evil. Hope he has some kind of grand sacrificce.\


As Anthony Head said, well, Spike was too cool to kill, so we just continued......

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Guest Youth N Asia

In the earlier seasons there was a big deal about a Vampire with a soul playing some big roll in the end...


It was pretty much assumed it was Angel...who's to say it won't be both.

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Guest Vyce
The first 25 mins was pretty sucky..Buff saved Anya from some demon D'Hoffryn sent, Dawn falls in love with some guy at school and proceeds to go all ANGSTY~! I think you basically missed the bad stuff and got to watch the awesome.

First 25 minutes had Dawn writhing seductively on my TV screen.


While some of you were enjoying Dawn hate and wishing you were watching that goddamned musical episode instead, I was quite liking that little scene.


I'm gonna be in the minority here, but....would it bee too much to ask to have Willow be bisexual?


And my fave episodes:


1. Hush

2. The episode following the death of Buffy's mother (I'm bad with the titles)

3. The episode that exclusively covered Spike's origin / history. (I'm a big Spike fan, and that episode gave away a ton of info as to Spike's character & nature & motivation.)

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

You're thinking The Body and Fool For Love, Vyce. Two of the best. Season five has some really, really awful crap in it, but it's also got some of the best eps out there.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I think they will pull Willow as bi.


Let's face it, before Tara she had nothing going with chicks, and so far after Tara or while on brake up, nothing. It's hard to put into words what I'm trying to relay.


I'd wager that they'll write her as straight, but Tara was so special to her that she's an exception...it's not like she's cruising the gay bars looking for tail.

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Guest Cavi

I see what you are saying, Youth. I have never really viewed Willow as a straight up gay woman.

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Guest Ripper

Dawn is doomed to be forever hated due to season 6... sad because Michelle T. is doing a great job with the character this season. I don't know, I just don't think I will ever share in the Dawn hate that all you guys have.


I liked the ep in a comedic way. It was very funny. I like the dramatic episodes better though. I have all of you complaining about how dark season 6 was to thank for all the fluff coming this season...THANKS.


But I really did like the show...It was just really hilarious. And I loved the Charlies Angel split screen when they were showing thier "love" for RJ.


Michelle T... is she 18 yet...because if not I would like to put in my statement of how hot she has gotten...not to be open until her 18th birthday.


And just because Willow had never fell for a woman before Tara...all lesbians have to start somewhere. She was checking out that April girl in the robot episode in season 4...and checking out Dawn in this ep. That was proably the funniest sceen in the show when Xander was freaking out about looking her up. :)

But Willow hasn't shown any intrest in a man since Tara... and probably won't anymore.

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Guest Kagato Otaku
Michelle T... is she 18 yet...because if not I would like to put in my statement of how hot she has gotten...not to be open until her 18th birthday.


Ms. Trachtenburg is 17 now Rip.


Folks in the Buffy newsgroups are keeping track. :blink:


The rocket launcher "fight" and the Xander & Dawn/physical presence bits have already been mentioned. This one's been sadly neglected.


Willow: You don't even know him.

Anya: Yes I do. I looked into him and I saw his soul!

Willow: He was walking away. So unless his soul is in his ass...


"Him" is no classic, but it does have moments destined to *be* classic.

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Guest The Hamburglar

Americans! Is Series Seven as shite as Series six? Help a poor British guy out! Also, is Angel ruling as much as it did last season? I can only hope. Jeez, did Angel series 3 rule or what? Dawn is hated because she was an irritating plot device who MADE NO SENSE and then became an irritating whiner.

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Guest Kagato Otaku


Poor British guy!


Is Series Seven as shite as Series six?


I think it's one of the better starts the series has had. No problems with it so far from me.


Also, is Angel ruling as much as it did last season? I can only hope. Jeez, did Angel series 3 rule or what?


S'all right. Liked Seasons 1 & 2 better myself.


No spoilers in this thread due to YNA picking the eps up as he goes. Some shows were better than others, but as a whole Angel's been good.

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Guest Cavi

I have never really been bugged by the Dawn character. The only character in the entire run of the show who I have seriously hated would be Kendra. What a markout moment when Dru killed her ("Dru bagged a slayer!? She didn't tell me. Hey good for her!").


Another bit from "Him" that got a laugh out of me:


Xander: "I just called him 'the guy in the jacket'."


Dawn: "That's what I used to call him before I knew his real name."

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Guest Youth N Asia
No spoilers in this thread due to YNA picking the eps up as he goes. Some shows were better than others, but as a whole Angel's been good.

:) Thanks, I should be getting the first 6 episodes in real soon, then I'll be able to contribute to the Angel thread.


My take on Dawn, she's not a whiney brat and all this season, but it's too little too late, they needed to mature the character cause people hated her. But having her grow up this fast is just unrealistic.


If they had cut her annoying crap half way through season 6 I think I could deal.


Sacrifice the Key!

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The only character in the entire run of the show who I have seriously hated would be Kendra. What a markout moment when Dru killed her ("Dru bagged a slayer!? She didn't tell me. Hey good for her!").

FINALLY, someone agrees with me. I HATED the Kendra character. Her accent was the worst I've ever heard on ANY show, let alone Buffy. When she tackles Willie the Snitch in "What's My Line Part 2" and declares "He's Dir-TY....I can FEEL IT" I just want to vomit. The Kendra storyline is the only thing that bogs down season 2 for me.



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Guest Kagato Otaku

No fair quoting Kendra out os context, Dames.


What she ACTUALLY says is "DISSss one isss Dir-TY...I can FEEL it."

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No fair quoting Kendra out os context, Dames.


What she ACTUALLY says is "DISSss one isss Dir-TY...I can FEEL it."

Eh, she don't deserve it.



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Guest Cavi

*Spoilers ahead from "Conversations With Dead People"*






















I thought tonight's episode was great. The bit about Buffy being alone and the only time things would be right would be when she was dead was excellent. Great tie in with one of the storyarcs from Season Five and Six (remember how the Primitive said the Slayer would always be alone in "Restless"?). Buffy thinks she is better than the others, yet still beneath them? From beneath you it devours...interesting.


"Insane troll logic" - Haha, nice reference to "Triangle".


The scene with Willow and Cassie about Tara was what I was hoping for. I have been wanting to see Will mourn Tara, and she did just that. As she has proven over the years, Aly is great when it comes to crying on camera. I had a feeling Cass would turn out to be a baddie though. Telling Willow to kill herself was good stuff. This is definitely one Big Bad.


I wonder if that was really Joyce. It could have just been another ploy by this evil. And what was up with Spike!? As we saw in the premiere, he is able to overcome his chip (though pain was still present). Tonight, it seemed like he was back to his old ways. Maybe this Spike is really just another manifestation of the Big Bad.


OMG, is Jonathan really dead!?


No Xander and Anya tonight. Wonder if that was intentional, or if they just didn't have a place for them in the ep.


This episode creeped me out in spots, which this show has rarely been able to do. Great effort all around, I thought. I'm so extremely hyped to where they are going with everything.

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Guest Madmartigan21
Buffy thinks she is better than the others, yet still beneath them? From beneath you it devours...interesting.


This is definitely one Big Bad.

I think you may be reading too much into things.


I got the feeling the the "Big Bad", was THEE devil. My reasoning being the conversation about whether or not their is a God. If the devil exists, then in all likelyhood so does God. Perhaps the answer to whether or not Buffy was actually in Heaven is forthcoming. Plus the devil certainly would becoming from below. There were also a couple of other little things.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Tonights eps. was a good one.


I have never really been an anti-dawn fan till tonight. God was that whole thing uncalled for or what? *shudders*


The Buffy/Jung Vamp was GOLD I tells ya, GOLD. They should have kept him on as a big bad - sure he can't fight, but he will give you psycho-analysis and break you down from the inside~! "Is that REALLY the way you feel?" would be his tag line... or "Are you mad at me, or are you mad...at yourself?"


I liked how they BUILT up the show - very angelesque (sure, I guess Buffy originated it, but Angel has made more use of it) - which has been something they haven't done in a while. I am now actually getting interested in the villain (The season prem. caught my attention, but they haven't really let the shit hit the fan yet) - but the devil? I dunno. That would be just as lame as Dracula (as in a villian from beyond the buffy-universe) - I mean, some sort of quasi-devil (a rebellious angel or something) would be fine, but THEE Devil; no thanks. Was this the first time they talked about God on the show? I mean, it sorta shocked me when the Vamp asked whether there was a god or not - definitely foreshadowing something.

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Guest Cavi

Yeah, I don't really recall much other God talk. In "Beneath You" from earlier this season, it has been suggested that when Spike says (in regards to having his soul back) "It's what you wanted, right? *looks at Buffy* It's, it's what you wanted, right? *looks upwards*" that he could have been talking about God, but who knows.


Holden (the vamp) did indeed rule.


I also noticed they showed the episode's title at the beginning. One of the few times they have done that (OMWF is the only other episode that comes to mind).

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Guest Kagato Otaku
I got the feeling the the "Big Bad", was THEE devil


Nope, unless the First Evil is synonymous with Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub or Old Scratch.


Traditional creation isn't the base of origin for the Buffyverse, which is one of the reasons some circles rally against BtVS and call it one of the worst shows on TV. So the actual Devil-devil is likely not to show.


Plus faux Cassie mentions being tired of the traditional good-evil balance, and says something about how she's messed with them before is NOTHING. So I'd say the First is our prime Morphy suspect.


OMG, is Jonathan really dead!?




Kill the main character all you want, but once you kill off Jonathan, no one is safe.


No Xander and Anya tonight. Wonder if that was intentional, or if they just didn't have a place for them in the ep.


Intentional I think. If that wasn't Spike at the end, the real deal should have been at the apartment with Xander. Makes it more dubious whether or not he was really there.


I'm thinking the Joyce-demon thing was a setup, "Warren" and the Cassie thing definitely was, and the end was suspicious as well.

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Guest LaParkaMarka

How good was that episode? Geez. Buffy is kicking far too much ass this season.


The stuff with Buffy and Holden was extremely good, as people have already said.


The Dawn bits had moments of legit creepyness ("Mother's milk is red", written in blood on the wall, the thing standing over Joyce, etc). I think that the Joyce bit couldn't have been true though. Well, I'd like to think it couldn't have been true anyways.


I liked the Willow scenes. And Warren looked very creepy. Poor Jonathan. Ah, he was so innocent. *sigh* And the Spike bit was rather mystefying. So he's evil again or what? I imagine it's way more complicated than that.


God, this show is good.

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Guest Kagato Otaku

Couldn't tell ya on a bet.


But if Spike is being possessed or manipulated by the Big Bad, we may be looking at noble sacrifice here.

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Guest LaParkaMarka
I'm thinking the Joyce-demon thing was a setup, "Warren" and the Cassie thing definitely was, and the end was suspicious as well.

You said that a lot better than I attempted to.


I also think that the big bad isn't the Devil. That would be really...I dunno...anticlimactic. Someone likened it to Dracula. Although I liked him in the series, it was cheesy, and definately not worthy of big bad-ness.

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This episode was quite creepy....the one thing that sticks with me though is Dawn's mouth all bloody for some reason.


I've been meaning to say this but didn't want to bump the thread before Tuesday. Have you noticed how this season refers a lot to season 2?


The whole "I killed Angel", Xander-Willow message.


The flashback to B,B, & B last episode.


The rocket launcher from What's my Line part 2 in last week's as well...


What would have ROCKED would have been if Jenny Calendar came back from the dead in this episode too.


Oh...Johnathan dying really bothers me as he's been on the show longer than most people.


"No....There is another".



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Guest LaParkaMarka

I think if Giles was still around, Jenny would have been his little Discussion. Without him, I don't think Jenny had a place with the current crew. Having Joyce show up really worked with Dawn, and sort of having Tara show up worked for Willow.


I was kind of hoping Faith will show up at some point. After all, Buffy feels superior to everyone, because they aren't the Slayer...except Faith is someone who can actually understand that.

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