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Guest wwF1587

The One And Only WWE Unforgiven Thread

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Guest RedJed
I thought the Brock/UT match was bullshit too but thinking closer on it there is really no one to face Brock that has any cred.  Might as well have a no decision here and then at the next show have Brock beat him.  They should have had this switched in position with RVD/HHH though.

There are tons of guys who are just waiting for an opportunity. I don't want them to throw Angle against Lesnar quite yet, but thats a long term feud that I guarantee would draw somewhat.


I'd say a guy like Booker T could be thrown into a feud with Lesnar and the majority of fans wouldn't mind. Even a guy like Kane would work if built right. Obviously if that was to happen they would have to be traded to Smackdown. But how about Edge? Shit, turning Benoit face to challenge Brock would be fine too. There really is no excuse for that finish other than Taker had to throw a fit and demanded it be changed. Having a finish like that to end a ppv is company suicide, and amounts to nothing positive except outraged backlash.


There won't be a rematch at the next ppv, I would bet. Taker will probably be gone by then tending to the new kid.


I don't know if switching the matches around would have worked or not, since the RVD-HHH match was anything far from spectacular and the weak Flair turn would have left an equally sour last note for the show.

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Guest Brian

I understand it...because both guys were supposedly out of control, Taker being more defensive. But the whole beat up Brock and three ref bumps didn't do anything. And it was actually looking like a good Undertaker match for a while.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Hmm. I guess other than Benoit Angle, the Bengals Falcons game (Which Atlanta won 30-3) was better than the PPV. I also watched the last bit of the Emmys where the guy from the Shield won for best Drama Actor, and I was pissed that 24 didnt win Best Drama Series..


oh well.

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Guest Brian

Eddie and Edge were good.


They could feed Edge or a faced turned Benoit. What they needed to do was have Angle be the first to kick out of the F-5 so Brock has to used the shooting star press, and they actually have a re-match later (WM) that Angle wins.

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I've heard that they are building to an Angle/Brock WrestleMania main event. Which means Angle's winning the Royal Rumble!!! :)


But after tonight Brock has been made to look stupid by the Undertaker.

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Guest godthedog

oh my god...angle/benoit, angle/benoit, angle/benoit.


that alone was worth my ppv money, i don't care what else happened. eddie/edge was just icing on the cake.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Personally, I enjoyed Eddy/Edge a lot more than Benoit/Angle. Both guys did their parts very well in the match and I consider it my MOTN.

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics

I don't know why they had the crappy DQ finish.

It would have made more sense for a Brock squash (or as close as 'Taker would allow) and then 'Taker could have taken time off the look after his pregnant wife/newborn kid.

What a locker roon leader and company guy he is!

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Guest RedJed

One match is worth 35 dollars? Either I'm a cheapskate or you are rich as hell!


On that same subject, I feel bad for the ringsiders who shelled out 200-300 dollars for a seat to the show. I feel the WWF has a sort of obligation to not allow booking situations like what happened tonight in the ME and in the HLA segment to be put on ppv just even if its for the sole reason of keeping in mind some fans are REALLY helping them out by paying that much for seats. It's just not fair.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

You know I was excited about tonight........I thought it was a chance for a new direction. I thought that the new guys would be put over cleanly.

But what do we get?

HHH beating RVD and UT refusing to do his job.....wow what a bunch of company men.

I said "HHH and UT should form a team."

and my friend yelled "They'd be unstoppable!!!" yeah....in more ways than one.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Bah, I thought Trips winning was the right thing to do. All this whining about that match is getting really annoying.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

HHH winning is never the right thing to do these days. There was much screaming of "tear your quad!" in my household throughout that match.

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Trips winning might have been the right thing to do.......but putting a nonsensical Flair turn in there that more than likely will lead to a RVD/Flair feud instead of a RVD/HHH rematch isn't the right thing to do. So I completely understand the bitching.

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Guest Incandenza
Bah, I thought Trips winning was the right thing to do. All this whining about that match is getting really annoying.

I agree 100%. Too many people are letting their RVD markdom get in the way of the only legit chance there is to build that BS title.


The REAL crime is the finish to Taker/Brock.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Actually it would be like Transformers. If HHH tore his quad again he'd fall to the ground and appear to be dead. Then leap to his feet and fight with the strength of a 1000 men.

UT is going to no-sell death. Death will come knocking and Taker will hand his ass to him then HHH will take over as death and trap the current death in a hole in the ground covered by....you guessed it a glass ceiling.

Some things never change.

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Guest Brian

It was the right thing to do. Unfortunately.


Eddie/Edge and Benoit/Angle are like even right now IMO. Eddie/Edge was just super all-around and Benoit/Angle had that stupid brawling area and a decent finish. Both ***1/2-3/4, but Eddie/Edge gets the nudge.

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I agree 100%. Too many people are letting their RVD markdom get in the way of the only legit chance there is to build that BS title.


are you sure that's not APO's RVD hate getting in the way of him seeing the horrible Flair turn and more than likely RVD/Flair feud?

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Guest godthedog
One match is worth 35 dollars? Either I'm a cheapskate or you are rich as hell!


On that same subject, I feel bad for the ringsiders who shelled out 200-300 dollars for a seat to the show. I feel the WWF has a sort of obligation to not allow booking situations like what happened tonight in the ME and in the HLA segment to be put on ppv just even if its for the sole reason of keeping in mind some fans are REALLY helping them out by paying that much for seats. It's just not fair.

i watch with a group of people, so i only paid 5 bucks to see it. :D


i kinda feel sorry for the ppv crowd for that really shitty ending, but they got to see angle & benoit work their asses off in the best match they've had together yet. i saw the rumble at the beginning of the year, & i'd trade in the whole card just to see that match. that's how much i enjoyed it.


what's with the brawling complaint? it only lasted like 2 minutes, & aside from that i don't even remember any punches being thrown. the incredible beginning, the near-fall sequence, the mindgames with the german suplexes & the INCREDIBLE submission sequence at the end more than made up for it (even though both guys basically no-sold each other's finishers after the bell--i take back my complaints about rvd not selling after the match, cause now i'm convinced that vince tells everybody "hey, after the match, make sure you don't sell the other guy's finisher...at all").


not to take away anything from edge/eddie, which was probably about 4 stars. eddie was...well, eddie, and edge played a real good ricky steamboat. holding his head, acting dazed at the right times...though he shouldn't have won a slugfest near the end of the match...but eddie won anyway, so its all good.

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Guest Brian

Horrible Flair turn. It was what they were bulding to and what he needed. Flair is back to his cheating ways.

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Guest Incandenza
I agree 100%. Too many people are letting their RVD markdom get in the way of the only legit chance there is to build that BS title.


are you sure that's not APO's RVD hate getting in the way of him seeing the horrible Flair turn and more than likely RVD/Flair feud?

Uh, I hate RVD, too, and yeah, and RVD/Flair feud will mean little for either man, BUT what else could be done? Have RVD win a belt that's in desperate need of building up--which won't be accomplished by hotshotting so quickly?

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
I agree 100%. Too many people are letting their RVD markdom get in the way of the only legit chance there is to build that BS title.


are you sure that's not APO's RVD hate getting in the way of him seeing the horrible Flair turn and more than likely RVD/Flair feud?

While I'm pretty open about my hatred for RVD, I DON'T let my biases cloud my judgment, so next time, try not to assume shit about my opinions on certain things.

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actually my comment was more of an assumption on what Incandenza was thinking more than on what you were thinking so calm down.


And I fail to see the common sense in even having Flair involved in the HHH/RVD feud so sue me!

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Guest RedJed
Uh, I hate RVD, too, and yeah, and RVD/Flair feud will mean little for either man, BUT what else could be done? Have RVD win a belt that's in desperate need of building up--which won't be accomplished by hotshotting so quickly?

Yeah, but the answer isn't keeping it on someone who is clearly holding others down by holding it. And he still hasn't proven anything that he deserves the title either.


Basically, the question is why was it brought in the way it was in the first place more than anything. That hurt the credibility of it from the start IMO. The only answer to me would be to get it on a face who could do the traditional "take on all comers" role, much like Bret did back in 93. But that won't happen with HHH holding it. Hotshotting it off him and to any number of faces on the Raw roster waiting for the opportunity makes the most sense to me, and then keep it on them for a good while.


I will say it again too, the way this match was built up and the aftermath is even worse than what the finish was. It now makes RVD look midcard at best and has pulled his push down even farther when it should be going forward judging by crowd appeal.

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and I sincerely hope you don't think I'm just trying to flame. I just honestly don't understand the RVD hate. I completely understand thinking he's overrated cause I tend to agree, but outright hate is odd to me and it always will be.


I've heard it put best when someone said that while RVD is overrated he's entertaining and workrate isn't what has made for the best main eventers in the WWE......just look at Hogan and the Rock.


So when I see people just outright hating RVD I tend to be a little leary cause it just doesn't make sense to me.






I decided to move this to another post cause by the time I typed it someone else posted.

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Guest Incandenza
and I sincerely hope you don't think I'm just trying to flame. I just honestly don't understand the RVD hate. I completely understand thinking he's overrated cause I tend to agree, but outright hate is odd to me and it always will be.


I've heard it put best when someone said that while RVD is overrated he's entertaining and workrate isn't what has made for the best main eventers in the WWE......just look at Hogan and the Rock.


So when I see people just outright hating RVD I tend to be a little leary cause it just doesn't make sense to me.






I decided to move this to another post cause by the time I typed it someone else posted.

I dislike RVD as a ring performer. The constant drooling over him as if he were the Greatest Fucking Thing makes fills me with hatred. There's a difference.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
actually my comment was more of an assumption on what Incandenza was thinking more than on what you were thinking so calm down.


And I fail to see the common sense in even having Flair involved in the HHH/RVD feud so sue me!

Still doesn't explain why my name was brought up, but whatever.



The only answer to me would be to get it on a face who could do the traditional "take on all comers" role, much like Bret did back in 93. But that won't happen with HHH holding it. Hotshotting it off him and to any number of faces on the Raw roster waiting for the opportunity makes the most sense to me, and then keep it on them for a good while.

There's a pretty big difference inbetween what Bret back then and what you're saying they should do for RVD(or any other face, for that matter). The basic problem is that the belt is still worthless and hotshotting it does nothing to help, even if the guy who wins does the "take on all comers" bit. And besides, Bret wasn't drawing dick back then when he did it, so why would it work now?

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Well then it sounds to me that you hate RVD fans not RVD himself.


And you don't have to worry about me cause I don't drool over him.......I'm actually pushing for either a Booker T or an Angle push right now, but I'm still a little upset over the booking in the RVD/HHH match.

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