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Guest wwF1587

The One And Only WWE Unforgiven Thread

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Guest kane3212321

Taker chokeslams Lesnar again and crowd is booing like crazy, they keep fighting to the back, and taker throws Lesnar through the set

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Guest geniusMoment

Fuck you vince.

If any other promotion gets a television deal I will gladly support it

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This PPV right here is why I think WWE Should go back to having just the Big Five PPVs.


That way, you have more time to build feuds and more time to build GOOD events, insted of having this half-assed job of a PPV.


Anyone else agree?

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Guest Repo Man jr

I'm really in shock about this. I cant believe how bad this ended. It's just so fuckin awful! I dont know what to say.

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Guest LaParkaMarka

WHat are they thinking???? That's insane to not let Brock go over Taker. No matter what you think of Brock, they've invested too much into him to not let him go over Old Man Taker. It's not like Taker is going to lose his damn heat or anything, he'd still be over even if he did job. I figured he'd job to a screwball ending. But this...this is just wrong. I mean, it's PPV...have the fucking balls to put your new top guy over. BLAH.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

So let me get this straight...


they have two titles that they want people to beleive are "World" titles...


and they put the one with the non-finish as the Main Event?


yeah...that sounds about right

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Guest RedJed

Taker just totally killed Brock's heat as champ after the match by chokeslamming him and then throwing him through the entranceway set. Fade to black.......ppv done. THANK GOD.


Someone needs to get a hold of Vince and tell him to wake up and get control of the booking and the egos, this is gotten way ridiculous. There was no way in hell that was the originally planned finish for the ME.

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Guest DeputyHawk

what in the blue hell are they thinking? the last time a naff no-contest type deal happened that i can think of was iyh17. so do we get a ***** brockertaker hell in a cell next month to make up for this?

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Guest Zero_Cool

But don't you see! Taker is a bigger, badder, and tougher man than both Hulk Hogan and The Rock!! Those guys don't deserve to be in the same company as UT!!



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Guest Incandenza

I think I hate Undertaker more than HHH again. It took a year, but yes, I hate him more.

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Guest AndrewTS
Oh god that was an awful main, Benoit Angle made up for it with ****1/2 match

MOTN I take it. What would you say is the runner up? Chavo-Rey should be in the running too even though on Heat.

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Guest Slapnuts00

geez, if they were gonna do that, they could have at least put HHH/RVD on last, it at least had an ending and built a new storyline swerve. A no contest? How hard is it to book an ending? Taker tries to revive the ref, Brock hits him with the chair, covers, Taker kicks out, goes for a chokeslam, Brock counters into F-5 and that's that. Geez...

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Guest eiker_ir

i'm pissed but amused at the same time....


fuck taker, fuck hhh.......lol







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Guest Jobber of the Week

Where the fuck was the Tombstone everyone wanted? What was the point of the buildup here?


And the guy on page 20 who boycotts RAW over a shitty SD matchup is not sparing himself Brock or Taker. =b

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I agree go back to 5 ppvs or maybe 6 to make it even every other month.


There's no excuse to end the match that way. It does nothing, but make a guy you've just spent 5 months building up look like a bitch.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

HHH vs. the up and comer RVD...


Taker vs. the WORLD champion and new guy Brock Lesnar...


2 massive EGO's...2 jobs that need to be done.


Who jobs first?




Lather rinse repeat

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Guest kane3212321

So HHH goes over in the most stupid fashion ever, Rikishi dresses in drag and wastes 15 minutes, the main event is a lame DQ. WWE has no problems whatsoever Vince

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Guest jester

Who was it here that posted a message blasting the Brock haters, saying that UT was going to be fed to BRock to make him look credible?


Raise your hand so I can laugh in your face.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Undertaker is my new hero for making Brock his bitch, making Brock look like a weak pathetic fool, and by killing his world title heat. Thank you Undertaker, you have answerd my prayers

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