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Guest Kotzenjunge

The REAL One and Only ESTABLISHMENT~! Thread

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Guest cobainwasmurdered



I feel *so* old now.


Thanks for pointing that out to me.




Now where's my prune pudding?

Hey even *I* am old compared to some of the posters here.

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Guest Sassquatch

Damned if I could tell CWM.


You seem to just kidn of fit in with the youngins.



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Guest Junah98

The People will rebel against the established, and you will democratically be fed to the wolves and shot in the head.




No longer be afraid people, for I have liberated you!

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Guest Sassquatch

It was because no one that I know who is over the age of 22 thinks that Nirvana were some musical Gods.




But I still like listening to them so it's cool. I don't think they were special but they were a nice change of pace from the played out hair band fad.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

The first part of that post scared me Sass...




then you redeamed yourself.

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Guest LooseCannon
The People will rebel against the established, and you will democratically be fed to the wolves and shot in the head.




No longer be afraid people, for I have liberated you!

That already happened like 20 pages ago.

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Guest Sassquatch

Nirvana is good to listen to but to even proclaim them as one of the greatest bands of all time is a bit much.


Some good songs that came out during a shitty time period for music. It's too bad we haven't had another one of those "Musical Revolutions" that critics like to talk about. With the durrent directionless state that most music is in, it could sure use a good kick in the ass right about now.


Just saying.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

The current crop of bands is crap.


Of the Current bands that have NOT been around for awhile (Pearl Jam,Green Day,etc. would be excluded) I like very few.


Audioslave is good but Cornell was better in Sound Garden and the band was better as RATM.


The new Garage band Fad is crap to the nth degree as none of the bands are bringing anything new to the table.


I find myself listening to the Oldie stations more and more often.

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Guest Sassquatch

I did not like Rage and felt that Zach was whiny cuntrag who was as big as a hypocrite as Morello when it came to "RAGING~!" against the "machine" that also gave them a check and helped them buy all of their big houses and nice cars. I just didn't like Zach's voice or his lyrics and I find myself liking Audioslave more than I originally thought. Cornell is back and that is all that matters. Morello is a good guitarist and Rage (minus the dreads) and Cornell have meshed well with one another.


I have not listen to the radio in ages and I am only up to date due to my kid brother letting me know what's the new crap of the month that is being played. I have hated radio for years and for the few times that I have listened to it this year my opinion has not swayed otherwise.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I liked Rage. The political messages were all well and good but that wasn't it.


The songs just felt fresher. From the Audioslave I've heard it's just Cornell's amazing vocals slapped on top of an old rage song.

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Guest Sassquatch

I listened to "Cochise" earlier today and I got the same feeling CWM. It's like Rage Garden or something with Cornell's vocals and Rage's music.


An odd mix that is welcomed at this point.


Lately though I have been listening to some heavy sessions of Black Sabbath and Ozzy stuff which I have gotten back into liking after a long time off from listening to them (lack of interest mostly).

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Guest goodhelmet



that is one of the best lines ever.


for cwm...


You're brain dead, you got a fucking bullet in your head!


dude, rage rules.

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Guest Sassquatch

I did like "Bulls On Parade" and "Wake Up" by Rage. Every other song was just blah or bad in my opinion.


Rage's version of "Street Fighting Man" SUCKS immensely and is a disgrace to the original version by the Rolling Stones.

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Guest goodhelmet
I did like "Bulls On Parade" and "Wake Up" by Rage. Every other song was just blah or bad in my opinion.

well ,that is the problem arguing music because it is just opinions. i love rage. you don't. no biggie.


i do agree with you about street fighting man however.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
It was because no one that I know who is over the age of 22 thinks that Nirvana were some musical Gods.




But I still like listening to them so it's cool.  I don't think they were special but they were a nice change of pace from the played out hair band fad.



I know someone who is 63, and thinks Nirvana are musical Gods. The only thing I have in common with her is that she is an Elvis fan.


Actually anyone who thinks a musician is a God, needs help. I actuallythink that all music today sucks. It would be nice to hav Nirvana back.


If it were possible, I would ask CWM to help me dig up Cobain's grave, and bring him back to life, I would personally take care of digging up Elvis Presley.

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Guest Kinetic

That whole "nobody writes them like they used to" mindset is shortsighted because there's a whole world of new music out there that isn't represented on the radio. A lot of people just decide that nothing created past a certain point could ever possibly appeal to them and hole up with their Beatles records, never to seek further enlightenment. It's sad.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
That whole "nobody writes them like they used to" mindset is shortsighted because there's a whole world of new music out there that isn't represented on the radio. A lot of people just decide that nothing created past a certain point could ever possibly appeal to them and hole up with their Beatles records, never to seek further enlightenment. It's sad.

I don't care, the King rules.

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

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Guest Sassquatch

Chalk it up to a lack of interest on my part Kinetic. If a buddy of mine tells me that I should check out some new song I'll give it a listen and then go from there. But right now I could less about the crap that the radio plays or what is out there that I have not heard yet that I might not like.


I have no problem going back and listening to some old song that I have heard many times before just as long as I am entertained. If I do develop a sudden interest in seeking some new music than I will go out and look for some new tunes to listen to.


Just a lack of interest in music in general at the moment.

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Guest goodhelmet
That whole "nobody writes them like they used to" mindset is shortsighted because there's a whole world of new music out there that isn't represented on the radio. A lot of people just decide that nothing created past a certain point could ever possibly appeal to them and hole up with their Beatles records, never to seek further enlightenment. It's sad.

i hope this wasn't a subtle jab at me. actually, i have been hunting high and low for some new music to listen to, regardless of when it was made. that is one of the reasons i have been digging the alfosexual one's radio show and downloading any random band name that comes up n kazaa. . maybe you can enlighten me and point me to some of this great new music that is coming out today.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

GH,I liked Rage. I didn't always agree with their political messages, but "Killing In The Name" fucking 0wns.


Mario, Cobain has no grave. Courtney carries his ashes with her.


Kinetic, I'm fairly active in the listening to local bands department. I don't know if anyone has head of him but when Blackalisious was first getting started in Vancouver I was there.


Sass, Sabbath and any of Ozzy's stuff is timeless but for a real good music experince I perfer the Doors or led Zeppelin.

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Guest Anglesault
Mario, Cobain has no grave. Courtney carries his ashes with her.


And a lock of his hair, IIRC.



::Relishes in the fact that his favorite band managed to not die::

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Guest Anglesault

Aerosmith. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Old Aerosmith, but the newer stuff really isn't that bad.

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Guest Sassquatch

"Sass, Sabbath and any of Ozzy's stuff is timeless but for a real good music experince I perfer the Doors or led Zeppelin. "





I never did really like the Doors and felt that Morrison is extremely overrated as a musician.


My uncle once told me years ago when I was younger:


"Morrison sounds like some dad when he sings in the shower and that's about it."


It rings true with me.


Led is good but I do not worship them as much as some people I know who believe that they are the be-all-end-all to music.


They had some very good songs that I still listen to today but that is about as far as it goes with my Led interest.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Morrison's voice may not be the greatest but there's just something about the Door's that rings true to me.


Led Zeppelin is my favorite band of all time (Nirvana being my second favorite) I love the vocals, and while the guitar playing isn't the greatest ever it meshed well with the vocals.

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Guest Sassquatch

Have you ever noticed how the intro to "Black Dog" sounds a *lot* like Bret Hart''s intro to his theme song?


Not a bad song to rip off from.

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