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Guest LaParkaMarka


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you know what sucks? it seemsm my wb station has started a habit of giving me college basketball instead of angel...i missed angelous!

Same here in the Roanoke area. It was preempted by about two hours due to lame ass basketball.

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Guest Dangerous A

Spoiler alert








Who do you think will perish?


I think Angel and Connor are off limits, so lets look at realistic choices.


Cordelia: The most realistic choice, IMO. This lets her get off the show to have her baby. (and yes, it was confirmed on Exta about a month or so ago) My problem with it is she'll be back and so it won't be a permanent death.


Gunn: While I'm not a big fan, I don't think they'll take him off because he is in the love triangle and if Wes or Fred end up out, there'll be more possiblities with how he'll deal with their death.


Fred: This would be the more shocking for me. Her death would send Wes and Gunn into directions that intrigue me.


Wes: This one would suck the most. Besides Angelus, he is the most intriguing character.


Lilah: Doubtful. Just not enough impact.


Lorne: A possiblity. Plus he isn't in the main credits, but then again that never stopped them.



BTW, is it true that Eliza Dushku is reprising her role as Faith on both Angel and Buffy? I actually see them needing her more on Buffy than Angel, at least storyline wise.

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Guest Kagato Otaku
Ok, I gotta know where you found dem spoilers. YOU MUST LIE!


Heh. Don't believe me?


Watch the next ep and see for yourself.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

It's not so much that I don't believe you, it's that I don't want to believe you because what you say pains me.

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Guest Kagato Otaku



Spoiled Rotten validates it, I'm afraid. If you'd like, you can read the ep summaries for yourself, but keep in mind they contain MASSIVE spoilers.


There's plenty of links to jump to from there.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

COOOOOOOOL! I think I am going to stray away though; I read the spoilers for the 'Just a dream' eps. where Angel turned into Angelus and I know it would have been 100X better had I not known the ending...even though the eps. was delicious.

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BTW, is it true that Eliza Dushku is reprising her role as Faith on both Angel and Buffy? I actually see them needing her more on Buffy than Angel, at least storyline wise.

I think enough people know by now that this isn't much of a spoiler. Eliza is doing 2 episodes for Angel - most likely it involves her going up against Angelus. Then she'll go over to Buffy for the last 5 episodes of the season / series.


There's been talk of her getting her own spinoff once Buffy is off the air.

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Guest LaParkaMarka

Dude...a spoiler is a spoiler is a spoiler. I thought maybe she would be back, but not for how many episodes or that she would be back on both shows. Thanks a lot.

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Dude...a spoiler is a spoiler is a spoiler. I thought maybe she would be back, but not for how many episodes or that she would be back on both shows. Thanks a lot.

Didn't mean to piss anyone off - I think everyone on the Buffy thread already knew so I didn't see the harm.

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Guest LaParkaMarka

I know you didn't mean anything bad by it, but some of us try to avoid the spoilage in this thread. Can you mark it as spoilers or put it in inviso-text or something next time? I like talking about Buffy, and it would suck having to totally avoid this thread.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Dear God, Dear God, Dear God, Dear God, Dear God, Dear God, Dear holy motherfucking God Jesus fucking God dear Holy mother of Christ fucking God...


So... Much... So...Fucking...Much...

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Guest LaParkaMarka
Dear God, Dear God, Dear God, Dear God, Dear God, Dear God, Dear holy motherfucking God Jesus fucking God dear Holy mother of Christ fucking God...


So... Much... So...Fucking...Much...



That was my reaction to that episode too.

Dammit, I wish I had Angel on tape, so I could watch the past season over again and look for clues. Or even just tonight's ep.


And how evil/awesome is Angelus? He's great. Sorta reminds me of Face Rock vs Heel Rock.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I was a big supporter for Glory as Best Big Bad... Does Angelus from the spin-off carry over? Same world, same big bads? He's much more of a manipulator in this series. Having him behind bars was an ingenius way of putting over how smart Angelus is. Wes is losing his badassness, I am afraid to say. And this whole situation has me ???


It's really fucked up, you wanna speculate?




Ok, so Cordy and Angel are evil. How long has this been happening? Since Cordys return? Is Cordy just playing along to get Angelus to spill the beans? Is Cordy alligned with this new evil? What's the fucking deal!? Is she being manipulated by the new evil and was the white eyes trick just a trick? Does Angelus have a new soul? How did Lorn not get the vibes?


I don't really like how they devalue their villians though. I mean, they killed off wolfram and heart just to make the beast look all badass and it fucking worked. The beast rocks. Then they make the beast look a lil bit like a pussy as he worshops someone else. It's just weird building. Is the big bad this season Angelus or the beast or the new guy? Does the new guy carry over into the next season while they kill off the beast in this one? So many freakin questions.


Am I the only one diggin the Connor/Gunn relationship? It's pretty understated, but they are the closest pair of the group.


Inviso-Text Deactivate!

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Guest LaParkaMarka
I was a big supporter for Glory as Best Big Bad... Does Angelus from the spin-off carry over?  Same world, same big bads?  He's much more of a manipulator in this series.  Having him behind bars was an ingenius way of putting over how smart Angelus is.  Wes is losing his badassness, I am afraid to say.  And this whole situation has me ???


It's really fucked up, you wanna speculate?




Ok, so Cordy and Angel are evil.  How long has this been happening?  Since Cordys return?  Is Cordy just playing along to get Angelus to spill the beans?  Is Cordy alligned with this new evil?  What's the fucking deal!?  Is she being manipulated by the new evil and was the white eyes trick just a trick?  Does Angelus have a new soul?  How did Lorn not get the vibes?


I don't really like how they devalue their villians though.  I mean, they killed off wolfram and heart just to make the beast look all badass and it fucking worked.  The beast rocks.  Then they make the beast look a lil bit like a pussy as he worshops someone else.  It's just weird building.  Is the big bad this season Angelus or the beast or the new guy?  Does the new guy carry over into the next season while they kill off the beast in this one?  So many freakin questions.


Am I the only one diggin the Connor/Gunn relationship?  It's pretty understated, but they are the closest pair of the group.


Inviso-Text Deactivate!

Well, it's not Wes's fault he's less badass. No one is as badass as Motherfucking Angelus. Word.

And yes, the cell was awesome, because it let Angelus throw out all of these great lines and emotionally torture the gang without him being able to murder them, which is pretty much what he would do if given the chance.


Now, rampant speculation time. Inviso-text powers, activate!


I have nooooooooo clue what the hell is going on. Cordy must have come back wrong. Or she's being used by whoever is controlling the Demon (the First maybe?). Is it just me or did that knife that Captain Rockface offer up look familiar? I think it might have been on Buffy at some point. Then again, could just be coincidence. Knives can look pretty similar like that. Wait, wasn't that the knife Cordy used on Lilah?


My best guess is that he has been evil since she came back. Hence all of their plans falling apart. The inside job with Manny must have been her then, and she's the one that pushed for bringing back Angelus. The Demon knew the inside workings of Wolfram and Hart...was that Cordy too? Hell, are the Powers that Be = The First? Gahhhhhhhhhhh! I mean, Wolfram and Hart were not friends with the Powers, right?


I think Angelus is still Angelus though. He was so evil. That "Rape you to death" line he said to Fred was so harsh. But then he's hilarious in other scenes, like his dramatic "I'm off to save the world" as he made his escape from the hotel. Ah, good old Angelus, that rat bastard.


As for the whole villian thing: it is weird build up. Though, I mean, I don't mind all that much. Killing off Wolfram and Hart entirely was pretty lame though, right now. Lilah and Gavin were good characters and (seemingly) could have met a better fate than that. We'll see though. I wouldnt be suprised if the Demon's boss does carry over though. It just seems like way too much for the gang to face off. I mean, the current gang is quite weak, especially if something happened to Connor.


One of the clues has to be how everything was erased in this dimension. It has to be a big clue. What has the power to do that?


And yes, Gunn/Connor are good together. I like that Connor has sort of made a friend, and it ties him closer to the group.


Angel is such a great show. SOooooooooooooooooo good.


Inviso-text OFF

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Guest Kagato Otaku

More spoilery spoilers, for the next episode after tonight's...


Poor Lilah. Both she and her boy toy Wes have something in common...namely getting too personal with a knife to the throat.


And she's not even DEAD yet. They find Angelus drinking her next ep. And then Wes cuts her *head* off to ensure she doesn't turn.


Damn, that's a case for finality if there ever was one. All Jenny Calendar got was a broken neck.


Oh, and that other Slayer girl shows up too.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo





Yeah, Cordy as the insider works. That also explains her fuckin round with Connor to mess with Angels head. Maybe that whole "seeing what angelus did as a higher power" thing has something to do with it.


I too was thinking that the beast was alligned with the First - but that really makes Angel look like a secondary show if they do that. Was the knife the Beast gave as a present the same as the one that Cordy used to stab Lillah?


"Rape you to Death" was sick... Gotta love Angelus!


It's an odd build, that's for sure. Esp. since their lead hero is a villain. The gang is very weak, but with the inclusion of Faith it should get a whole lot stronger! And sexxxier~!

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Guest TonyJaymzReloaded

You know what I hate? My upn keeps giving me shitty acc college basketball instead of Angel and the replay (10 pm on saturday) and I gotta work. Hope to god my buddy remembers to tape it for me

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Guest Cavi

Whoa @ tonight's episode.


And the preview for the ep coming up in three weeks...oh hell yeah!

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You know what I hate? My upn keeps giving me shitty acc college basketball instead of Angel and the replay (10 pm on saturday) and I gotta work. Hope to god my buddy remembers to tape it for me

UPN??? I thought it came on the WB.

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Guest raptor
Whoa @ tonight's episode.


And the preview for the ep coming up in three weeks...oh hell yeah!

Agreed. Ho-ly shit, I was not expecting that at all. Plus, in 3 Weeks my favorite's back.Me= :)

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Yes! I finally got it recorded!


Great episode, but why do we have to wait 3 weeks for a new one?


So they can show the last episode of Birds of Prey?? I thought that show was done then I see a preview saying it will be on next Wednesday night.

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Well I finally got around watching last night's episode and - aside from the HORRIBLE WB signal (despite my "digital cable") - I loved it.


The preview of the next ep gave me freaking chills. I mark out for Faith.

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It was basically just Faith hiding out in the shadows, looking all hot and ready to bust ass.


"In 3 weeks ... Faith returns ... An all-new Angel on the WB Wednesday night"

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