Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted November 6, 2002 That's twice now, I believe, you've said that, Cannon. Do you have a legitimate beef with me because of my views or are you just joking around? SP I have no beef with you. I'm just joking around, but it is at your expense. Well, cynical profit's expense too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted November 6, 2002 That's cool. I just wasn't sure. If you can't laugh at yourself sometimes, what can you laugh at? I do tend to get too heated about stuff sometimes, admittedly, heh. SP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted November 6, 2002 Yeah, exactly. I didn't mean anything mean-spirited or anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricMM Report post Posted November 6, 2002 Isn't it fun when people try to draw things out that weren't there in the first place? Bah. Clearly I say nothing for your edification alone, but for any random guest who reads it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted November 6, 2002 Indeed. Isn't it fun when you have to eat crow? *chomp* I do agree with what you said on it's own merits. Problems with your romantic life do not romanticism or poetic nature make. And fear of talking to someone is pretty silly, especially once you get out of high school. Indeed. SP, Back on topic . . . err . . . um . . . WARNER BROS. SUCKS! I demand my Batman: Special Edition! I am ENRAGED~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricMM Report post Posted November 7, 2002 I can't believe you killed this thread. You and your non-confrontationality. You need to stand up for your beliefs. Tell me that you think that girls are a superior entity. Cuz it ain't true. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Who said I was non-confrontational? I presented my points, you presented yours and we both had good points. I'm not going to go guns blazing into a flame war over it, though. Besides, I'm sure there's somebody else on the boards that's pissed off about something, which is what the thread was for in the first place. It's a thread about being pissed, not flaming one another (which is a good thing considering the folder that it's in). Indeed. If the thread dies because nobody else is pissed off at the moment, it ain't my fault. Indeed. SP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Don't be a pussy. Let's have a flame war. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted November 7, 2002 (flames LooseCannon) Irish Policeman: All right boys, take it t' NHB! Fo sheez, Kotzenjunge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cynicalprofit Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Remember kids arguing on the internet is like winning gold in the special olympics, no matter what, you're still retarded. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Typical Policeman: Move along, nothin' to see here . . . . . . except for someone who is in a RAGE about something! I . . . um . . . eh. *leaves* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Incandenza Report post Posted November 7, 2002 You know what filled me with rage in high school? All those idiots I knew who interpreted Rage Against the Machine lyrics as being a call-to-arms for their own pathetic idea of rebellion. Mother: Son, will you clean up your room? Son: Fuck you I won't do what you tell me! Teacher: For homework, I want you to answer questions 1-6 on page 32. Student: Fuck you I won't do what you tell me! Boss: Could you get a mop and clean up the spill on aisle 10? Employee: Fuck you I won't do what you tell me! Just as dumb are the members of Rage who were under the impression that their fans really gave a shit about Zapatista rebels or religious groups in countries they never heard of, when most of them were zit-faced 16-year-olds more concerned about getting drunk on Friday night than starting a revolution. What a bunch of tools. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cynicalprofit Report post Posted November 7, 2002 For the record, Inc I didnt listen to rage in HS, I compltely ignored them because I thought everyone jumping on the band wagon and giving a damn about tibet when a band told them to was stupid. I only gave a shit about rage in the last year or so because, A they are now no longer a band, and B they cant fuck up their legacy unless they get back together. So fuck you, I had rage in HS because no one but me said, hey this whole religion in a public school thing isnt legal, yet there it was, bright as day. I had rage in highschool because ya know, I wanted to do something wife my life other then stay in that shit hole middle class existance. And outside of the kids in the army, and like 2 others, and myself, THEY ALL STAYED THERE! So dont think just because I now like Rage I am some tibet loving call to arms rebllion little shit. Im not. I like rage because they obviously cared about something in their music, which if you look at todays music scene, the only thing they seem to give a fucking damn about is making money. So kiss my ass. Does anyone on this board NOT jump to conclusions about me because of what I like? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Incandenza Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Did I mention you? Does your name appear anywhere in that post? No. Granted, I only thought of it after seeing your custom title, but it was NOT ABOUT YOU. I do not know you in real life, nor do I know you very well here on the board, as I find your posts nearly impossible to read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cynicalprofit Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Well the fact that you run off my title 3 times would give the impression that maybe you were directing it at me. Why do you find them so hard to read? Horribly spelling, bad grammer, yeah Im the master of them. Or is it something else. (97 More post and Im established, note to self, get job) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricMM Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Why do you find them so hard to read? Horribly spelling, bad grammer, yeah Im the master of them. Or is it something else. Oh no, you're right, your message is so powerful, it BLINDS us! We can't face facts! The truth hurts arg arg arg... Please. I've said it before. Type slower, and reread your posts, preview them, and try to look like a 9th grader, not a 4th grader (Strictly in terms of grammer and spelling) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Incandenza Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Well the fact that you run off my title 3 times would give the impression that maybe you were directing it at me. It's a line from a RATM song. THAT'S why I was using it. Your title merely reminded me of it. Why do you find them so hard to read? Horribly spelling, bad grammer, yeah Im the master of them. Bingo. Why should I bother with posts that do not even display a first grade mastery of the english language. Or is it something else. Well, the posts of yours that I do manage to choke down often seem erratic and woefully misguided. (97 More post and Im established, note to self, get job) Before you get a job, make sure you take an ESL class. It might help you in the workforce. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cynicalprofit Report post Posted November 7, 2002 No it wont help me with the job I plan to get. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricMM Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Alright, who cares about your job. Do it so you have that much more chance of (HAAHAHAH) being taken seriously here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cynicalprofit Report post Posted November 8, 2002 Do you really think what a bunch of people who i dont know really make that big of a difference in my life? Honestly, do your fellow posters consume your life, do their post fill you day with happiness? If so, open door, go outside, interact with real people, make friends, repeat as neccessary. And i was just commentating to a remark made, I dont care about your job, Im not expecting you to care about mine, it was just a response saying, no, english is not a requirement for what I do, hell talking isnt a requirement for what I do, untill you get up a few notches in the field, then maybe someone wiill ask your opinion, but its not likely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricMM Report post Posted November 8, 2002 In conclusion, reading cynicalprofit's posts is the One and Only source of actual serious rage in my life, or at least the only thing that comes close. What can I say, ignorance offends me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted November 8, 2002 ditto. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Incandenza Report post Posted November 8, 2002 And this guy frequents the CE folder? He must be real popular. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted November 8, 2002 I never noticed him untill the other day, and my CE presence is often pretty spotty, but from what I've seen we're not the only people to notice that cynical profit is an idiot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Incandenza Report post Posted November 8, 2002 I first noticed some time ago, going on one his "Evils of the Music Business" rants, in honor of the death of that guy from Drowning Pool. I'm not sure what the point of it was, but I'm not sure what the point of his bringing up religion in response to my RATM fan-bashing, either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted November 8, 2002 You're just not an artist man. Great minds aren't confined by such things as "having a point," coherence, or, you know, middle school grammar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cynicalprofit Report post Posted November 8, 2002 Art can be visual, vocal or creation of physcial things like paintings and statues. Never said I was either of the first 2. If you truly wish to see what I do,, a small sample of my work.(And if you bash it, Id like to see you do better) If Im the only thing that causes you rage you must be serioulsy not looking around to much in reality. Wars, death, famine(sp), I think there are more serious things to be concered about then one person on a bloody IWC board. Wow 4 ppl think Im an idiot, let the party begin. Now if you have a college degree raise your hand. *Raises hand* And if you do, well then I respect your assement of me being an idiot. If not, I dont care. Either way, thats YOUR opinion of me. My professors may disagree with you. I brought up religion because I was explaining where my rage came from in HS, I was saying it wasnt from listening to RATM. Im a lousy speeler and my grammer sucks, sorry. I never really cared about those things. I was usualy more worried about art class and getting through my day. Im sure if I cared, my typing skills could be better, but why should i care enough to make a bunch of internet wrestling fans happy. If you dont like it, ignore me. Not that hard. MY CE problems stemed mainly from Marney, Im a liberal, right theres the why we clashed and I had problems. Sorry but I find people having sympathy for a "musician" who did nothing of true note in the music industry stupid. Am I sorry another human died, yes. Am I sorry they will not produce anymore music, no. There's a difference. It’s so sad the guy died, boo-hoo. Well ya know what, life moves on and they didn’t make that good of music anyway. I don’t have sympathy for it. Sorry if I’m not as sympathetic as the rest of the world. Im sure if I died tomorrow most of you would be happy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted November 8, 2002 Now if you have a college degree raise your hand. *Raises hand* And if you do, well then I respect your assement of me being an idiot. So, anybody lacking a college degree can't call you an idiot? That's, um, idiotic. And, yes, I do have a college degree, so you're stuck w/ my assessment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted November 8, 2002 I have a college degree as well. But, the comment about you being the sole source of EricMM's rage was obviously made in jest. Don't get yourself so worked up about it. Just because we all think you're an idiot doesn't mean that every comment should be taken so seriously. BTW, I liked your hhh advert. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest godthedog Report post Posted November 8, 2002 i don't have a college degree yet. but soon i'll have two. so i can make fun of him twice as much! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites