Guest cynicalprofit Report post Posted November 8, 2002 I dont find it injest, i took as an honest if sartaricaly asset ment of me my opinions and beliefs. And just like everyone else in the world, when you attack those things, i get offended and offensive. Well if you call me an idiot, and you dont have an equal level of education to mine, or higher, how are you able to assert your opinion of Im an idiot when you're lacking in education in comparison. Thats like when a 3 year old says your stupid. You can call me an idiot, I dont care, but I wont take it for much if you cant say yes I have an equal education to yours or more. And you're right Spaceman, I take your assement and deal with it, but thats still just YOUR opinion of me. Go for it god, I encourage you to get even more degrees. Hey LC, why arent you blasting me for getting totaly off topic? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted November 9, 2002 I can almost guarentee you that I have more education than you. I'm not bashing you for straying from the topic because we're not in current events and we're not having a specific argument over a specific point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cynicalprofit Report post Posted November 9, 2002 You probably do LC. so if you want to call me an idiot, Ill accpet that critisim, but its still just YOUR opinon of me.(If i can ask, how much education do you have?) Ok. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Agent of Oblivion Report post Posted November 9, 2002 Wow 4 ppl think Im an idiot, let the party begin. 5. Well, 6. I'll speak for Marney in absentia because lesbians dig me. Im a lousy speeler and my grammer sucks, sorry. I never really cared about those things. Obviously. How the hell did you get through school? You obviously had a spell check program of some sort, why not utilize it? It's seriously almost impossible to pick through everything to find a point. Is semi-clear communication too much to ask? MY CE problems stemed mainly from Marney. And everyone else that posts in there, conservative or not. Im sure if I died tomorrow most of you would be happy. Don't give yourself that much credit. I'm quite sure none of us would care. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricMM Report post Posted November 9, 2002 5. Well, 6. I'll speak for Marney in absentia because lesbians dig me. Now now, it's not nice to put words in other people's mouths. Although, in this case, you did stick to the single caveat which was, it's okay to assume ANYONE would say that "Cynical Profit is an idiot." This is generally a fact of life and thus, if you could assume one thing about a person, it's that they probably think that Cynical Profit is an idiot. Now is this the one and only thread to fill CP with RAGE~!? It's funny but all these assumptions about CP's idiocy are based SOLELY on his words. It's almost holy in it's purity, he's just clearly inarticulate, inconsiderate, and unintelligent. Sad sad sad. He's totally gonna get me banned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cynicalprofit Report post Posted November 10, 2002 *dances because a bunch of IWC people think hes an idiot* Whats so unintellegent about me? I dont agree with your opinions, I guess that makes me another stupid internet mark. Please, there are/were people on here with worse skills then I have. And atleast im not posting asking for naked pics of garth brooks or saying things like "Fuk all u INTERNERDs, and ur fawking computerz skillz", Im not posting about gettig laid on the board and all sorts of other stuff thats alot worse and more idiocy then anything I could come up with. Im just someone who happens NOT to agree with the vast majority and when I bother to say anyting thats my opinion, I get torn to shreds. Color me persecuted. And Im just waiting for you to tear this apart because thats what everyone does around here, they tear eachother apart. I have not done anything to deserve to get banned, while countless others have done worse then i could ever do. I'm not leaving anytime soon. And if im the reason you get banned wouldnt that make you the bigger idiot since you'd be the one getting kicked out? And Im sure none of you have EVER spelled a word wrong while typing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted November 10, 2002 What's so unintelligent? From this thread: Hitler started the war, so no good did come from it. And if we left germany alone, I'm sure someone in germany would have shot him. And Hitler was a good leader, he boosted the economy and give germans a HUGE sense of pride. The whole racist thing was wrong, but Germany became a big player in world politics during Hitler....and no good came from the war because it sent germany spirling back, their economy plumeted to the point where their money was worth nothing. Their lucky to still be a country. Civil war didnt end slavery, it pretty much did, but it was still years before blacks were even remotly considered equals to whites. Hell we're still a prejudice society, so really how much did stopping slavery really do for equality? The civial war was over the south wanting to make moeny by taxing their stuff when they shipped it to the north, they would get richer (money...not a suprise there) All the AMerican rev war did was just like the civil war, allowed us to tax our stuff. Bunch of ppl were killed so rich white men could get richer. Wheres the good in that. Shit, all we would have been was a back up army for england incase they need it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Incandenza Report post Posted November 10, 2002 What's wrong with typing out "people?" P-E-O-P-L-E. I know he's practically illiterate, but surely he can at least spell that one fucking word. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted November 10, 2002 (reads the CP theorems on historical events Good lord... (future history professor cries) Fo sheez, Kotzenjunge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cynicalprofit Report post Posted November 11, 2002 Um germany's econmy did crash after the war. Look it up. And Hitler turned Germany around economically when he came into power, good leader, bad personal politics. Minroties are payed less then whites, they are treated worse, they may not be wearing visual chains, but they are beilg held back and treated less in many places in society. How did non-landowing people benefit from the American revolution war? What would England have done with us? People....ppl is just shorter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricMM Report post Posted November 11, 2002 Civil war didnt end slavery, it pretty much did, but it was still years before blacks were even remotly considered equals to whites. Hell we're still a prejudice society, so really how much did stopping slavery really do for equality? The civial war was over the south wanting to make moeny by taxing their stuff when they shipped it to the north, they would get richer (money...not a suprise there) How about the fact that it ended the enslavement of an entire people? How about the fact that before slavery was abolished, a law was passed that if a slave escaped to the North, the North was required to catch him/her and send them back to the South? If you don't see the removal of slavery as a national institution, and replaced by the Jim Crowe laws, a STATE BY STATE decision, you don't see the big picture. The South left the North because they were completely different. The south felt that northern sentiment, decisions, and restrictions were limiting and hurting the south, so they left. The north knew that they didn't want to have to deal with the european situation of having more than a few countries locally, so they immediately wanted to remain strong and a union, thus they declared war. War was inevitable since the north and south were apples and oranges. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cynicalprofit Report post Posted November 11, 2002 No longer slaves, but they passed segregation The south wanted to brake away because they could tax the north like the north was doing to them. Slavery was the moral issue, money was the real issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted November 11, 2002 (ignores CP total lack of historical understandings) Here's my bit of anger for today: I've been refusing or declining females for the last few months (don't laugh, it happens) and neglecting to pursue any of them because I thought I had a quasi-girlfriend who's currently going to school in Georgia right now and would be coming home for Thanksgiving and then again for Christmas and stuff. Now I find out that after all this time, she just figured out how I felt and doesn't feel the same. ARGH!!!! Ah well, I'm free again, so I guess I can sort of be happy about that... right? Fo sheez, Kotzenjunge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Paranoid Report post Posted November 11, 2002 Well, if it makes you feel better Kotz, I was in a similar situation for about 5 years. The chick just couldn't "figure out what she wanted". Man I passed up alotta ass on the count of her. Anyway, don't let her stop you man, one day you'll be married and won't be able to take up those opportunities. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted November 11, 2002 (shudder) I know, that's the frightening part. But I'll be wild forever! Whooo!!!! (envisions a 40 year old with glasses holding up plastic cup of beer while wearing a Party Naked T-shirt and no pants) Fo sheez, Kotzenjunge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Paranoid Report post Posted November 11, 2002 :::Dances to the "Middle Aged Man" theme from the Mike Myers skit on SNL! Co-Starring Kotz as Drinking Buddy!!!::: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricMM Report post Posted November 11, 2002 The fool, how could she turn down your powerful shirts and million dollar smile? Anyways, time to realize that you're the fully single mack you've always been! Those supposed feelings got in the way of good times, and it's time for the good times to commence! So go to a party, and act the ass for all the ladies, like every guy does. Sure it may not always work (It didn't for me) but it's better than pining. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted November 11, 2002 Oh, believe you me, I plan on finally unleashing the party animal and club-goer that's been chained to the ground inside of me since August 18th. Fo sheez, Kotzenjunge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Agent of Oblivion Report post Posted November 11, 2002 The CP history lesson was covered and then some in that thread in CE. Fret not on that subject. Kotz, Kotz, Kotz. I'm shocked. nay. Shocked and APPALLED that you passed up pooter. Especially with no strings attached. Gitcha some, motherfucker. A quasi-girlfriend means it's only quasi-cheating, which means it should only make you quasi-guilty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted November 11, 2002 Hell dude, it's over now, so no more worries. No more Passed-Up Pooter for Patrick. Fo sheez, Kotzenjunge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Agent of Oblivion Report post Posted November 11, 2002 Attaboy. Getcha summadat slippery hair pie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted November 11, 2002 And Hitler turned Germany around economically when he came into power, good leader, bad personal politics. Well, I guess if you call blaming all your country's woes on 1 group of people, and then set out to systematically murder each & every one of them a good leader, then I guess Hitler falls into that category. How did non-landowing people benefit from the American revolution war? What would England have done with us? ::shakes head:: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites