Guest J*ingus Report post Posted November 7, 2002 First of all, no matter what your personal feelings are towards me Chris, I am a moderator of this message board, and you will show me a little fucking respect. If you ever speak to me or anyone else like you did in the "Top 20 Matches" post that I'm going to quote from here, you WILL be banned, period. I have spoken to several other mods, and they all agree with me in this matter. So if you're gonna say anything else, say it in this folder, or you won't be saying anything else on these boards again. Spend your time threatening someone else, son. First of all, I don't care if you're a hundred years old, don't call me "son", asshole. Since I am neither your son nor a minor, it's grammatically incorrect for one thing, and just plain fucking rude and arrogant for another. Secondly, I didn't threaten you. If I said "Hey Chris, I'm gonna come over to your house and beat the shit out of you with a baseball bat," then THAT would be threatening you. You personally insulted me, I called you on it and told you not to do it again. You kids want to boot someone for knowing more than you, go right ahead. Hey everyone, I'll say it once and for all, right here: Chris "Jubuki" Coey knows more about Japanese pro wrestling than I do. But I don't think the other mods like being referred to as "you kids". And if you did get banned, it certainly wouldn't be because of your encyclopedic knowledge about Japanese men rolling around on a mat in spandex tights while pretending to fight. It would be because you act like a complete prick. You're arrogant, condescending, and sometimes completely impossible to talk to like a fellow human being. I've seen you belittle newbies for asking simple informative questions, taking more time and effort to mock them than it would for you to just answering their fucking querries. You seem completely convinced that your own personal subjective opinions are fucking infallible holy writ which cannot be questioned, and that everyone who believes otherwise is simply WRONG and probably an ignorant fool to boot. THAT is why you'd get banned, you lanky dipshit, not because you terrify us with your awesome wealth of information about an obscure foreign subgenre of something that's a bad joke to at least 50% of the population in the first place. And no, I haven't been trained - but that's because I have enough gray matter in my head to make better use of my life. So let me get this straight: you're better off making snide critiques about something than actually going in and trying to accomplish it yourself? Yay, you're the next Pauline fucking Kael, and yeah I hated her pompous ass too. Nice to know that you place so little value on the minds and lives of people who actually have the balls to go out and try to be wrestlers themselves. If you buy the "workers decide how fans see matches" bullshit, then that's the money mark in you buying into someone else's excuse for cruddy work. Hell, until the 80's, workers DID decide how the fans see the matches. (Well, it was more the promoters than the wrestlers, but anyway.) It's tough to be a money mark when I'm broke, too. But to my main point: YOUR WORD IS NOT LAW. If you think something is cruddy work, it doesn't mean that it IS cruddy work: it just means that you think so. Someone else could have a completely different opinion on the subject. Wrestling is a PERFORMANCE; it goes further than bumps and execution, Agreed. and, when it's good, it requires the kind of training that a 2-year-old picks up from its parents as much as it does cardiovascular fitness or strength. What the fuck does that even mean? Wrestling training is like training a kid to use the commode instead of shitting themselves? There's a reason words like 'dramatic' or 'emotional' or 'exciting' get bandied around so much - that's what the audience connects to: expressing emotions, a sense of what's dramatic. And that's what your forget when you shit all over stuff that other people liked. Take, oh, Rock/Hogan from this year. Obviously hundreds of thousands of people found that bout to be dramatic, emotional, or exciting, but somehow I still get the feeling that you'd knock it anyway. That has nothing to do with "real" shows or getting in the ring or any of the kind of insider cred garbage you're trying to use; This comes from where I was trying to make the statement that Akira Taue has a shitty chokeslam. I have many people who agree with me. But Chris can't just say that he disagrees and leave it at that; no, he has to PROVE to himself that I'm wrong, and sneak in some cheap personal attacks while he's at it. And Chris, yes, I am an insider. I work for a professional wrestling company. It's not a very big one, and you've probably never heard of 95% of our roster, and I don't get paid much. But it is one more company than you've ever worked for. you either know what makes for good drama, or you don't. Art and drama are not mathematical proofs. They are not found to be equal or unequal. There are a thousand glorious shades of gray, and they're all different for every person. You would do well to accept that. And frankly, most wrestlers could stand to learn a few hundred things. And God knows that a thirty-year-old virgin who spends all his time sitting in his mother's basement watching tapes he bought from Jeff Lynch and scathingly criticizing them in his DVDVR wannabe website - namely, you - are the one to teach them those "few hundred things" despite never having stepped into the ring once in your goddamned voyeuristic life, right? Funny - I've spoken to a few wrestlers in my time, too, and I've never had one tell me anything I wrote was totally full of shit from a "trained wrestler's perspective." Funny, I showed that thread to a wrestler, and if anything he liked it less than I did. Let me tell you this, Chris, sometimes you have interesting points to bring up, but yes, you ARE full of shit, and you apparently enjoy the smell it makes. I only get that from the loudmouth fans who don't know their asses from their elbows. As if you know anything? Anything at all? YOU'VE NEVER DONE THIS, but still you claim to know it BETTER than guys who have been doing it for decades. Right. No wonder so many wrestlers fucking hate smart marks. In short, grow the fuck up, stop antagonizing people, have some respect for the opinions of others, and never talk shit about me again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Texas Small Arms 09 Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Well we all learned something avluable: Don't piss off Jingus But seriously this guy sounds like a jackass and needs to be stopped. Very well put Jingus. Yousounded pissed, but I never saw a point where you lost it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ace309 Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Amen, brother. Reference the Nagata Lock thread currently active on the puro board. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Leena Report post Posted November 7, 2002 This Jubuki guy needs to post outside of Puro... I like arrogant jerks like this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Smark Hammill Report post Posted November 7, 2002 If I fancied myself a Japanese wrestling authority on the internet, I couldn't face myself in the mirror. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Texas Small Arms 09 Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Well I'm sure he is one of those guys that thinks he looks like a million bucks, but has a dog face. I got 10 saying DJ Jeff will beat this guy in getting laid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted November 7, 2002 I'll take that bet Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted November 7, 2002 All this over whether a chokeslam is credible??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Leena Report post Posted November 7, 2002 After reading a lot of Jubuki's posts, I'd say Jingus is wrong here. For the most part, Jubuki makes intelligent posts. When he was "flaming" you (I would hardly call him poking fun at you for taking a chokeslam a flame... infact it's rather funny) and he was still bringing up intelligent conversation. He may be kind of arrogant... so fucking what? So what if he's not a wrestler? Does that mean he doesn't know about Puro? Fuck, ban the entire WWE folder then. There's more arrogant guys on this board that BAN people for not agreeing with their oh-so-perfect beliefs *cough*TheAll-KnowingNWATNAMod...*cough*. I'd say we deal with them first, but you know mods are ESTABLISHED~ and stuff, so we have to respect them, and kiss their asses. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest thesmartmark Report post Posted November 7, 2002 I know you guys are just gonna say I have no point and some other choice few vulgar words, but this is futhering to prove my point on the elitism on this board. I agree this guy shouldn't have said that stuff in the WWE folder, but everything he said is right on and now he's getting heat for SPEAKING HIS MIND. Thanks again for helping me with my cause! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AlwaysPissedOff Report post Posted November 7, 2002 I must have missed the post where I asked for everybody to kiss my ass... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Yes. He's getting heat in the NHB FOLDER! If Jingus had posted this in another folder, then there'd be a problem with it, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with posting it here, and it does zero to further the point you've been trying to drive home in your thread. The only thing it proves is that the "elite" have not banded together to call for his head, only that Jingus got pissed off about it and posted something in the folder for people that are pissed off. No wrong was done. SP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Texas Small Arms 09 Report post Posted November 7, 2002 thesmartmark - I'm not saying that you are right or wrong but I am not seeing where you think you are being justified. Speaking his mind is one thing, however, there are times and places that it can be done. If you speak your mind in the correct folder and are not a arrognant little prick all the time then I see no problem. The problem lies with people, such as yourself, who knows nothing on the situation viewing it from the outside. You claim to have seen so many people get banned for speaking their minds. No one has been banned for speaking his/her mind, you only see it as that. But had you actually read everything these banned people have said maybe you would begin to see the picture. We have people that speak their minds and disagree with alot of people on here, even the mods. But there is a time and a place for everything said. If you want to flame people, do it in the NHB folder. That is all we ask. If you come on the board and troll, get banned and then re registar and do it over and over and over again then you deserve to be banned for saying anything at all. You need to understand our resent problems and understand that these bannings are helping clean up this board. If you do not like how things are run, then I highly suggest you find another place to post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EL BRUJ0 Report post Posted November 7, 2002 This thread is ghey. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted November 7, 2002 While I think Jubuki could tone it down a bit, I also think Jingus is overreacting Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Incandenza Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Jubuki strikes me the Steve Albini of internet wrestling message boards. (I don't expect everyone to get that reference, but such is life.) Anyway, as arrogant a nerd as he appears to be, nothing I've read by him comes off as particularly banworthy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Dames 0 Report post Posted November 7, 2002 There's more arrogant guys on this board that BAN people for not agreeing with their oh-so-perfect beliefs *cough*TheAll-KnowingNWATNAMod...*cough*. I'd say we deal with them first, but you know mods are ESTABLISHED~ and stuff, so we have to respect them, and kiss their asses. You know....I'd really LOVE it if you could back that up with some examples, because to my knowledge, everyone banned has deserved it. I haven't seen you say one thing positive in weeks...and if you don't like posting here, don't. Dames Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Texas Small Arms 09 Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Dames I think that could be said for a lot of people here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Cerebus The Aardvark Report post Posted November 7, 2002 I haven't seen you say one thing positive in weeks...and if you don't like posting here, don't. Bah, posting positive comments is SO 3 months ago. The whole "if you don't like it, go away" line has become incredibly cliched in the last year or so (on the boards I have frequented in that time, anyway), but it is pretty good advice. I mean, if someone walked up to you and tried handing you a pile of shit, would you take it? Probably. Just to spite the person. That is all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crandamaniac Report post Posted November 7, 2002 I know you guys are just gonna say I have no point and some other choice few vulgar words, but this is futhering to prove my point on the elitism on this board. I agree this guy shouldn't have said that stuff in the WWE folder, but everything he said is right on and now he's getting heat for SPEAKING HIS MIND. Thanks again for helping me with my cause! I'm not really seeing any of this so-called "elitism" in this post of Jingus right here. Jingus had a problem with this guy, so he decided to post his grievances in here, as you have done with your unsubstantial criticism of this board. If Jingus was "an elitist" like you say, then Jubuki would have probably already been banned. And in all honesty, if you had looked at the thread in question, you would see the reason why Jingus posted what he did. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Jingus was fully in his right the so-called elitist bashers tend to be elitist themselves Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nevermortal Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Jubuki's an asshole. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ace309 Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Just for the record, since I didn't say it earlier: Yes, he's an arrogant jerk. No, it's not banworthy. My two cents, not that anyone asked or cares. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Leena Report post Posted November 7, 2002 There's more arrogant guys on this board that BAN people for not agreeing with their oh-so-perfect beliefs *cough*TheAll-KnowingNWATNAMod...*cough*. I'd say we deal with them first, but you know mods are ESTABLISHED~ and stuff, so we have to respect them, and kiss their asses. You know....I'd really LOVE it if you could back that up with some examples, because to my knowledge, everyone banned has deserved it. I haven't seen you say one thing positive in weeks...and if you don't like posting here, don't. Dames A month or so ago (I'm not gonna go looking for the post), he banned someone who went into NWA saying that The Truth sucks, or something. He responded a 2nd time not to his liking, and bps said... your banned... I can because im MOd... WWE sucks... He wasn't flaming or anything. That's my example. bps is also constantly extremely negative towards WWE, while never wrestling like this Jubuki guy... that's my claim. I have said something positive lately... read the thread about Marney's sig. Always think positively. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Most on here act like Assholes, one time or another. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted November 7, 2002 There's more arrogant guys on this board that BAN people for not agreeing with their oh-so-perfect beliefs *cough*TheAll-KnowingNWATNAMod...*cough*. I'd say we deal with them first, but you know mods are ESTABLISHED~ and stuff, so we have to respect them, and kiss their asses. You know....I'd really LOVE it if you could back that up with some examples, because to my knowledge, everyone banned has deserved it. I haven't seen you say one thing positive in weeks...and if you don't like posting here, don't. Dames A month or so ago (I'm not gonna go looking for the post), he banned someone who went into NWA saying that The Truth sucks, or something. He responded a 2nd time not to his liking, and bps said... your banned... I can because im MOd... WWE sucks... He wasn't flaming or anything. That's my example. bps is also constantly extremely negative towards WWE, while never wrestling like this Jubuki guy... that's my claim. I have said something positive lately... read the thread about Marney's sig. Always think positively. That was TestKick who ended up being Smarkzone who we all know and love. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted November 7, 2002 I am a moderator of this message board, and you will show me a little fucking respect. Don't think you're being a little dramatic there Jingus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Banky Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Jabuki is a fucking arrogant shit. Honestly, he belittles anyone and everyone who asks or states their opinion. Jingus was 100% in the right, and "Jabuki" needed to be called on his condescending attitude. People can't ask a simple question without getting their asshole reemed out by this guy. So I'll make it simple, Fuck Jabuki - and credit to Jingus for finally standing up to this guy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Dames 0 Report post Posted November 7, 2002 A month or so ago (I'm not gonna go looking for the post), he banned someone who went into NWA saying that The Truth sucks, or something. He responded a 2nd time not to his liking, and bps said... your banned... I can because im MOd... WWE sucks... He wasn't flaming or anything. That's my example. bps is also constantly extremely negative towards WWE, while never wrestling like this Jubuki guy... that's my claim. I have said something positive lately... read the thread about Marney's sig. Always think positively. If that had really happened the way you thought it did, dont you think everyone would have been in an uproar about BPS abusing his powers? If this person really was TestKick or SmarkZone, then they deserved to be banned, period. Bps is negative about what? 95% of the posts in there are filled with negativity. That has nothing to do with banning people who don't agree with your opinion or else AngleSault would have been gone months ago. Dames Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Banky Report post Posted November 7, 2002 Leena is being a complete tool on this board who purposely tries to aggrivate most of the posters whenever possible. She does this in most of the folders, and does not TRY to add anything insightful. In fact, most of the time she posts just to get a reaction out of people. She is completely playing up to the reputation she has gotten, NOW she has to deal with it. bps21 has always been cool to me, and always played this fairly. Who is not always negative about the WWE either, we have plenty of intelligent conversations about Rob Van Dam, Edge, ect...and how they can improve and such. Thats not being negative, its about discussing a common topic and sharing one's true feelings. With the "Negativety" most of the time there is an "optimistic" tone on how things CAN improve. In closing, bps does what he can to make this board more enjoyable. You, on the other hand, are so despised in this place that you now act like a bitch rather than fighting your reputation. You could have acted cool, and all would have been forgotten (I've been a complete tool in this place and I've always been forgiven) but you are content to act like a fucking useless cockmongler all of the time. You have no one to blame but yourself for everyone's negative attitude, and I think you should honestly look into doing EVERYONE a favor and getting the fuck off this board. If you are going to stay, please be civil and not take potshots at everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites