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Guest J*ingus

A message to Jubuki

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Guest thesmartmark
... if you weren't here antagonizing me you could be doing your job by cleaning out alot of these folders around here.

I've resisted embroiling myself in this so far, but no longer.


I know your remark was directed to bps, but I'm going to tell you on his behalf, and on behalf of everyone else in this thread, to kindly shut the fuck up. You're a serial whiner, you haven't been right about one goddamn thing since you started opening your worthless mouth, you persistently confuse your submoronic opinions with actual facts, and you blindly refuse to let any argument go. You bitch and moan that people were supposedly banned for "speaking their mind," then you call for the deletion of posts and threads you feel are wasting space. Ever hear the one about the pot and the kettle? You're advocating the very thing you've been railing against, in the name of "cleaning the board up," all the while oblivious to the fact that you look like more of a hypocrite and an imbecile with every post you make. Do us all a favor and drop your silly crusade, because YOU are the one who's wasting space and bandwidth with shit like this, while people who are talking about wrestling on a fucking wrestling forum are doing what this board is here for.

Go move some threads that are posted in the wrong folder. I know there are some out there. And yes Dr. Tom I have been right about some things. There is some cleaning to be done here.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

How about instead of constantly telling mods how to do their jobs (from literaly your first post on) you listen to them and move the fuck on.

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Guest thesmartmark

I do listen to them say that thay are doing their job when it is so obvious that there are threads all over that need to be moved and/or deleted. BOTTOM LINE I AM FUCKING DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I don't get the gimmick.


You act like being here is chinese water torture but you refuse to leave the shower.

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Guest Chuck Woolery

He doesn't have to, because what you don't realize is that you all are weiners anyway. Listen to thesmartmark, and maybe he will save you from your desire to become one of the everything and not one unto yourself.

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Guest thesmartmark
He doesn't have to, because what you don't realize is that you all are weiners anyway. Listen to thesmartmark, and maybe he will save you from your desire to become one of the everything and not one unto yourself.

Priceless my friend, I couldn't have bought a better expression with my Master Card!

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Guest HungryJack

My wonder is , who here DIDN'T already know Chris Coey can come off as an ass?




Anyone who happens to have seen ANYTHING written by him before would know that.


Personally, I think he's a funny guy, he's got mad knowledge (though I'm no Joshi fan) and he can at least string together an intelligent and coherent paragraph, which is more than I can say for some of y'all.




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Guest Jubuki

Yeah, really, what the Hell - this thread is about ME, you jokers. Get on topic already!

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Once again, MVS's agreement routine is hilarious.


Fo sheez,


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Guest RickyChosyu
My wonder is , who here DIDN'T already know Chris Coey can come off as an ass? Anyone who happens to have seen ANYTHING written by him before would know that.


Eh, I didn't see him coming off as a prick from reading his reviews. He's ridiculously surly on these boards, but helpfull, and not afraid to castigate people that say stupid things.


Personally, I think he's a funny guy, he's got mad knowledge (though I'm no Joshi fan)


Oh, come now. I haven't met anyone who can watch even a little of the stuff Chris pimps on his site and not be addicted to Joshi. You must be one of those "prolonged selling" junkies. :P


160 posts and still going strong. Shocking.

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Guest The Hamburglar

People, people, so much rage. All this could have been cleared up if everyone had agreed on one simple point, a point that is induitable fact.


Akira Taue's chokeslam, the nodowa, fucking sucks. Yes it does. If you think otherwise you are deluding yourself. It matters not how over the move is, for it sucketh verily. It sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks. There is no other way to describe it. Its half-arsed, ballsed-up, hubbunkum and shite.



Except of course when he does it off the apron. He killed poor Jun Akiyama dead.



Note that this does not make Mr. Taue a bad wrestler. Aside from the fact that he does a few too many snake-eyes for my bargain, he is easily one of the most downright nasty, hostile dickish heels to ever grace the ring. Those of you who have seen much of his work are most likely correct when you say he is one of the greats. He is good enough to compensate for his nodowa looking like camel diarrhea.


Now that that's been cleared up, this thread no longer exists, it never happened, and the kiddies of the world can rest content with the knowledge that yes, Akira Taue's nodowa truly sucks.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Taue=Japanese Undertaker.


Same moveset and athleticism, not to mention he was a main eventer and former champ, but is generally well-respected.


Most of your diehard puroheads will defend him to the bitter end for some reason though. And the first word out of their mouth is generally about what an intelligent and cerebral worker he is, which in my opinion means fuck all if you're as athletic as DDP.

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Guest TheGame2705

Sass is good at remembering and finding exact quotes. Who's the stalker?


Did anyone realize Banky said he would be looking out for Alina and rat her out to BPS as soon as he could? You flamebaited me Banky when I said Eddie was overrated. Remember that.


Jubuki does tend to be a bit snide sometimes but he's helped me a good deal and so has WOLVERINE (this dude 0wnz and by default so does Momoe Nakanishi). Banning him for being a prick even though he definitely has the knowledge would be counterprodutive. He also said something about being a very handsome guy. I think I'll be the judge of that -_-


BPS does a good job.


Alina eats as much crotch as a bad case of crabs. She's always pissed me off since day one with her Chyna attitude.


Avril Lavigne sucks dick for coke.


Bob Barron sucks did. What was does did look like? Or more importantly, what does it taste like?

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Guest bob_barron
Bob Barron sucks did. What was does did look like? Or more importantly, what does it taste like?


Someone obviously learned his grammer from DJ Jeff

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Guest Kotzenjunge
Bob Barron sucks did. What was does did look like? Or more importantly, what does it taste like?

And how come did, for that matter?


Fo sheez,


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Guest Banky
Did anyone realize Banky said he would be looking out for Alina and rat her out to BPS as soon as he could? You flamebaited me Banky when I said Eddie was overrated. Remember that.


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Guest TheGame2705

I was actually referring to Banky's poor spelling of dick. If you talk about my poor grammar, you spelled grammar wrong.

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Guest Banky
I was actually referring to Banky's poor spelling of dick. If you talk about my poor grammar, you spelled grammar wrong.


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Guest fk teale

So are we pretty much agreed that Jingus cussing a little bit in the cussing folder (Confidential to RickyChosyu: YOU HAVE A WOMAN'S MOUTH) is infinitely preferable to Chris Coey (tee hee!) foghorn leghorning his way through the puro folder with HEY SON THIS IS WHAT A DICK LOOKS LIKE, LET ME AH SAY LET ME SHOW YOU HOW TO SUCK IT? Because if not, you people are so fucking fired. FIRED BEYOND BELIEF. Whining that Jingus is uncouth for issuing a single demand for respect when HEY KIDS GET IN LINE AND HONOR MY IMMENSITY is happening right down the block in page after page of puro horror and on its own shitty, shitty website goes above and beyond the call of asinine, and don't think some of you queerbabies hadn't set the bar pretty goddamn high already.



jingus: differing opinion over here


jingus: uh...



Jesus, fine. Your mastery is established, swami prabhupada. Now if you'd kindly explain how working for a wrestling promotion is "the biggest kind of markdom"? Because I've been pondering that shit for three days now and it's just not coming together. Or rather, the suggestion that you're jealous as all hell of the opportunity Jingus has made for himself does emerge, but I'm sure you've got a more enlightened explication of how someone liking what they do for a living makes them the subject of a Morrissey song; and speaking of which, could your taste in everything under the sun possibly get any gayer? Also curious how you're rationalizing being OMG TOO SMART to lower yourself to participation in the wrestling industry while simultaneously proclaiming yourself lord god king savior of all things puro, but I'd frankly rather not have you looming and puffing and waggling your enormous cranium at me while being browbeaten with the answer, so fucking forget it. Just try instead to work getting stabbed with AIDSY needles into your busy schedule of condescending and patronizing, and I promise to light a candle with the kanji for BLOWHARD inscribed on it for every anniversary of your death, you ridiculously overbearing ass. :(

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I didn't think it was that funny, but ah well. Why didn't Jingus respond instead?


Fo sheez,


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Guest cobainwasmurdered

That was VERY funny.


I think Jingus is just letting this die. He said what he wanted to.

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Guest Incandenza

That was better than the overpraised FZM bashing. And Jingus should let this die. I think little else can be said at this point.

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Guest Leena
Sass is good at remembering and finding exact quotes. Who's the stalker?


I've noticed that myself.


Did anyone realize Banky said he would be looking out for Alina and rat her out to BPS as soon as he could? You flamebaited me Banky when I said Eddie was overrated. Remember that.


They won't ban me if I supposedly flame-bait another 100 times.


Alina eats as much crotch as a bad case of crabs. She's always pissed me off since day one with her Chyna attitude.


I've never been referred to as that... but it's right. My SmarkTalk column wreaked of Chynaness... and I think I'm prettier and better than everyone. I could probably kick your ass too. :)

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