Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 I didn't think it was quite as good as the first one. I could be wrong though. This one told a better story and had a slightly better finish. The last one was a little faster paced. Both were good but I'd give the edge to the last one because it has grown in my mind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 short sit down interview with Siaki. I think Siaki is winning here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 Borash does the boxing style intros for the match. I like these. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 crowd chants for JErry as Tenay recaps the match history. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EN090 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 It would be a big mistake to give Siaki the X belt here. The guy has tons of potential but I don't think he's ready just yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 I'm inclined to agree. If for no other reason than he doesn't even work the X style that people are used too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 Siaki's moves are pretty crisp but he lacks any kind of intensity in between them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 Slow starting match that picked up at the end. Siaki went for the Siakalypse, ehich Lynn countered and hit the cradle piledriver..but the ref had been bumped. Lynn goes up top when some chick comes in and crotches Lynn. Siaki takes advantage with a siakalypse off the top (at least that's what West said...I turned my head to type when it happened) to give Siaki the belt. Match wasn't bad...but Siaki really needs to do something in between moves than look around and stand there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 Truth's music hits and it's time for the "chairs and chains" match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 He doesn't rap now...which means he is a face. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 Truth jumpstarts the match by leaping off the chair and attacking James. Bell rings and we're off with a very odd match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 Beauty top rope dropkick from Truth onto the chair into JAmes' face. Scissors kick to the back of James head into the chair. Match has zero flow as they just set up the chair for spots...but Truth is looking good anyway. Sets up the chair on James for a moonsault, James moves and Truth hits the chair. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 X factor into the chair gives Truth the win in a short match that was all about setting up chair spots. The chain wouldn't stay attached to them at points and the chair was uncooperative once. Not for facs of "wrestling" that's for sure. Post match Truth sets James up for either a frog splash or a 450 onto the chair when Bob Armstrong comes out and gets him to stop. Anyway...James gets up and tries to hit Truth with the chair but hits his father. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 Next Week: (The last week until January 8th due to holidays) Tenay interview with Percy Pringle AMW vs. HArris bros. vs. New Church Siaki vs. EZ Money Ten man X gauntlet match for #1 contender. (eliminate by pinfall or submission) no people were announced but you can guess on some of the participants. Video package for Hennig vs. JJ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 sit down with JJ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 JJ calls Sean Waltman a coward. Saying that he questions his heart after missing two shows during his time with TNA. Asked about Piper's Owen comments and JJ says he won't discuss it on a wrestling show but does say that it was an accident that not Russo nor anyone else is responsible for. Asked about Piper he kind of waivers on a pro or negative stance on him. Said he's an old timer (basically that he doesn't get it) but that he has busted his ass to get where he got. Asked about Russo and being with or against him. JJ dodges it and says he'll answer Russo to his face when the time is right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 Sign in the crowd: "Athena is not a prop" Borash with the intros. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 Basic back and forth to start. Hennig with some chops, JJ with a nice dropkick. Hennig takes him down and slaps the back of his head which lights a fire under JJ who beats on Hennig on the outside. At the start of the show, James brought out a guitar and said that Russo told him to put it at ringside so that JJ could use it to win the match. Jarrett thought about using it when they were outside but decided against it. As a result Hennig takes control on the inside. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 It's odd watching JJ play the face in peril after years of having him be a heel. Anyway...he fights out of a standing figure four and takes control. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 ref bump. (It is the main event after all) JJ goes to get the guitar and the crowd wants him to use it...but he sets it back down and goes for the stroke which Hennig blocks. Russo comes in and hits Hennig with the guitar (it doesn't break) then hits him with it again (this time it cracks a little) for JJ to cover for the win. Russo hands the title to JJ and they mouth off to each other when AJ STYLES runs in and beats on JArrett as the show goes off the air. Hopefully that leads to Styles/JJ next week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paul Stanley 0 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 AJ styles! mah gawd! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 The Good: Styles/Red was real good. Styles beating on JJ hopefully leads to Styles moving up to the heavy division. AMW vs. Divine Storm was pretty good, as was Siaki/Lynn except for the problems with Silaki that I already outlined. What I saw of Cross/Mamaluke looked good too. The Bad: Harris boys vs. NEw Church (go figure) and Kash vs. Estrada (again...go figure) were very bad. The ugly: I don't know...I'd complain more about Russo-interference if the match was anything better than just there. Siaki as X champ doesn't sit well with me. The middle: JJ/Hennig was better than there other matches...but in the end meaningless and not special at all. Truth vs. JAmes was odd. Least amount of flow in any wrestling match EVER. Some of the spots were nice. I don't think it was intended to be a wrestling match so it wasn't bad for what ever it was. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Raven_Effect01 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 Styles vs. JJ should hopefully turn out to be a good match in the near future. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CoreyLazarus416 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 As I was out at the pharmacist picking up a ringworm prescription cream (yeah, I have ringworm, and not, it's not an ACTUAL worm), but started taping before I left (I left around 8, roughly, before the show actually started), I taped the Cross/Mamaluke match. When I got home, all I caught was the Crossfire (Shooting Star Leg Drop) that lead to Cross selling his leg as hurt, and then Mamaluke locked on the Sicilian Crab. So, how was the Cross/Mamaluke opener? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Slapnuts00 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 My thoughts on the show: -First of all the lack of Russo saturating the show was a VERY GOOD thing. The show was much more tolerable than last week, had a better pace and more focus on wrestling. -Cross vs. Mamaluke was pretty good, quite spotty but Cross can do some insane moves like that twisting dive over the top, or the SSL which looked great. Mamaluke gets a win BAH GOD! -The stuff with James and The Harris Boys was ok. It didn't dominate the program and there was no Russo, so Im ok with it. -Divine Storm vs. AMW was very good! AMW especially Storm just get better and better each week. I love these guys! Interesting ending, it looks like they're trying to start a trend of Divine Storm winning with Trinity's help. -Kash vs. Estrada was pretty disjointed, but I like Kash's new finisher (a brainbuster drop). Estrada needs something new though... -Styles vs. Red was great, MOTN! Red is really something. The top rope hurracanrana was pretty insane. The great thing about Red is he can do these insane moves and counters without blowing them. Kid's special. -Very smart to have AJ and Plumbtree do commentarry to distract from Harris/New Church. Styles: "He cheated!" Tenay: "How did he cheat?" Styles: "...I'm better than him!" lol.Anyway this wasn't as bad as it could have been but I groaned when they were awarded the tag titles but was relieved when it was reversed. What's up with Percy Pringle though? Is he the Sean Morely of the NWA? -Siaki vs. Lynn was a solid match. I think I can deal with Siaki as X-champ as long as he continues to put on solid matches. Who was that woman at the end though? -Chains and chairs was interesting to say the least. I liked Truth's innovative use of the chair though and his counters, good thing he won. Who knows where the whole armstrong family feud is going though... -Jarret vs. Hennig was better than expected, Jarret carried Hennig well. Russo running in at the end was fine since he wasn't on the show the whole time, but I laughed when he couldn't get the damn guitar to break...moron. Aj Styles vs. Jeff Jarret should be spectacular though. It's about time AJ moves up to the heavies since he's done all he can in the X division. -10 man gauntlet X-division match next week! -Decent show, nothing sucked and the show had emphasis on wrestling again. Much better than last week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EL DANDY~! 0 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 Can a man get some full RESULTS up in this mutha... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Astro101 0 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 More emphasis on wrestling is good. Tonight was a good show. Nice spotty opener, the SSL by Cross was pretty awesome. AMW had shades of heel with the no sells on the punches, but I guess they're still face. I'm still marking out for that top rope rana by Red. WOW! I don't know what Pringle was doing, I guess we'll find out next week in his interview. Hennig and JJ was better than expected seein as how I had low expectations before the show. Nice old school match there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Slapnuts00 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 Can a man get some full RESULTS up in this mutha... Tony Mamaluke beat Jason Cross with a modified Boston crab after Cross hurt his leg doing a shooting star leg drop called the Crossfire. Divine Storm beat American's Most Wanted after Trinity ran in behind the ref's back and low blowed Storm while they were setting up for the Death Sentence. Kid Kash beat Jorge Estrada after a brainbuster drop called the Kash Drop. Red beat AJ Styles after a top rope frankensteiner. The Harris Brother beat The New Church after BJ James ran in with a chair and hid under the ring, but the decision was reversed after Percy Pringle informed the ref. Sonny Siaki beat Jerry Lynn for the X title after a woman ran out and crotched Lynn off the top followed by a Siakilypse. Truth beat BG James in a chain match with a chair in the middle of the chain after suplex into a sit-out faceplant (True Confession I believe?) after the chain fell off. Jeff Jarret beat Curt Hennig after Russo ran in and nailed Hennig with the guitar against Jarret's knowledge. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EL DANDY~! 0 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 Slapnuts is SOOO the chosen one... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest B-X Report post Posted December 12, 2002 I really hope they used a gimmicked guitar for that spot. I really do. For Hennigs sake. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites